front 1 el muchacho | back 1 the guy |
front 2 la muchacha | back 2 the girl |
front 3 el joven la joven | back 3 youth/young person |
front 4 el amigo la amiga | back 4 the friend |
front 5 el alumno la alumna | back 5 the student |
front 6 el estudiante la estudiante | back 6 the student |
front 7 el profesor la profesora | back 7 the teacher |
front 8 el maestro la maestra | back 8 the teacher |
front 9 el director la directora | back 9 the principal |
front 10 el subdirector la subdirectora | back 10 the assistant principal |
front 11 el consejero la consejera | back 11 the counselor |
front 12 la escuela | back 12 the school |
front 13 el salon de clase | back 13 the classroom |
front 14 la cafeteria | back 14 the cafeteria |
front 15 el gimnasio | back 15 the gym |
front 16 la oficina | back 16 the office |
front 17 la biblioteca | back 17 the library |
front 18 la clase de español | back 18 Spanish class |
front 19 la clase de inglés | back 19 English class |
front 20 la clase de ciencias | back 20 Science class |
front 21 la clase de historia | back 21 History class |
front 22 la clase de matemáticas | back 22 Math class |
front 23 la clase de banda | back 23 Band class |
front 24 la clase de coro | back 24 Choir class |
front 25 la clase de arte | back 25 Art class |
front 26 la clase de educación fisica | back 26 PE class |
front 27 la clase de teatro | back 27 Theater class |
front 28 un lapiz | back 28 a pencil |
front 29 una pluma | back 29 a pen |
front 30 un borrador | back 30 an eraser |
front 31 papel | back 31 paper |
front 32 un libro | back 32 a book |
front 33 un cuaderno | back 33 a notebook |
front 34 una carpeta | back 34 a folder |
front 35 un marcador | back 35 a marker |
front 36 cinta | back 36 tape |
front 37 una regla | back 37 a ruler |
front 38 unos lapices de color | back 38 some colored pencils |
front 39 una grapadora | back 39 a stapler |
front 40 un sacapuntas | back 40 a pencil sharpener |
front 41 tijeras | back 41 scissors |
front 42 un pizarron | back 42 a white board |
front 43 una computadora | back 43 a computer |
front 44 pegamento | back 44 glue |
front 45 una mochila | back 45 a backpack |
front 46 un pupitre | back 46 a student desk |
front 47 un escritorio | back 47 a desk |
front 48 una silla | back 48 a chair |
front 49 la tarea | back 49 the homework |
front 50 una pregunta | back 50 a question |
front 51 una respuesta | back 51 an answer |
front 52 el muchacho | back 52 the guy |
front 53 la muchacha | back 53 the girl |
front 54 el joven | back 54 the young person (male) |
front 55 la joven | back 55 the young person (female) |
front 56 el amigo | back 56 the friend (male) |
front 57 la amiga | back 57 the friend (female) |
front 58 el alumno | back 58 the student (male) |
front 59 la alumna | back 59 the student (female) |
front 60 el estudiante | back 60 the student (male) |
front 61 la estudiante | back 61 the student (female) |
front 62 el profesor | back 62 the teacher (male) |
front 63 la profesora | back 63 the teacher (female) |
front 64 el maestro | back 64 the teacher (male) |
front 65 la maestra | back 65 the teacher (female) |
front 66 el director | back 66 the principal (male) |
front 67 la directora | back 67 the principal (female) |
front 68 el subdirector | back 68 the assistant principal (male) |
front 69 la subdirectora | back 69 the assistant principal (female) |
front 70 el consejero | back 70 the counselor (male) |
front 71 la consejera | back 71 the counselor (female) |
front 72 la escuela | back 72 the school |
front 73 el salon de clase | back 73 the classroom |
front 74 el gimnasio | back 74 the gym |
front 75 la cafeteria | back 75 the cafeteria |
front 76 la oficina | back 76 the office |
front 77 la biblioteca | back 77 the bible |