front 1 Abrupt | back 1 Sudden |
front 2 Abstain | back 2 to voluntarily refrain from |
front 3 access | back 3 a means to obtain entry or a mean of approach |
front 4 accountable | back 4 responsible |
front 5 adhere | back 5 to hold fast or stick together |
front 6 adverse | back 6 undesired |
front 7 affect | back 7 apperance of observable emotions |
front 8 annuial | back 8 occurring every year |
front 9 Apply | back 9 to place, put on, or spread |
front 10 audible | back 10 able to be heard |
front 11 bilateral | back 11 present on two sides |
front 12 cast | back 12 hard protective device applied to protect a broken bone while the bone heals |
front 13 cease | back 13 come to an end or bring to an end |
front 14 compensatory | back 14 offsetting or making up for something |
front 15 complication | back 15 an undesired problem that is the result of some other event |
front 16 comply | back 16 do as directed |
front 17 concave | back 17 rounded inward |
front 18 concise | back 18 breif, to the point |
front 19 consistency | back 19 degree of viscosity; how thick or thin the fluid is |
front 20 constrict | back 20 to draw together or become smaller |
front 21 contingent | back 21 dependent |
front 22 contour | back 22 shape or outline of a shape |
front 23 contract | back 23 to draw together, to reduce in size |
front 24 contraindication | back 24 a reason why something is not advisable or why it should not be done |
front 25 defecate | back 25 expel feces |
front 26 deficit | back 26 a deficiency or lack of something |
front 27 depress | back 27 press downward |
front 28 depth | back 28 downward measurement from a surface |
front 29 deteriorating | back 29 Worsening |
front 30 device | back 30 tool or piece of equipment |
front 31 diameter | back 31 the distance across the ccenter of an object |
front 32 dilate | back 32 to enlarge or expand |
front 33 dilute | back 33 to make a liquid less concentrated |
front 34 discrete | back 34 distinct, separate |
front 35 distended | back 35 enlarged or expanded from pressure |
front 36 elevate | back 36 to lift up or place in a higher position |
front 37 endogenous | back 37 produced within the body |
front 38 exacerbate | back 38 to make worse or more severe |
front 39 excess | back 39 more than what is needed |
front 40 exogenous | back 40 produced outside the body |
front 41 expamnd | back 41 to increase in size or amount |
front 42 exposure | back 42 contact |
front 43 external | back 43 located outside the body |
front 44 fatal | back 44 resulting in death |
front 45 fatigue | back 45 extreme tiredness, exhaustiion |
front 46 flaccid | back 46 limp, lacking tone |
front 47 flushed | back 47 reddended or ruddy appearence |
front 48 gaping | back 48 wide open |
front 49 gender | back 49 sex of an individuakl, as in male or female |
front 50 hydration | back 50 maintenance of body fluid balance |
front 51 hygiene | back 51 measures ccontributing to cleanliness and good health |
front 52 impaired | back 52 diminished or lackings ome usual quality or level |
front 53 impending | back 53 likely to occur again |
front 54 incidence | back 54 occurrence |
front 55 inflamed | back 55 reddned, swollen, warm and often tender |
front 56 ingest | back 56 to swallow for digestion |
front 57 initiate | back 57 to begin or put into practice |
front 58 insidious | back 58 so gradual as to not become apparent for a long time |
front 59 intact | back 59 in place, unharmed |
front 60 internal; | back 60 located witthin the body |
front 61 invasive | back 61 inserting or entering into a body part |
front 62 labile | back 62 changing rapidly and often |
front 63 latent | back 63 present, but not active or visable |
front 64 lethargic | back 64 difficult to arouse |
front 65 manifestation | back 65 an indication or sign of a condition |
front 66 nutrient | back 66 substance or ingredient that provides nourishment |
front 67 occluded | back 67 closed or obstructed |
front 68 ominous | back 68 significantly important and dangerous |
front 69 ongoing | back 69 continuous |
front 70 oral | back 70 given through or affecting the mouth |
front 71 overt | back 71 obvious, easily observered |
front 72 parameter | back 72 a characteristic or constant factor |
front 73 paroxxysmal | back 73 beginning suddenly or abruptly |
front 74 patemnt | back 74 open |
front 75 potent | back 75 prooducing a strong effect |
front 76 potential | back 76 capable of occurring or likely to occur |
front 77 precaution | back 77 Preventive measure |
front 78 precipitous | back 78 rapid, uncontrolled |
front 79 predipose | back 79 to make more susceptible or more likely to occur |
front 80 preexisting | back 80 already present |
front 81 primary | back 81 first or most significant |
front 82 priority | back 82 of great importance |
front 83 prognosis | back 83 the anticipated or expected course or outcom |
front 84 Rationale | back 84 the underlying reason |
front 85 recur | back 85 to occur again |
front 86 restrict | back 86 to limit |
front 87 retain | back 87 to hold or keep |
front 88 site | back 88 location |
front 89 status | back 89 condition |
front 90 strict | back 90 stringent |
front 91 supplement | back 91 to take in addition to or to complete |
front 92 suppress | back 92 to stop or subdue |
front 93 symmetric | back 93 being equal, in same size, shape |
front 94 symptom | back 94 an indication of a problem |
front 95 untoward | back 95 advesrse or negative |
front 96 urinate | back 96 exrete or expel urine |
front 97 verbal | back 97 spoken |
front 98 vital | back 98 essential |
front 99 void | back 99 exrete, or expel urine |
front 100 volume | back 100 amount of space occupied by a fluid |
front 101 abdomionpelvic | back 101 cavity composed of the abdomen and the pelvis |
front 102 aabsorption | back 102 moevment of nutrients from the digestive tube into the bloodstream |
front 103 actin | back 103 protein makin up the I band of th sarcomere |
front 104 amino acid | back 104 the building block of proteins |
front 105 antibody | back 105 special protein that protect the body from foreign substances |
front 106 atp | back 106 adenosine triphosphate which is the energy of the cell |
front 107 atria | back 107 upper chambers of the heart |
front 108 bile | back 108 product of the liver that emulsifiess fat |
front 109 cartilage | back 109 tissue amde of cells and fibers that connect and support |
front 110 ceruminous gland | back 110 gland of the ear that produces earwax |
front 111 chromosomes | back 111 bodies within the nucleus made of DNa and protein s |
front 112 Cilia | back 112 small hairlike projections on some cells |
front 113 CNs | back 113 abbreviation for CNS, which makes up brain and spinal code |
front 114 coronal plane | back 114 imaginary line passing through the body from head to feet that divides the body into front and back positions |
front 115 diaphragm | back 115 dome shaped breathing muscle that separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities |
front 116 diffusion | back 116 movement of materials from high concentration to lower concentration |
front 117 Digestion | back 117 the mechanical and chemical breakdown of food |
front 118 Dorsale HOrn | back 118 Cresecent-shaped projkection of graym atter within the spinal cord where snesory neurons enter the spinal cord |
front 119 ECG | back 119 electrocardiogram, which is a record of electrical activity of the heart |
front 120 embryo | back 120 prenatal development time between the zygote and the fetus |
front 121 endometrium | back 121 inner lining of the uterus |
front 122 enzymes | back 122 funcational proteins; their names usually end in ase |
front 123 foramen magnum | back 123 a passage in the skull bone through which teh spinal cord enteers the spinal coloumn |
front 124 formed elements | back 124 the blood cells |
front 125 glucose | back 125 a simple sugar found in certain foods, especially fruits |
front 126 homeostatsis | back 126 the physiologic steady state that is naturally maintained within the body |
front 127 hypothalamus | back 127 portion of the brain that regulates body temp, sleep and appetite |
front 128 ingest | back 128 to eat or drink food |
front 129 joints | back 129 articulations between adjoining ones |
front 130 keratin | back 130 a tough, fibrous, insoluble protein forming the primary component of skin, hair, nails and tooth enamel |
front 131 keratinized epithelium | back 131 the dead cells of the epidermis |
front 132 lacteal vessel | back 132 foudn within teh villi of intestinal wall, where fat nutrients are absorbed |
front 133 ligaments | back 133 tissue connecting bone to bone |
front 134 mwedian plane | back 134 an imaginary line dividing the body or body parti nto right and left portions |
front 135 mediastrinum | back 135 space withint eh throacic cavity that houses all the organs of the chest expect the lung |
front 136 metaboolism | back 136 the sum total of uses of atp in teh body |
front 137 Mucous membrane | back 137 thin sheets of tissue cells that line body openings or canal that open to the outside of the body |
front 138 myosin | back 138 a protein that makes up nearly half of the proteins in muscle cells |
front 139 nucleus | back 139 the control center of the cell |
front 140 oral cavity | back 140 the mouth |
front 141 orbits | back 141 cavities cointaing th eyes |
front 142 organelle | back 142 a structurally discrete component of a cell that performs a specific function |
front 143 Ph | back 143 measurement associated with acids and bases |
front 144 Phagocytosis | back 144 engulfing of materials by certain cells of the body |
front 145 plasma | back 145 the liquiod portion of blood |
front 146 pulmonary circulation | back 146 blood flow through a network of vessels between the ehart and the lungs forfr the oxxygenation of blood ajnd the removal of carbon dixode |
front 147 ribosome | back 147 the organelle of the cell where protein synthesis takes place |
front 148 sagittal | back 148 an imaginaryl ine running from front to vback that divides the body into right and left portions |
front 149 sarcoplasmic reticulum | back 149 organelle of the muscle fiber that stores calcium |
front 150 sebaceous gladns | back 150 oil glands of the skin |
front 151 spinal column | back 151 the backbone that protects the spinal cord, which runs inside of it |
front 152 subcutaneous tissue | back 152 layer of tisseue under the dermis that contains adipose tissue |
front 153 sudoriferous gladns | back 153 sweart glands |
front 154 synovial membranes | back 154 loose, connective tissue that lines the joint cavity |
front 155 systemic circulation | back 155 the general blood circulation of the body, not including the lungs |
front 156 thoracic cavity | back 156 the chest cavity |
front 157 transverse plane | back 157 an immaginary line dividing the body or body parts into top and bottom portions |
front 158 vasoconstriction | back 158 a narrowing of the diameter of a blood vessels |
front 159 vasodilation | back 159 a widening of the diameter of a bloo vessel |
front 160 ventral horns | back 160 the anterior columns of the gray matter of the spinal cord |
front 161 ventricles | back 161 lower chambers of the heart |
front 162 zygote | back 162 the fertailzed egg, fromt he time tii s fertilized untill iti s implanted in the uterus |