front 1 a. What regualtes the flow of blood into true capillaries?_________________
| back 1 1. Pre-capillary sphincter
front 2 Use arrows to show whetherhigh or low lvels of the following would cause the feeder arterioles to dilate and the sphincters to relax:
| back 2 a. Decrease
front 3 Physical factors also act as regulatory stimuli. How would the following affect arterioles?
| back 3 a. More perfusion(flowing of blood) in arterioles
front 4 Name three structural characteristics of capillaries which allow for passage of material out of the capillaries.
| back 4 a. Fenestrations
front 5 a. Diffusion accounts for the passage of________________________.
| back 5 a. O2(oxygen) and CO2(carbon dioxide)
front 6 Bulk fluid flows cause__________ at the arterial end and _______________ at the venous end of the capillary. | back 6 1. Filtration
front 7 a. In a capillary, what is equivilant to hydrostatic pressure?
| back 7 a. Blood pressure
front 8 a. Osmotic (or Colloid Osmotic) pressure in the capillaries is ________ compared to the interstitium.
| back 8 a. High
front 9 Given a net hydrostatic pressure of 34 mmHg and a net osmotic pressure of 22 mmHg, the force favoring filtration would equal _____ mmHg. | back 9 12 |
front 10 Indicate which of the following which move through the capillary walls by diffusion and which move through fenestrations and/or clefts:
| back 10 a. Diffusion