two squamous epithelial cells

fragment of renal collecting duct epithelial cells

white blood cells stained with 0.5% toluidine blue

bacteria; gram negative rods and gram positive cocci

oval fat body stained with Sudan III

eosinophil stained with hansel stain

squamous epithelial cells and hyaline cast in brightfield

squamous epithelial cells and hyaline cast in phase contrast

cholesterol deposits polar microscopy

waxy cast differential interference contrast

cholesterol deposits polarizing microscopy

red blood cells

dysmorphic/crenated red blood cells and ghost cell

acanthocytes and blebs

white blood cells surrounding a squamos epithelial cell

white blood cell clump

degenerating white blood cells with formation of blebs

formation of myelin filaments in disintegrating white blood cells

two renal collecting duct cells

lymphocytes wright stain

macrophages with white blood cells, brightfieqld

macrophages with white blood cells, brightfieqld sediment-stain

oval fat body

squamous epithelial cell

transitional epithelial cells

renal epithelial cells

squamous epithelial cells

squamous epithelial cells

squamous epithelial cells

squamous epithelial cell with fragment of five transitional epithelial cells

two transitional epithelial cells

transitional epithelial cells

transitional epithelial cells

convoluted tubular epithelial cells

tubular epithelial cells with hyaline casts

tubular epithelial cell

oval fat body

hyaline casts

broad casts, one waxy, one transitioning from granular to waxy

coarsely granular cast in transition to waxy cast

granular waxy cast with two broken pieces of cast

hyaline casts

waxy cast brightfield

waxy cast phase contrast

hyaline cast phase contrast

part granular part waxy cast; sediment stain brightfield

red blood cell cast brightfield

red blood cell cast brightfield

red blood cell cast interference contrast

granular cast or blood cast

white blood cell cast

renal tubular cell cast

one hyaline, one coarsely granular cast

fatty cast

finely granular and coarsely granular casts

fatty cast phase contrast

fatty cast polarizing microscopy

cast with sulfamethoxazole crystal inclusions

cast with monohydrate calcium oxalate crystals inclusions brightfield

cast with monohydrate calcium oxalate crystals inclusions polarizing microscopy

bilirubin stained renal rubular epithelial cast

absorbent fiber brightfield

absorbent fiber polarizing microscopy

amorphous urates with two uric acid crystals brightfield

monosodium urate crystals

amorphous urates polarizing microscopy

uric acid crystals

acid crate crystals

uric acid crystals

uric acid crystals

calcium oxalate crystals

uric acid crystals

calcium oxalate crystals

uric acid crystals

amorphous phosphates

triple phosphate crystals

calcium phosphate crystals

calcium phosphate

calcium phosphate

magnesium phosphate

ammonium bitrate crystals

calcium carbonate

calcium carbonate aggregate

bilirubin crystals

tyrosine crystal clump

leucine crystal

cystine crystals

cholesterol crystal

cholesterol crystal phase contrast

cholesterol crystal polarizing microscopy

fatty cast

indinavir sulfate crystals

indinavir sulfate polarizing microscopy

ampilicin crystals

sulfadiazine crystals

sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim) crystals

ionic radiographic contrast medium

ionic radiographic contrast medium polarizing microscopy

rods, two RBCs and one WBC

WBCs and bacteria

budding yeast pseudohyphae WBCs and bacteria


budding yeast and pseudohyphae and WBCs

WBCs with intracellular yeast


clue cell

clue cell phase contrast

Enterobius vernicularis

Giardia lamblia

mucus threads and hyaline casts

mucus threads and fiber

three oval fat bodies

cholesterol droplets

hemosiderin granules

hemosiderin granules stained with Prussian blue


hyaline cast and a fiber brightfield

hyaline cast and a fiber phase contrast

starch granules

charcoal granules

starch granules polarizing

air bubbles

absorbent fiber

clothing fiber

starch granule

plastic fragments

three starch granules

red blood cells

hypertonic crenated red blood cells

white blood cells and squamous epithelial cell

five white blood cells

three white blood cells, red blood cell, squamous epithelial cell

white blood cells, two red blood cells

mixed cellular cast

renal tubular epithelial cell cast

renal tubular epithelial cell cast

renal tubular cell cast

cast with oval fat bodies

white blood cell cast

mixed cell cast both red and white blood cells

mixed cell cast predominately red blood cells

red blood cell cast

red blood cell cast

fatty cast

fatty cast polarizing

oval fat bodies in hyaline cast

granular cast

granular cast

hyaline cast

waxy cast

ammonium bitrate crystals

bilirubin crystals

calcium carbonate crystals

dehydrate calcium oxalate

calcium oxalate crystals

calcium oxalate crystals

cholesterol crystal

cystine crystals

layered cystine crystals

sulfa crystal

triple phosphate crystals and amorphous phosphates

dissolving triple phosphate crystals and amorphous phosphate crystals

atypical triple phosphate crystals

calcium phosphate

calcium phosphate

calcium phosphate

calcium phosphate

magnesium phosphate

acid urates

monosodium urate

uric acid

uric acid

uric acid

uric acid

oval fat body engorged with neutral fat

rod shaped bacteria with single dehydrate calcium oxalate crystal

bacteria in chains


two trichomonads

four trichomonad cluster

budding yeast




sperm and bacteria