The Skeletal System Flashcards

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created 8 years ago by nursekjp99
updated 8 years ago by nursekjp99
anatomy & physiology
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Label the skeletal system. Anterior view.

  1. Orbit
  2. Cervical vertebrae
  3. =
  4. Rib cage
  5. Xiphoid process
  6. Floating ribs
  7. Lumbar vertebrae
  8. Pelvis
  9. Sacrum
  10. Coccyx
  11. Ischium
  12. =
  13. Pubic arch
  14. Nasal
  15. Alveolar margins
  16. Mental
  17. Clavicle
  18. Sternum
  19. Humerous
  20. =
  21. Radius
  22. Ulna
  23. Manus
  24. Digitals (phalanges)
  25. Femur
  26. Patella
  27. Tibia
  28. Fibula
  29. Tarsal

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Label the skeletal system for the skull. Anterior view.

  1. Temporal bone
  2. Mandible
  3. Mental
  4. Frontal
  5. Nasal bone
  6. Lacrimal bone
  7. Optic canal (orbit)
  8. Sphenoid bone
  9. Zygomatic bone
  10. Vomer
  11. Maxilla
  12. Alveolar margins
  13. Alveolar margins

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Label the skeletal system for the skull. Lateral view.

  1. Parietal
  2. Temporal
  3. Lamboid structure
  4. Occipital
  5. External auditory canal
  6. Mastoid process
  7. Mandibular ramus
  8. Mandible
  9. Mental
  10. Coronal structure
  11. Frontal
  12. Sphenoid
  13. Ethmoid bone
  14. Nasal bone
  15. Lacrimal bone
  16. Zygomatic bone
  17. Maxilla
  18. Zygomatic process of temporal bone

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Label the skeletal system for the skull. Inferior view.

  1. Zygomatic bone
  2. Sphenoid bone
  3. Vomer
  4. ====
  5. Foramen magnum
  6. ====
  7. Occipital bone
  8. Maxilla
  9. Palatine bone
  10. ====
  11. ====
  12. Temporal bone
  13. ===
  14. ===
  15. ===
  16. ====

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Label the skeletal system for the scapula. Posterior & Anterior view.

  1. ====
  2. ===
  3. ===
  4. ===
  5. ===
  6. ===
  7. ====
  8. ====
  9. ====
  10. ===
  11. ====
  12. ===
  13. ===

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Label the skeletal system for the rib cage. Anterior & Posterior view.

  1. Cervical vertebrae
  2. Sternum
  3. =
  4. Sternal angle
  5. =
  6. =
  7. Body
  8. Xiphoid process
  9. =
  10. True ribs
  11. False ribs
  12. Floating ribs
  13. =

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Label the skeletal system for the vertebral column. Posterior & Lateral view.

  1. Occipital bone
  2. =
  3. =
  4. Vertebra prominens
  5. Cervical (C1-C7)
  6. Thoracic (T1-T12)
  7. Lumbar (L1-L5)
  8. Sacrum (S1-S5)
  9. Coccyx (4)

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Label the skeletal system for the pelvis. Anterior view.

  1. iliac crest
  2. Tubercle of iliac crest
  3. Anterior superior iliac spine
  4. Ischial spine
  5. Superior pubic ramus
  6. Pubic tubercle
  7. Inferior pubic ramus
  8. Inferior pubic ramus
  9. Sacroiliac joint
  10. Wing of ilium
  11. Sacroiliac joint
  12. Sacrum promontory
  13. Sacrum
  14. Pectineal line
  15. Coccyx
  16. Obturator foramen
  17. Pubic tubercle
  18. Pubic arch / Symphysis pubis

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Label the skeletal system for the hip joint. Anterior view.

  1. =
  2. Pubis
  3. ilium
  4. =
  5. =
  6. =
  7. Femur

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Label the skeletal system for the manus. Anterior view.

  1. Distal phalanges (phalanx)
  2. Middle phalanges (phalanx)
  3. Proximal phalanges (phalanx)
  4. Trapezoid
  5. Trapezium
  6. Scaphoid
  7. Radius
  8. Metacarpals
  9. Hamate
  10. Pisiform
  11. Capitate
  12. Triquetrum
  13. Lunate
  14. Ulna

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Label the skeletal system for the pedal. Anterior view.

  1. Metatarsals
  2. Medial, intermediate, lateral cuneiform
  3. Navicular
  4. Distal, middle, proximal phalanges
  5. Cuboid
  6. Talus
  7. Calcaneus

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Label the skeletal system for the knee joint. Lateral view.

  1. Synovial membrane
  2. Femur
  3. Lateral condyle
  4. Patella
  5. Cartilage
  6. Fibular
  7. Tibia

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Label the skeletal system for the leg. Anterior view.

  1. Fibula
  2. =
  3. Patella
  4. Femur
  5. =
  6. =
  7. Tibia
  8. Tarsal

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Label the skeletal system for the lumbar vertebrae. Superior view.

  1. Spinous process
  2. Transverse process
  3. Pedicle
  4. Vertebral foramen
  5. Vertebral body
  6. Pedicle
  7. Lamina
  8. N/A


What is a compact bone?

Provides protection and support.


What is a spongy bone?

Strong but lightweight, provides tissue support.


What are osteoprogenitor cells?

Bone stem cells, can change into other types of cells.


What are osteoblasts cells?

Bone building cells that secrete matrix.


What are osteocytes cells?

Mature bone cells that contribute to bone homeostasis. Can turn back into an osteoblast if needed.


What are osteoclasts cells?

Remodel bones and cause them to release calcium.


What are some examples of the axial skeleton?

Vertebral column(26), thorax, skull(22), hyoid, auditory ossicles(6).


What are some examples of the appendicular skeleton?

Upper limbs (X2), pelvic girdle, lower limbs (X2), pectorals (shoulders).


There are approximately 206 bones in the body, what 2 regions is the skeleton divided into?

The axial and appendicular.


The process of bone formation is also referred to as ____?



Which two minerals are stored in major quantities in bone tissue?

Calcium & Phosphorous.


Which bone is that largest that makes up the hip bone?



What section is the largest and strongest of the vertebral column?

The lumbar.