front 1 Abrupt | back 1 Sudden |
front 2 Abstain | back 2 To voluntarily refrain from something. ex: the dental hygienist instructed the patient to abstain from smoking to improve his breath order |
front 3 Access | back 3 A means to obtain entry or a means of approach |
front 4 Adverse | back 4 Undesired, possibly harmful |
front 5 Bilateral | back 5 Present on two sides ex: the unlicensed assistive personnel reported to the nurse that the patient had bilateral weakness in the legs when walking. |
front 6 Cavity | back 6 An opening or an empty area ex: the nurse inspected the patient's oral cavity for lesions |
front 7 concave | back 7 Rounded inard |
front 8 Contingent | back 8 Dependent ex: The hygienist told the patient that a healthy mouth is contingent on careful daily brushing and flossing |
front 9 Contour | back 9 Shape or outline of a shape. |
front 10 Contract | back 10 To draw together, to reduce in size |
front 11 Discrete | back 11 Distinct, separate |
front 12 Endogenous | back 12 Produced within the body. |
front 13 Exacerbate | back 13 To make worse or more severe |
front 14 Exogenous | back 14 Produced outside the body |
front 15 Flaccid | back 15 Limp, lacking tone ex: After her stroke the patient could not feed herslef because her arms were flaccid. |
front 16 Gastrointestinal | back 16 Of or relating to the stomach and the intestines. |
front 17 hematologic | back 17 Of a relating to blood. |
front 18 Insidious | back 18 So gradual as to not become apparent for a long time |
front 19 Invasive | back 19 Inserting or entering into a body part |
front 20 Labile | back 20 Changing rapidly and often |
front 21 Latent | back 21 Present but not active or visible |
front 22 Neurologic | back 22 Of or relating to the nervous system |
front 23 Neurovascular | back 23 Of or relating to the nervous systme and blood vessels. |
front 24 Occluded | back 24 Close or obstructed |
front 25 Ominous | back 25 Significantly important and dangerous. |
front 26 Overt | back 26 Obvious, easily observed |
front 27 Paroxysmal | back 27 Begining suddenly or abruptly: convulsive |
front 28 Pathogenic | back 28 Causing or able to cause disease. |
front 29 Pathology | back 29 Process, caused, and effects of a disease; abnormality |
front 30 Posterior | back 30 located behind; in the back |
front 31 Precipitous | back 31 Rapid, uncontrolled |
front 32 Prognosis | back 32 The anticipated or expected course or outcome |
front 33 Renal | back 33 Of or relating to the kidneys. |
front 34 Sublingual | back 34 Under the tongue |
front 35 Symmentric | back 35 Being equal |
front 36 Syndrome | back 36 Group of symptoms that, when occurring together, reflect a specific disease or disorder. |
front 37 Transdermal | back 37 Crossing through the skin |
front 38 Transmission | back 38 Transfer, such as of a disease from one person to another. |
front 39 Untoward | back 39 Adverse or negative |
front 40 Vascular | back 40 of relating to blood vessels |