Northern Cardinal male

Red, tufted head, orange beak, black eye area
Northern Cardinal female

Beige with red on wings, orange beak, black beak area
Chipping sparrow. Non sexually dimorphic. Breeding adult

Grey eye area, black eye line, orange brown top crown, unstreaked belly, grey rump
Chipping sparrow. Non sexually dimorpic. Nonbreeding adult

Beige eye area, black eye line, orange brown crown, unstreaked belly
Brown Thrasher. Non sexually dimorphic. Georgia's State Bird

Reddish brown with black and white wing bars, dark streaking on breast
Great Blue Heron. 2 forms, Blue and White. Blue form

Black plumes and crown, Grayish blue Orange beak. Lean and tall
Great Blue Heron. 2 forms, Blue and White. White form

All white, yellow bill and dull goldish legs
Northern Mockingbird

Grayish with white breast, white wing bars of dark brown/black wings black eyestreak
Canada Goose

Brown body with pale chest and undertail, black feet. Long black neck and head, white cheek patch
Common Grackle Male

Dark overall, iridescent blue head and bronze body. Lots of iridescence!
Common Grackle Female

Black bird (brownish black) less iridescence than males
Blue Jay

Blue tufted crown, blue in general, whitish gray breast, wings and tail are barred with black, have white wing bar. Black eye streak, black necklace. Black beak
Cedar Waxwing

Prominent crest, Black face masky, peachy brown tufted head, pale yellow belly, Yellow tip on dark tail, Red wing tips
Yellow Rumped Warbler Male (myrtle)

Black mask, white throat, yellow patches on sides and rump
Yellow Rumped Warbler Male (audubon)

yellow throat yellow patches on rump and sides
Yellow Rumped Warbler Female (myrtle)

Brownish crown yellow pataches on sides and rump, white throat
Yellow Rumped Warbler Female (audubon)

Grayer crown, yellow throat patch, yellow side patches and yellow rump
Fish Crow

Entirely black bird with iridescence.
American Robin

Male but individuals are not easily separated by sex. Dark brown head, yellow bill, black streak on throat and rusty belly
Eastern Phoebe

Plump, grayish brown crown with white breast. Brown wings
Song Sparrow

Russet stripes on eyes body on white breast
White Pelican in flight

Black and gray on wing underside
White Pelican

White waterbird with long neck, massive bill, yellow beak and legs in breeding
European Starling breeding

Short tail. purple green iridescent with yellow bills, spotting on wings
European Starling juevenile

Brown overall with spotting on wings
Carolina wren

Reddish brown upperparts, with pale brown chest, white eyebrow and throat. Black barring on wings and tail
Loggerhead shrike

Grey head, black mask, white flashes in black wings, white breast
Tree Swallow male

Blue green upper parts, brown wings, grey white chest, black eye mask
Tree Swallow female

Brown wings and head, hints of blue green in wings and head, white breast, black eye mask
Lithobates catesbeianus

American Bullfrog
Sounds like a "jug-o'-rum.
Anaxyrus americanus

American Toad
Sounds like: alarm like trill
Pseudacris crucifer

Spring Peeper
Sounds like: peep peep, bell/birdlike
Lithobates clamitans

Green Frog
Sounds like: a loose untuned banjo string, "c'tung
Lithobates palustris

Pickerel Frog
Sounds like: esophageal low-pitched snore
Gastrophryne carolinensis

Eastern narrow-mouthed toad
Sounds like: Electric nasal sheeplike baaaaaaaa
Hyla cinereal

Green Tree Frog
Sounds like: nasal, bell-like "queenk-queenk-queenk" low static background noise (at ponds)
Acris gryllus

Southern Cricket Frog
Sounds like: a rattle or metal clicker in rapid succession.
Pseudacris nigrita

Southern Chorus Frog
Sounds like: a mechanical repetitive sound, similar to a ratchet. crack crack
Anaxyrus woodhousii

Fowler’s Toad
Sounds like: like a nasal "w-a-a-a-h"
lasting 1-4 seconds.
Eastern Kingsnake

Black and white patterning
Corn Snake

Brown red orange diamond patterning
Eastern garter snake

ivory, Black and grey checkerboard patterning
Red bellied watersnake

Orange red belly, brown

Copperish head copper patterning
Cottonmouth/water moccasin

Black overal tint with pattern diamond and defined head shape reflects whitish
Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake

Grumpy at flintriver, diamond patterning in black, beige undertone, rattle
Green Anole

Eastern Fence Lizard

Males have blue and brown on top
Five lined Skink

blue tail and five white stripes
Ground Skink

Brown line on side of body from eye to tail, lighter brown body
Common Snapping Turtle
Ancient looking, spiked tail open mouth
Slider turtle

Some have red ear, distinct white and green patterning
Eastern box turtle

Dome shell, orange, brownish green
Green sea turtle

Distinct sea flippers