NUTRItIoN: Carbohydrate Quiz Flashcards

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In which of the following are ample amounts of carbohydrates almost always found?
a. Plant foods
b. Health foods
c. Animal products
d. Protein-rich foods

Plant Foods


Which of the following is NOT a source of dietary carbohydrates?
a. Fish
b. Milk
c. Fruits
d. Legumes



Which of the following is not a simple carbohydrate?
a. Starch
b. White sugar
c. Disaccharide
d. Monosaccharide



What component accounts for the usually sweet taste of fruits?
a. Fats
b. Fiber
c. Simple sugars
d. Complex carbohydrates

Simple sugars


Which of the following is known as blood sugar or dextrose?
a. Glucose
b. Maltose
c. Sucrose
d. Fructose



Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of glucose?
a. It is soluble in water
b. It is a monosaccharide
c. It is part of the sucrose molecule
d. It is sweeter tasting than sucrose

It is sweeter tasting than sucrose


What is the sweetest-tasting simple carbohydrate in the diet?
a. Glucose
b. Lactose
c. Fructose
d. Sucrose



Common table sugar is typically extracted from sugarcane and
a. honey.
b. sugar beets.
c. sweet potatoes.
d. high-sucrose corn syrup.

sugar beets


What is the composition of sucrose?
a.Two fructose units
b.One glucose and one fructose unit
c.One glucose and one galactose unit
d.One galactose and one fructose unit

One glucose and one fructose unit


What is the composition of lactose?
a. Two glucose units
b. Two fructose units
c. One glucose and one fructose unit
d. One glucose and one galactose unit

One glucose and one galactose unit


What is another name for lactose?
a. Milk sugar
b. Fruit sugar
c. Table sugar
d. Artificial sugar

Milk sugar


What is the primary storage form of carbohydrate in the body?
a. Fiber
b. Starch
c. Glucose
d. Glycogen



Which of the following is NOT a rich source of dietary starch?
a. Grains
b. Fruits
c. Tubers
d. Legumes



Which of the following statements is NOT characteristic of fibers?
a. Most fibers consist of linked monosaccharides
b. An example of a nonstarch polysaccharide fiber is pectin
c. An example of a nonpolysaccharide fiber is cellulose
d. Most soluble fibers are easily digested by the bacteria in the colon

An example of a nonpolysaccharide fiber is cellulose


A "functional fiber" is one that
a. occurs naturally in the intact plant.
b. performs a specific function in the plant.
c. is extracted from plants and has a beneficial health effect.
d. is a polysaccharide that is stored primarily in muscle and liver of animals.

is extracted from plants and has a beneficial health effect.


Which of the following is described as a nonstarch polysaccharide?
a. Lactose
b. Phytates
c. Glycogen
d. Cellulose



Which of the following is a characteristic of dietary fibers?
a. They cause diverticulosis
b. They raise blood cholesterol levels
c. They are usually found in high-fat foods
d. They are classified according to solubility in water

They are classified according to solubility in water


Which of the following are NOT water-soluble fibers?
a. Gums
b. Pectins
c. Lignins
d. Mucilages



Which of the following enzymes does NOT act on simple sugars?
a. Lactase
b. Sucrase
c. Amylase
d. Maltase



What is the primary means for degradation of soluble fibers in the large intestines?
a. Bacterial enzymes
b. Pancreatic amylase
c. Peristaltic segmentation
d. Villus brush border hydrolases

Bacterial enzymes


The enzymes that digest dietary sugars are produced by the
a. mouth.
b. stomach.
c. pancreas.
d. small intestine.

small intestine.


What is the primary absorption site for digestible carbohydrates?
a. Mouth
b. Stomach
c. Small intestine
d. Large intestine

Small intestine


What is the primary organ that metabolizes fructose and galactose following absorption?
a. Liver
b. Pancreas
c. Skeletal muscle
d. Small intestines



Which of the following is NOT a symptom of lactose intolerance?
a. Bloating
b. Diarrhea
c. Cramping
d. Constipation



What is the primary function of insulin?
a. Raises blood glucose levels
b. Lowers blood glucose levels
c. Stimulates glycogen breakdown
d. Stimulates intestinal carbohydrate absorption

Lowers blood glucose levels


What is a normal range (mg/dL) for blood glucose?
a. 60-80
b. 70-100
c. 120-140
d. 140-180



Which of the following is a typical response of the body to changes in blood glucose?
a. Blood glucose levels that fall too low signal the release of insulin
b. Blood glucose levels that fall too low signal the release of glucagon
c. Blood glucose levels that rise too high signal the release of glycogen
d. Blood glucose levels that rise too high signal the release of epinephrine

Blood glucose levels that fall too low signal the release of glucagon


Which of the following is a feature of the condition hypoglycemia?
a. It is treated with insulin injections
b. It is aggravated by high-fiber foods
c. It is classified as a pre-diabetic condition
d. It occurs rarely in otherwise healthy people

It occurs rarely in otherwise healthy people


Your nephew Jimmy, who is 10 years old, has told you that his body doesn't make insulin. He confides in you that he craves candy but was told by his parents that he can only eat sugar-free snacks. From which of the following conditions does Jimmy most likely suffer?
a. Hyperactivity
b. Type 1 diabetes
c. Type 2 diabetes
d. Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus

Type 1 diabetes


In a person with type 2 diabetes, which of the following foods would ordinarily promote the least favorable glycemic effect?
a. Chocolate
b. Ice cream
c. Baked potato
d. Baked beans

Baked potato


Which of the following is a known indicator of prediabetes?
a. Insulin resistance
b. Severe hunger 4-5 hours after a meal
c. Carbohydrate intake as a percentage of total kcal
d. More than two episodes/week of hypoglycemia

Insulin resistance


According to the current dietary recommendations, what is the maximum percentage of total energy intake that added sugar should contribute in the diet?
a. 2
b. 10
c. 15
d. 25



Which of the following is NOT a feature of artificial sweeteners?
a. They are sometimes referred to as nonnutritive sweeteners
b. There is an Acceptable Daily Intake, which provides a wide margin of safety
c. They provide about one-half the energy of carbohydrates plus small amounts of vitamins and minerals
d. If used, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics advises moderate intake and only in a well-balanced, nutritious diet

They provide about one-half the energy of carbohydrates plus small amounts of vitamins and minerals


What is the RDA for carbohydrate?
a. 10 g
b. 45 g
c. 130 g
d. 250 g

130 g


Which of the following is a typical response in people following a low-carbohydrate diet?
a. They often complain of diet-induced diarrhea
b. They experience frequent bouts of hyperglycemia
c. Total weight loss is about the same as in people on a low-fat diet
d. They lose about the same amount of weight as people on conventional diets for the first 6 months

Total weight loss is about the same as in people on a low-fat diet