CH 12 Flashcards

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created 7 years ago by val0rie
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Arthropod vectors are blood-sucking animals such as ticks, lice, and fleas that transmit microbial pathogens




Plasmogamy, karyogamy, and meiosis are stages of the fungal sexual life cycle.




1-Arthroconidium 5-Chlamydoconidium
2-Ascospore 6-Conidiospore
3-Basidiospore 7-Sporangiospore
4-Blastoconidium 8-Zygospore

In Table 12.1, which of these spores are asexual spores?



Both the cellular slime molds and the plasmodial slime molds are members of the phylum Amoebozoa.




Seventeen patients in ten hospitals had cutaneous infections caused by Rhizopus. In all seventeen patients, Elastoplast bandages were placed over sterile gauze pads to cover wounds. Fourteen of the patients had surgical wounds, two had venous line insertion sites, and one had a bite wound. Lesions present when the bandages were removed ranged from vesiculopustular eruptions to ulcerations and skin necrosis requiring debridement. Fungi are more likely than bacteria to contaminate bandages because they

can tolerate low-moisture conditions


Which of the following tends to be more complex in a parasitic helminth than in free-living helminths?

A) Digestive system

B) Nervous system

C) Locomotion

D) Reproductive system

E) All of the above are more complex in a parasitic helminth.

D) Reproductive system


Which of the following pairs is mismatched?
A) Basidiomycota — basidiospores
B) Ascomycota — conidiospores
C) Zygomycota — sporangiospores
D) microsporidia — lack mitochondria
E) anamorphs — lack spores

E) anamorphs — lack spores


All of the following are characteristic of algae EXCEPT
A) most are photoautotrophs.
B) they are classified as plants.
C) they may be unicellular or multicellular.
D) some produce harmful toxins.
E) they mostly live in aquatic habitats.

B) they are classified as plants.


The sporozoite, merozoite, gametocyte, and ring stages are all part of the Plasmodium life cycle.




You observe a mass of amboeba-like cells that swarm together, form a stalk, and produce spores. This is a(n)
A) ascomycete.
B) cellular slime mold.
C) Euglenozoa.
D) tapeworm.
E) plasmodial slime mold.

B) cellular slime mold.


Which of the following groups of algae does NOT produce compounds that are toxic to humans?
A) diatoms
B) dinoflagellates
C) green algae
D) red algae
E) None of the answers is correct; all of these groups of algae produce compounds toxic to humans.

C) green algae


The life cycle of the fish tapeworm is similar to that of the beef tapeworm. Which of the following is the most effective preventive measure?
A) salting fish before eating
B) refrigerating stored fish
C) cooking fish before eating
D) wearing gloves while handling fish
E) not swimming in fish-infested waters

C) cooking fish before eating


If a larva of Echinococcus granulosus is found in humans, humans are the
A) definitive host.
B) infected host.
C) intermediate host.
D) reservoir.
E) None of the answers is correct.

C) intermediate host.


In Table 12.1, which is a thick-walled spore formed as a segment within a hypha?
A) 1
B) 3
C) 5
D) 7
E) None of the answers is correct.

C) 5


In the malaria parasite life cycle, humans are the ________ host, while mosquitoes are the ________ host as well as the vector.

intermediate; definitive


A definitive host harbors which stage of a parasite?
A) miracidium
B) cyst
C) adult
D) larva
E) All of the answers are correct.

C) adult


Giardia and Trichomonas are unusual eukaryotes because they
A) are motile.
B) lack mitochondria.
C) lack nuclei.
D) do not produce cysts.
E) do produce cysts.

B) lack mitochondria.


Ringworm is caused by a(n)
A) fungus.
B) cestode.
C) nematode.
D) protozoan.
E) trematode.

A) fungus.


Assume you have isolated a multicellular heterotrophic organism that produces coenocytic hyphae, motile zoospores, and cellulose cell walls. It is most likely a(n)
A) ascomycete fungus.
B) green alga.
C) oomycote alga.
D) tapeworm.
E) zygomycete fungus.

C) oomycote alga.


Which of the following pairs are mismatched?
1. arthroconidium formed by fragmentation
2. sporangiospore formed within hyphae
3. conidiospore formed in a chain
4. blastoconidium formed from a bud
5. chlamydoconidium formed in a sac
A) 1 and 2
B) 2 and 3
C) 2 and 5
D) 3 and 4
E) 4 and 5

C) 2 and 5


What do tapeworms eat?
A) intestinal bacteria
B) host tissues
C) red blood cells
D) intestinal contents
E) plant matter

D) intestinal contents


Which of the following pairs is mismatched?
A) dinoflagellates paralytic shellfish poisoning
B) brown algae algin
C) red algae agar
D) diatoms petroleum
E) green algae prokaryotic

E) green algae prokaryotic


Which of the following is the most effective control for malaria?
A) vaccination
B) treating patients
C) eliminate Anopheles
D) eliminate the intermediate host
E) None of these is an effective control.

C) eliminate Anopheles


Three weeks after a river rafting trip, three family members experienced symptoms of coughing, fever, and chest pain. During the rafting trip, the family had consumed crayfish that they caught along the river banks. An examination of the patients' sputum revealed helminth eggs, and serum samples were positive for antibodies to Paragonimus. All of the family members recovered following treatment with praziquantel. In the Paragonimus life cycle,

A) the crayfish are the definitive host and humans are the intermediate host.
B) humans are the definitive host and crayfish are the intermediate host.
C) both humans and crayfish are intermediate hosts.
D) both humans and crayfish are definitive hosts.
E) the source of the infection was the river water.

B) humans are the definitive host and crayfish are the intermediate host.


Which of the following statements about algae is FALSE?
A) They use light as their energy source.
B) They use CO2 as their carbon source.
C) They produce oxygen from hydrolysis of water.
D) All are unicellular.
E) Some are capable of sexual reproduction.

D) All are unicellular.


Which of the following statements is FALSE?
A) Fungi produce sexual spores.
B) Fungi produce asexual spores.
C) Fungal spores are used in identification of fungi.
D) Fungal spores are highly resistant to heat and chemical agents.
E) Fungal spores are for asexual or sexual reproduction.

D) Fungal spores are highly resistant to heat and chemical agents.


Yeast infections are caused by
A) Aspergillus.
B) Candida albicans.
C) Histoplasma.
D) Penicillium.
E) Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

B) Candida albicans.


Which of the following statements about helminths is FALSE?
A) They are heterotrophic.
B) They are multicellular animals.
C) They have eukaryotic cells.
D) All are parasites.
E) Some have male and female reproductive organs in one animal.

D) All are parasites.


Which of the following statements regarding fungi is FALSE?
A) Most fungi are pathogenic for humans.
B) Fungi are eukaryotic heterotrophs.
C) Fungi reproduce by forming asexual or sexual spores.
D) Most fungi grow well in acidic culture condition.
E) Fungi tolerate low moisture conditions.

A) Most fungi are pathogenic for humans.


Which of the following statements regarding lichens is FALSE?
A) Lichens are a mutualistic relationship between a fungus and a protozoan
B) Lichens represent a mutualistic relationship between a fungus and an alga.
C) Lichens are often the first life form to colonize rock or soil.
D) The algal partner produces carbohydrates that are absorbed by the fungal partner.
E) The fungal partner provides a means of attachment and protects the algal partner from desiccation.

A) Lichens are a mutualistic relationship between a fungus and a protozoan


Below are paired items referring to the heartworm Dirofilaria immitis. Which of the pairs is mismatched?
A) dog definitive host
B) dog sexual reproduction
C) mosquito vector
D) mosquito definitive host
E) None of the pairs is mismatched.

D) mosquito definitive host


All of the following are characteristic of the Platyhelminthes EXCEPT that they
A) are hermaphroditic.
B) are dorsoventrally flattened.
C) have highly developed digestive and nervous systems.
D) can be divided into flukes and tapeworms.
E) are multicellular animals.

C) have highly developed digestive and nervous systems.