front 1 el sofa | back 1 the sofa/the couch |
front 2 el televisor | back 2 the television |
front 3 la silla | back 3 the chair |
front 4 la alfombra | back 4 the rug/the carpet |
front 5 la lampara | back 5 the lamp |
front 6 la mesa | back 6 the table |
front 7 la cama | back 7 the bed |
front 8 el vestidor | back 8 the dresser |
front 9 el estante | back 9 the bookcase |
front 10 la refrigeradora | back 10 the refrigerator |
front 11 la estufa | back 11 the stove |
front 12 el horno | back 12 the oven |
front 13 el lavabo | back 13 the sink |
front 14 el lavaplatos | back 14 the dishwasher |
front 15 el inodoro | back 15 the toilet |
front 16 la bañera | back 16 the bathtub |
front 17 la ducha | back 17 the shower |
front 18 la lavadora | back 18 the washer |
front 19 la secadora | back 19 the dryer |
front 20 el espejo | back 20 the mirror |
front 21 el quadro | back 21 the picture (framed) |
front 22 la almohada | back 22 the pillow |
front 23 el reloj | back 23 the clock |
front 24 la microonda | back 24 the microwave |