The Real World: Ch 1-16 Review Flashcards

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The Real World
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updated 7 years ago by GetOffMe
sociology, social science
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Kai needed a doctor, and his friend told him that Dr. Madeira was "very good." Kai scheduled an appointment with him the next day. Which perspective would explore how Kai defined the meaning of the term "good?"

a. symbolic interactionism

b. dramaturgy

c. structural functionalism

d. conversation analysis

a. symbolic interactionism


What did Max Weber believe people would experience more of as the dehumanizing features of bureaucratic processes became increasingly prevalent in society?

a. simple frustration

b. alienation

c. disenchantment

d. anomie

c. disenchantment


What are we referring to when we talk about culture as a system that includes things that have a strong association with a particular group, and are important to that group?

a. relativistic culture

b. symbolic culture

c. ethnocentric culture

d. material culture

b. symbolic culture


Bethany sees a person fall down on the street a few feet in front of her. She has no idea what has happened, but she quickly makes the decision to call 911 as others around her also attempt to help. In dramaturgical terms, her reaction exemplifies

a. definition of the situation.

b. impressions given.

c. backstage behavior.

d. expressions given off.

a. definition of the situation.


Destiny, a very conscientious student, has a physics exam in the morning and still needs to study for it. Her best friend, however, is visiting from out of town and has asked her to meet her for dinner. Destiny wants to be a good friend as well as a good student, and she can't decide whether to stay in and study or go out with her friend. Destiny is experiencing

a. role exit.

b. role strain.

c. role conflict.

d. role confusion.

c. role conflict.


In which sort of institution are individuals' identities systematically stripped away in an effort to create a new identity that is strongly rooted in a particular group's membership?

a. total institution

b. economic institution

c. educational institution

d. medical institution

a. total institution


According to sociologists, what is becoming less and less frequent as people spend more time on sites like Facebook and less time having coffee with friends?

a. copresence

b. co-interaction

c. dual interaction

d. face time

a. copresence


What kind of group do you and your family, friends, peers, colleagues, teachers, and coworkers constitute?

a. primary group

b. social network

c. aggregate

d. secondary group

b. social network


Our family and very close friends are a significant part of our lives as social beings. What term did Charles Horton Cooley introduce to describe this important aspect of our lives?

a. tertiary groups

b. primary groups

c. aggregate memberships

d. secondary groups

b. primary groups


Aubrey's mother says to her: "I don't want you to hang around with Michelle. She's going to be a bad influence on you." Aubrey's mother may not know it, but she's subscribing to which theory?

a. conflict theory

b. labeling theory

c. structural functionalism

d. differential association theory

d. differential association theory


The In the Future box on page 164 focuses on Dr. Chauntelle Tibbals, a sociological researcher who studies pornography. Her research is likely to become part of the public discourse on pornography. This will create pressure to expand the idea of what our society considers normal and include things that at present might well be seen as deviant, even dangerous. This conclusion best illustrates which theoretical perspective?

a. symbolic interactionism

b. conflict theory

c. structural functionalism

d. structural strain theory

a. symbolic interactionism


The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) is a group that promotes fair and accurate representation of gay people in the media. This group rejects the standards that label gay people as deviant and instead embraces the idea of

a. deviance avowal.

b. in-group orientation.

c. outside orientation.

d. passing.

b. in-group orientation.


Conflict theorists assert that it is the imbalance of power that leads to deviance, and the more powerful in a society are able to criminalize behavior through the use of norms, rules and laws. This process is a form of what?

a. social interaction

b. moral policing

c. primary deviance

d. social control

d. social control


Sociologist Jack Katz studied deviance in terms of the deviant's own in-the-moment experience of committing the act. This emotional attractiveness of being bad is referred to as what aspect of deviance?

a. foreground

b. expectation

c. ownership

d. purpose

a. foreground


A recent news story reported that when a newly engaged woman gave some change to a homeless man, her ring fell into his coin jar. After he proceeded to return it, he received a large sum of money in donations from people touched by the story. This is an example of the

a. culture of poverty.

b. Good Samaritan theory.

c. unkind world approach.

d. just-world hypothesis.

d. just-world hypothesis.


The pattern of intergroup relations that encourages racial and ethnic variation within a society is called

a. population transfer.

b. assimilation.

c. segregation.

d. pluralism.

d. pluralism.


Consider the different theoretical perspectives explored throughout the text. Which theoretical perspective might be used to explore the social patterns perpetuating overrepresentation of African American and Hispanic males in prisons?

a. structural functionalism

b. conflict theory

c. postmodernism

d. symbolic interactionism

b. conflict theory


structural functionalism a. Social cohesion is often established within groups experiencing inequality.

symbolic interactionism b. How do people display and perform their ethnicity on a daily basis?

conflict theory c. Differences in the access to key resources can create turmoil between racial groups.



Consider the major theoretical perspectives explored throughout the text. Which type of theorist might explore the idea that occupations traditionally held by men earn more money than those held by women, with the result being that men tend to be more financially successful and powerful?

a. conflict theorist

b. structural functionalist

c. symbolic interactionist

d. postmodernist

a. conflict theorist


Lamar believes that there are certain social roles better suited for men and others better suited for women. For instance, he is a firm believer that his wife should be the person who sends birthday cards to family members. Lamar’s perspective aligns with

a. feminist theory.

b. labeling theory.

c. structural functionalism.

d. symbolic interactionism.

c. structural functionalism.


Which group of thinkers believes the notions of gender are socially determined?

a. conflict theorists

b. functional theorists

c. essentialists

d. constructionists

d. constructionists


Monique believes that religious practices such as prohibiting women from becoming priests promote inequality. Monique understands religion through which sociological lens?

a. conflict theory

b. structural functionalism

c. feminist theory

d. symbolic interactionism

a. conflict theory


Consider the major theoretical perspectives routinely explored throughout the text. Which theoretical perspective might explore the ways in which television advertisements influence public opinion about political candidates?

a. Weberian theory

b. structural functionalist

c. conflict theory

d. symbolic interactionist

d. symbolic interactionist


Manny believes that religion gives meaning to his life. He believes that religion helps him understand the most fundamental questions about life and existence. Manny understands religion through which sociological lens?

a. symbolic interactionism

b. conflict perspective

c. feminism

d. structural functionalism

d. structural functionalism


What kind of resistance strategy is a union?

a. group

b. individual

c. collective

d. political

c. collective


What do we call the tendency to have relationships with people in close geographic proximity to ourselves?

a. mate location

b. homogamy

c. propinquity

d. extended family

c. propinquity


"One goal of the family is socialization of a new generation." This statement would most likely come from which theoretical perspective?

a. symbolic interactionism

b. conflict theory

c. structural functionalism

d. labeling theory

c. structural functionalism


What is the term used by sociologists to describe the efforts of tourists and the travel industry to lessen the negative consequences of tourism, both on the environment and on local cultures that tourists visit?

a. green travel

b. environmental tourism

c. ecotourism

d. idioculture

c. ecotourism


Tony never misses a University of Alabama football game. In fact, he has held season tickets for nine years. He has developed strong friendships with other season ticket holders, and every season his group of friends discusses their part in keeping the economy afloat as they purchase their new tickets. This best exemplifies which theoretical approach to recreation and leisure?

a. feminist theory

b. structural functionalism

c. symbolic interactionism

d. conflict theory

b. structural functionalism


Virginia has a severe head cold so instead of making dinner as usual for her family, she opts to go to bed early. Virginia's family understands and accepts that she is not fulfilling her typical responsibilities because she is ill. This is known as the "sick role." Consider the major theoretical perspectives routinely explored throughout the text. Which theoretical approach might be used to understand this example?

a. symbolic interactionism

b. structural functionalism

c. conflict theory

d. labeling theory

b. structural functionalism


Ashlyn's research focuses on how the city where she lives interacts with the natural environment. This field of study is called

a.environmental sociology.

b.human exceptionalism. ecology. ecological paradigm.

a. environmental sociology.


Ashlyn's research focuses on how the cities are organized, how populations migrate, and how technology developments influence the social order. This is called

a.environmental sociology.

b.human exceptionalism. ecology. ecological paradigm.

c. social ecology.


Alex is a PhD student. Her dissertation explores the impact of tourists in the most remote areas of the rain forests. Alex is a

a. social ecologist

b. natural ecologist

c. social retreatist

d. social biologist

a. social ecologist


Which theory about collective action suggests that individuals who are part of a crowd make their own decisions about their behavior and that norms are created through others' acceptance or rejection of these norms?

a.relative deprivation theory

b.contagion theory

c.mass behavior theory

d.emergent norm theory

d. emergent norm theory


Because of satellite radio stations like SiriusXM radio, U.S. radio stations can be heard throughout the world. The commercials on these radio stations convey American ideas and culture to other countries. This best exemplifies

a.cultural lag.


c.cultural diffusion.

d.cultural imperialism.

c. cultural diffusion.


Which of the different theoretical perspectives considered throughout the text might explore the ways in which designating and redefining animals of a given species as endangered changes the way people interact with and treat them?

a.structural functionalism

b.symbolic interactionism

c.feminist theory

d.conflict theory

b. symbolic interactionism


Women in Taliban-ruled parts of Pakistan or Afghanistan are prohibited from participating in some of the most basic human activities, such as reading, going to school, and meeting together freely. The fact that it is very difficult for these women to form and sustain social movements can be best explained by which theory?

a.resource mobilization theory

b.mass society theory dilemma theory

d.relative deprivation theory

a. resource mobilization theory


Oscar donates a portion of his employment sick time to a workplace "sick bank" to help his coworkers every month, even though he himself has never needed extended sick time off from work. He does this because he knows people must be willing to donate even if they'll never need it in order for the sick-time donation bank to work. This is an example of a

a. tragedy of the commons.

b. collective cost dilemma.

c. public goods dilemma.

d. social contribution dilemma.

c. public goods dilemma.


The International Forum of Globalization seeks to reduce the impact of globalization by advocating for "living locally." This best illustrates

a.a regressive social movement. activist social movement.

c.a progressive social movement.

d.a rebound-oriented social movement.

a. a regressive social movement.