Biology: Biology 4th Edition Flashcards

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created 8 years ago by Cassandra_DeLarios_Newman
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Chapter 8
Chapter 8 - Photosynthesis
updated 8 years ago by Cassandra_DeLarios_Newman
biology, science, life sciences
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The pigment responsible for the red-yellow coloration seen in leaves during the color change in autumn is


Carotenoids reflect red-yellow light
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.02.02 Describe how pigments absorb light energy and the types of pigments found in plants and green algae.
Section: 08.02 Reactions That Harness Light Energy
Topic: Photosynthesis


Which portion of the photosynthetic apparatus absorbs light

both photosystem I and photosystem II

Functions of both photosystems I and II
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.02.03 Outline the steps in which photosystem II and I capture light energy and produce O2, ATP, and NADPH.
Section: 08.02 Reactions That Harness Light Energy
Topic: Photosynthesis


Plants require a lot of water for transpiration, metabolism, and photosynthesis. How is water used in photosynthesis?

As an electron donor

Role of water in photosynthesis
Blooms Level: 2. Understand
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.02.03 Outline the steps in which photosystem II and I capture light energy and produce O2, ATP, and NADPH.
Section: 08.02 Reactions That Harness Light Energy
Topic: Photosynthesis


Which of the following represents a reactant in the light reaction of photosynthesis


Reactants for light reaction
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.02.03 Outline the steps in which photosystem II and I capture light energy and produce O2, ATP, and NADPH.
Section: 08.02 Reactions That Harness Light Energy
Topic: Photosynthesis


Blue light has ___ energy than red light and is ____ by a green leaf.

more, absorbed

Blue light has more energy than red light
Blooms Level: 3. Apply
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.02.01 Define the general properties of light.
Section: 08.02 Reactions That Harness Light Energy
Topic: Photosynthesis


The molecules that directly convert NADP+ to NADPH is/are

NADP reductase

Function of NADP reductase
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.02.03 Outline the steps in which photosystem II and I capture light energy and produce O2, ATP, and NADPH.
Section: 08.02 Reactions That Harness Light Energy
Topic: Photosynthesis


The main structure for gas exchange in plants is called the


Function of stomata
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.01.03 Describe the general structure of chloroplasts.
Section: 08.01 Overview of Photosynthesis
Topic: Photosynthesis


The purpose of the light reaction is to produce ____.


The light reaction produces ATP and NADPH
Blooms Level: 2. Understand
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.02.03 Outline the steps in which photosystem II and I capture light energy and produce O2, ATP, and NADPH.
Section: 08.02 Reactions That Harness Light Energy
Topic: Photosynthesis


In the reaction, 6CO2 + 6H2O →C6H12O6 + 6O2, which side should energy be placed on?

The left side, this is an endergonic reaction

Photosynthesis equation
Blooms Level: 3. Apply
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.01.01 Write the general equations that represent the process of photosynthesis.
Section: 08.01 Overview of Photosynthesis
Topic: Photosynthesis


The rate of photosynthesis is much greater in green light than red light


Colors used for photosynthesis
Blooms Level: 2. Understand
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.02.02 Describe how pigments absorb light energy and the types of pigments found in plants and green algae.
Section: 08.02 Reactions That Harness Light Energy
Topic: Photosynthesis


When NADPH _____ electrons in the Calvin cycle it is ______, forming NADP+

donates, oxidized

Oxidation of NADPH in Calvin cycle
Blooms Level: 3. Apply
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.04.01 Outline the three phases of the Calvin cycle.
Section: 08.04 Synthesizing Carbohydrates via the Calvin Cycle
Topic: Photosynthesis


Harnessing light and splitting water occurs in both photosystem I and II.


Splitting water with energy from light
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.02.03 Outline the steps in which photosystem II and I capture light energy and produce O2, ATP, and NADPH.
Section: 08.02 Reactions That Harness Light Energy
Topic: Photosynthesis


Where does the Calvin cycle occur?

chloroplast stroma

Location of Calvin cycle
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.04.01 Outline the three phases of the Calvin cycle.
Section: 08.04 Synthesizing Carbohydrates via the Calvin Cycle
Topic: Photosynthesis


A C4 plant minimizes photorespiration by

having the light reactions and carbon reactions occur in different cells, so carbon dioxide does not come into contact with rubisco.

Isolating O2 reduces photorespiration in C4 plants
Blooms Level: 3. Apply
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.05.02 Describe how C4 and CAM plants avoid photorespiration and conserve water.
Section: 08.05 Variations in Photosynthesis
Topic: Photosynthesis


CAM (crassulacean acid metabolism) plants such as cacti differ from standard C4 plants such as corn in which of the following ways?

Properties of CAM plants
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.05.02 Describe how C4 and CAM plants avoid photorespiration and conserve water.
Section: 08.05 Variations in Photosynthesis
Topic: Photosynthesis


A thylakoid that is placed in a basic solution will synthesize ATP. How is this possible?

? A proton gradient is created by the difference in pH.

? An electron gradient is created by the difference in pH.

X ATP is formed spontaneously at low pH.

? The carbon reactions are blocked in the thylakoid at high pH.

? ATP cannot be broken down at low pH.

If a thylakoid is placed in a basic solution ATP synthesis will occur.
Blooms Level: 3. Apply
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.02.03 Outline the steps in which photosystem II and I capture light energy and produce O2, ATP, and NADPH.
Section: 08.02 Reactions That Harness Light Energy
Topic: Photosynthesis


Photons from light can boost an electron to a higher energy state.


Harnessing energy from light
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.02.01 Define the general properties of light.
Section: 08.02 Reactions That Harness Light Energy
Topic: Photosynthesis


A comparison of mitochondria and chloroplast shows that

Similarity between mitochondria and chloroplast
Blooms Level: 2. Understand
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.02.03 Outline the steps in which photosystem II and I capture light energy and produce O2, ATP, and NADPH.
Section: 08.02 Reactions That Harness Light Energy
Topic: Photosynthesis


Using 14CO2 as a radioactive tracer, which molecule would be the last to incorporate 14C within the Calvin cycle?

ribulose biphosphate (RuBP)

Tracing carbon in Calvin cycle
Blooms Level: 4. Analyze
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.04.02 Explain how Calvin and Benson identified the components of the Calvin cycle.
Section: 08.04 Synthesizing Carbohydrates via the Calvin Cycle
Topic: Photosynthesis


NADPH is produced by

light reactions alone

Light reaction produces NADPH
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.02.03 Outline the steps in which photosystem II and I capture light energy and produce O2, ATP, and NADPH.
Section: 08.02 Reactions That Harness Light Energy
Topic: Photosynthesis


If you wanted to install lights to grow plants indoors, the type of light would you want to us is

visible light, because it has non-ionizing wavelengths.

Properties of light
Blooms Level: 3. Apply
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.02.01 Define the general properties of light.
Section: 08.02 Reactions That Harness Light Energy
Topic: Photosynthesis



? tends to occur under dry and hot conditions

X occurs in c4 plants

Blooms Level: 2. Understand
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.05.01 Explain the concept of photorespiration.
Section: 08.05 Variations in Photosynthesis
Topic: Photosynthesis


Both ATP and NADPH are required for

the Calvin cycle only

Role of ATP and NADPH in Calvin cycle
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.04.01 Outline the three phases of the Calvin cycle.
Section: 08.04 Synthesizing Carbohydrates via the Calvin Cycle
Topic: Photosynthesis


Mutation of molecules in photosystem I but not photosystem II would lead a plant cell to

Functions of both photosystems I and II
Blooms Level: 4. Analyze
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.02.03 Outline the steps in which photosystem II and I capture light energy and produce O2, ATP, and NADPH.
Section: 08.02 Reactions That Harness Light Energy
Topic: Photosynthesis


When Calvin injected 14C labeled CO2 into cultures of green algae, what led him to conclude that rubisco adds CO2 to ribulose bisphosphate in the Calvin cycle?

Radioactivity appeared last in ribulose bisphosphate

Review the role of rubisco mentioned in section 8.14. CO2 binds to RuBP
Blooms Level: 4. Analyze
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.04.02 Explain how Calvin and Benson identified the components of the Calvin cycle.
Section: 08.04 Synthesizing Carbohydrates via the Calvin Cycle
Topic: Photosynthesis


What would happen to a plant that is treated with a chemical that prevents electrons from moving through the electron transport chain?

It could not generate an electrochemical H+gradient across a membrane.

Electron transport chain
Blooms Level: 3. Apply
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.02.03 Outline the steps in which photosystem II and I capture light energy and produce O2, ATP, and NADPH.
Section: 08.02 Reactions That Harness Light Energy
Topic: Photosynthesis


In which organelle of the plant does photosynthesis takes place?


Chloroplast function
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.01.03 Describe the general structure of chloroplasts.
Section: 08.01 Overview of Photosynthesis
Topic: Photosynthesis


CO2 binds to ____ in the Calvin cycle.

ribulose bisphosphate

CO2 binds to RuBP
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.04.02 Explain how Calvin and Benson identified the components of the Calvin cycle.
Section: 08.04 Synthesizing Carbohydrates via the Calvin Cycle
Topic: Photosynthesis


What will happen to the pH inside a thylakoid that is exposed to light?

It will decrease

As H+ move into a thylakoid the pH drops
Blooms Level: 3. Apply
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.02.03 Outline the steps in which photosystem II and I capture light energy and produce O2, ATP, and NADPH.
Section: 08.02 Reactions That Harness Light Energy
Topic: Photosynthesis


In the reaction, 6CO2 + 6H2O →C6H12O6 + 6O2, carbon dioxide is being ____.


Carbon is reduced in the calvin cycle
Blooms Level: 3. Apply
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.04.01 Outline the three phases of the Calvin cycle.
Section: 08.04 Synthesizing Carbohydrates via the Calvin Cycle
Topic: Photosynthesis


A plant becomes dried out when

stomata close, decreasing gas exchange.

Stomata close when they are dehydrated
Blooms Level: 2. Understand
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.01.01 Write the general equations that represent the process of photosynthesis.
Section: 08.01 Overview of Photosynthesis
Topic: Photosynthesis


The organisms that most specifically utilize light energy to make organic molecules from inorganic molecules are

Photoautotrophs capture solar energy
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.01.02 Outline how photosynthesis powers the biosphere.
Section: 08.01 Overview of Photosynthesis
Topic: Photosynthesis


How might a plant cope with the fact that the Calvin cycle uses more ATP than NADPH, yet produces roughly the same amount of both energy intermediates in photosystems I and II?

Photosynthesis can revert from a noncyclic to cyclic electron flow, producing more ATP than NADPH.

Cyclic electron flow
Blooms Level: 3. Apply
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.02.04 Explain the process of cyclic photophosphorylation in which only ATP is made.
Section: 08.02 Reactions That Harness Light Energy
Topic: Photosynthesis


When NADP+ _____ electrons in the light reaction it is ______ forming NADPH.

? Accepts, reduced

x Donates, reduced

Reduction of NADP
Blooms Level: 2. Understand
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.02.03 Outline the steps in which photosystem II and I capture light energy and produce O2, ATP, and NADPH.
Section: 08.02 Reactions That Harness Light Energy
Topic: Photosynthesis


In hot and arid environments, plants that maximize photorespiration produce the most sugars.


Photorespiration decreases sugar production
Blooms Level: 2. Understand
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.05.01 Explain the concept of photorespiration.
Section: 08.05 Variations in Photosynthesis
Topic: Photosynthesis


The Calvin cycle is only capable of fixing carbon dioxide in the dark.


Carbon fixation is independent of the light reactions
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.04.01 Outline the three phases of the Calvin cycle.
Section: 08.04 Synthesizing Carbohydrates via the Calvin Cycle
Topic: Photosynthesis


Energy is carried from the light reaction to the carbon reaction by __________.


Role of ATP in photosynthesis
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.01.04 Explain how photosynthesis occurs in two phases: the light reactions and carbon fixation.
Section: 08.01 Overview of Photosynthesis
Topic: Photosynthesis


________ consume organic molecules to live.


Heterotrophs consume energy
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.01.02 Outline how photosynthesis powers the biosphere.
Section: 08.01 Overview of Photosynthesis
Topic: Photosynthesis


If a C3 plant that normally closes its stomata during hot, dry conditions were triggered to open them instead, the most likely outcome would be that

water leaves the leaf, decreasing the rate of photosynthesis.

Function of stomata
Blooms Level: 5. Evaluate
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.01.01 Write the general equations that represent the process of photosynthesis.
Section: 08.01 Overview of Photosynthesis
Topic: Photosynthesis


A plant performing photosynthesis will produce ____ and consume _____.

oxygen, carbon dioxide

Role of oxygen and carbon dioxide in photosynthesis
Blooms Level: 2. Understand
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.03.03 Explain how O2 is produced by photosystem II.
Section: 08.03 Molecular Features of Photosystems
Topic: Photosynthesis


Succulent plants such as cacti or pineapple

produce 4-carbon malate in the first step of carbon fixation

Properties of C4 plants
Blooms Level: 2. Understand
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.05.02 Describe how C4 and CAM plants avoid photorespiration and conserve water.
Section: 08.05 Variations in Photosynthesis
Topic: Photosynthesis


Which molecules used during the Calvin cycle could be used by a cell in a reduction reaction?

CO2 reduction in Calvin cycle
Blooms Level: 3. Apply
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.04.01 Outline the three phases of the Calvin cycle.
Section: 08.04 Synthesizing Carbohydrates via the Calvin Cycle
Topic: Photosynthesis


Products of the Calvin cycle include: Check all that apply.

1) NADP+

2) Pi

3) ADP

4) glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (G3P)

Products of the Calvin cycle
Blooms Level: 2. Understand
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.04.01 Outline the three phases of the Calvin cycle.
Section: 08.04 Synthesizing Carbohydrates via the Calvin Cycle
Topic: Photosynthesis


Molecules that are required for the Calvin cycle include: Check all that apply.

? H2O

? CO2


? rubisco


Requirements for Calvin cycle
Blooms Level: 2. Understand
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.04.01 Outline the three phases of the Calvin cycle.
Section: 08.04 Synthesizing Carbohydrates via the Calvin Cycle
Topic: Photosynthesis


What is the main role of the pigment molecules within the antenna or light-harvesting complex?

Absorb photons and transfer light energy to the reaction center chlorophyll.

Function of pigments in photosynthesis
Blooms Level: 2. Understand
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.03.01 Describe how the light-harvesting complex absorbs light energy and how it is transferred via resonance energy transfer.
Section: 08.03 Molecular Features of Photosystems
Topic: Photosynthesis


The equation, 6CO2 + 6H2O →C6H12O6 + 6O2, describes which of the following processes?


Photosynthesis equation
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.01.01 Write the general equations that represent the process of photosynthesis.
Section: 08.01 Overview of Photosynthesis
Topic: Photosynthesis


The ultimate source of energy for reactions in a plant is ____.

the sun.

Sunlight is the ultimate source of energy
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.01.02 Outline how photosynthesis powers the biosphere.
Section: 08.01 Overview of Photosynthesis
Topic: Photosynthesis


The process that forms the electrochemical gradient during photosynthesis is the

Function of electrochemical gradient
Blooms Level: 2. Understand
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.03.02 Diagram the path of electron flow through photosystem II.
Section: 08.03 Molecular Features of Photosystems
Topic: Photosynthesis


A green plant is first grown in blue light and then in green light. The likely outcome for photosynthesis in both phases is

Increased plant growth in blue light and no plant growth in green light.

Chlorophyll reflects green light
Blooms Level: 3. Apply
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.02.02 Describe how pigments absorb light energy and the types of pigments found in plants and green algae.
Section: 08.02 Reactions That Harness Light Energy
Topic: Photosynthesis


The purpose of the light reaction is to produce ____.


The purpose of the light reaction
Blooms Level: 2. Understand
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.01.04 Explain how photosynthesis occurs in two phases: the light reactions and carbon fixation.
Section: 08.01 Overview of Photosynthesis
Topic: Photosynthesis


Using 14CO2 as a radioactive tracer, which molecule would be the last to incorporate 14C within the Calvin cycle?

ribulose biphosphate (RuBP)

Tracing carbon in Calvin cycle
Blooms Level: 4. Analyze
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.04.02 Explain how Calvin and Benson identified the components of the Calvin cycle.
Section: 08.04 Synthesizing Carbohydrates via the Calvin Cycle
Topic: Photosynthesis


A new flower species has a unique photosynthetic pigment. The leaves of this plant appear to be blue-green. What wavelengths of visible light does this pigment reflect?

Properties of light
Blooms Level: 3. Apply
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.02.02 Describe how pigments absorb light energy and the types of pigments found in plants and green algae.
Section: 08.02 Reactions That Harness Light Energy
Topic: Photosynthesis


When Calvin injected 14C labeled CO2 into cultures of green algae, which of the following was observed because the molecule accepting the CO2 was unstable?

Radioactivity first appeared in 3-phosphoglycerate

Review the role of rubisco mentioned in section 8.5. CO2 first appears in 3-PG

Blooms Level: 4. Analyze
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.04.02 Explain how Calvin and Benson identified the components of the Calvin cycle.
Section: 08.04 Synthesizing Carbohydrates via the Calvin Cycle
Topic: Photosynthesis


Where does the Calvin cycle occur?

chloroplast stroma

Location of Calvin cycle
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.04.01 Outline the three phases of the Calvin cycle.
Section: 08.04 Synthesizing Carbohydrates via the Calvin Cycle
Topic: Photosynthesis


Succulent plants such as cacti or pineapple

produce 4-carbon malate in the first step of carbon fixation

Properties of C4 plants
Blooms Level: 2. Understand
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.05.02 Describe how C4 and CAM plants avoid photorespiration and conserve water.
Section: 08.05 Variations in Photosynthesis
Topic: Photosynthesis


When NADP+ _____ electrons in the light reaction it is ______ forming NADPH.

accepts, reduced

Reduction of NADP
Blooms Level: 2. Understand
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.02.03 Outline the steps in which photosystem II and I capture light energy and produce O2, ATP, and NADPH.
Section: 08.02 Reactions That Harness Light Energy
Topic: Photosynthesis


In the reaction, 6CO2 + 6H2O →C6H12O6 + 6O2, which side should energy be placed on?

The left side, this is an endergonic reaction

Photosynthesis equation
Blooms Level: 3. Apply
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.01.01 Write the general equations that represent the process of photosynthesis.
Section: 08.01 Overview of Photosynthesis
Topic: Photosynthesis


Photons from light can boost an electron to a higher energy state.


Harnessing energy from light
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.02.01 Define the general properties of light.
Section: 08.02 Reactions That Harness Light Energy
Topic: Photosynthesis


If a C3 plant that normally closes its stomata during hot, dry conditions were triggered to open them instead, the most likely outcome would be that

water leaves the leaf, decreasing the rate of photosynthesis.

Function of stomata
Blooms Level: 5. Evaluate
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.01.01 Write the general equations that represent the process of photosynthesis.
Section: 08.01 Overview of Photosynthesis
Topic: Photosynthesis


A comparison of mitochondria and chloroplast shows that

Similarity between mitochondria and chloroplast
Blooms Level: 2. Understand
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.02.03 Outline the steps in which photosystem II and I capture light energy and produce O2, ATP, and NADPH.
Section: 08.02 Reactions That Harness Light Energy
Topic: Photosynthesis


Which of the following represents a reactant in the light reaction of photosynthesis?


Reactants for light reaction
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.02.03 Outline the steps in which photosystem II and I capture light energy and produce O2, ATP, and NADPH.
Section: 08.02 Reactions That Harness Light Energy
Topic: Photosynthesis


Energy is carried from the light reaction to the carbon reaction by __________.


Role of ATP in photosynthesis

Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.01.04 Explain how photosynthesis occurs in two phases: the light reactions and carbon fixation.
Section: 08.01 Overview of Photosynthesis
Topic: Photosynthesis


A C4 plant minimizes photorespiration by

having the light reactions and carbon reactions occur in different cells, so oxygen does not come into contact with rubisco.

Isolating O2 reduces photorespiration in C4 plants
Blooms Level: 3. Apply
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.05.02 Describe how C4 and CAM plants avoid photorespiration and conserve water.
Section: 08.05 Variations in Photosynthesis
Topic: Photosynthesis


CO2 binds to ____ in the Calvin cycle.

ribulose bisphosphate

CO2 binds to RuBP
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.04.02 Explain how Calvin and Benson identified the components of the Calvin cycle.
Section: 08.04 Synthesizing Carbohydrates via the Calvin Cycle
Topic: Photosynthesis


In which organelle of the plant does photosynthesis takes place?


Chloroplast function
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.01.03 Describe the general structure of chloroplasts.
Section: 08.01 Overview of Photosynthesis
Topic: Photosynthesis


If you wanted to install lights to grow plants indoors, the type of light would you want to us is

visible light, because it has non-ionizing wavelengths.

Properties of light
Blooms Level: 3. Apply
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.02.01 Define the general properties of light.
Section: 08.02 Reactions That Harness Light Energy
Topic: Photosynthesis


NADPH is produced by

light reactions alone.

Light reaction produces NADPH
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.02.03 Outline the steps in which photosystem II and I capture light energy and produce O2, ATP, and NADPH.
Section: 08.02 Reactions That Harness Light Energy
Topic: Photosynthesis


When NADPH _____ electrons in the Calvin cycle it is ______, forming NADP+

donates, oxidized

Oxidation of NADPH in Calvin cycle
Blooms Level: 3. Apply
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.04.01 Outline the three phases of the Calvin cycle.
Section: 08.04 Synthesizing Carbohydrates via the Calvin Cycle
Topic: Photosynthesis


________ consume organic molecules to live.


Heterotrophs consume energy
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.01.02 Outline how photosynthesis powers the biosphere.
Section: 08.01 Overview of Photosynthesis
Topic: Photosynthesis


A plant becomes dried out when

stomata close, decreasing gas exchange

Stomata close when they are dehydrated
Blooms Level: 2. Understand
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.01.01 Write the general equations that represent the process of photosynthesis.
Section: 08.01 Overview of Photosynthesis
Topic: Photosynthesis


A thylakoid that is placed in a basic solution will synthesize ATP. How is this possible?

ATP is formed spontaneously at low pH

If a thylakoid is placed in a basic solution ATP synthesis will occur.
Blooms Level: 3. Apply
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.02.03 Outline the steps in which photosystem II and I capture light energy and produce O2, ATP, and NADPH.
Section: 08.02 Reactions That Harness Light Energy
Topic: Photosynthesis


The pigment responsible for the red-yellow coloration seen in leaves during the color change in autumn is


Carotenoids reflect red-yellow light
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.02.02 Describe how pigments absorb light energy and the types of pigments found in plants and green algae.
Section: 08.02 Reactions That Harness Light Energy
Topic: Photosynthesis


The rate of photosynthesis is much greater in green light than red light.


Colors used for photosynthesis
Blooms Level: 2. Understand
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.02.02 Describe how pigments absorb light energy and the types of pigments found in plants and green algae.
Section: 08.02 Reactions That Harness Light Energy
Topic: Photosynthesi


A plant performing photosynthesis will produce ____ and consume _____.

oxygen, carbon dioxide

Role of oxygen and carbon dioxide in photosynthesis
Blooms Level: 2. Understand
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.03.03 Explain how O2 is produced by photosystem II.
Section: 08.03 Molecular Features of Photosystems
Topic: Photosynthesis


Products of the Calvin cycle include: Check all that apply.

1) NADP+

2) Pi

3) ADP

4) glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (G3P)

Products of the Calvin cycle
Blooms Level: 2. Understand
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.04.01 Outline the three phases of the Calvin cycle.
Section: 08.04 Synthesizing Carbohydrates via the Calvin Cycle
Topic: Photosynthesis


Blue light has ___ energy than red light and is ____ by a green leaf.

more, absorbed

Blue light has more energy than red light
Blooms Level: 3. Apply
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.02.01 Define the general properties of light.
Section: 08.02 Reactions That Harness Light Energy
Topic: Photosynthesis


Which molecules used during the Calvin cycle could be used by a cell in a reduction reaction?


CO2 reduction in Calvin cycle
Blooms Level: 3. Apply
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.04.01 Outline the three phases of the Calvin cycle.
Section: 08.04 Synthesizing Carbohydrates via the Calvin Cycle
Topic: Photosynthesis


Plants require a lot of water for transpiration, metabolism, and photosynthesis. How is water used in photosynthesis?

As an electron donor

Role of water in photosynthesis
Blooms Level: 2. Understand
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.02.03 Outline the steps in which photosystem II and I capture light energy and produce O2, ATP, and NADPH.
Section: 08.02 Reactions That Harness Light Energy
Topic: Photosynthesis


The ultimate source of energy for reactions in a plant is ____.

the sun.

Sunlight is the ultimate source of energy
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.01.02 Outline how photosynthesis powers the biosphere.
Section: 08.01 Overview of Photosynthesis
Topic: Photosynthesis


The main structure for gas exchange in plants is called the


Function of stomata
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.01.03 Describe the general structure of chloroplasts.
Section: 08.01 Overview of Photosynthesis
Topic: Photosynthesis


The process that forms the electrochemical gradient during photosynthesis is the

pumping of H+ into the thylakoid lumen.

Function of electrochemical gradient
Blooms Level: 2. Understand
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.03.02 Diagram the path of electron flow through photosystem II.
Section: 08.03 Molecular Features of Photosystems
Topic: Photosynthesis


What would happen to a plant that is treated with a chemical that prevents electrons from moving through the electron transport chain?

It could not generate an electrochemical H+gradient across a membrane.

Electron transport chain
Blooms Level: 3. Apply
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.02.03 Outline the steps in which photosystem II and I capture light energy and produce O2, ATP, and NADPH.
Section: 08.02 Reactions That Harness Light Energy
Topic: Photosynthesis


Mutation of molecules in photosystem I but not photosystem II would lead a plant cell to

? produce ATP and NADP+

X produce O2, ATP, and NADPH

Functions of both photosystems I and II
Blooms Level: 4. Analyze
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.02.03 Outline the steps in which photosystem II and I capture light energy and produce O2, ATP, and NADPH.
Section: 08.02 Reactions That Harness Light Energy
Topic: Photosynthesi


Harnessing light and splitting water occurs in both photosystem I and II.


Splitting water with energy from light
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.02.03 Outline the steps in which photosystem II and I capture light energy and produce O2, ATP, and NADPH.
Section: 08.02 Reactions That Harness Light Energy
Topic: Photosynthesis


Both ATP and NADPH are required for

the Calvin cycle only

Role of ATP and NADPH in Calvin cycle
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.04.01 Outline the three phases of the Calvin cycle.
Section: 08.04 Synthesizing Carbohydrates via the Calvin Cycle
Topic: Photosynthesis


In hot and arid environments, plants that maximize photorespiration produce the most sugars.


Photorespiration decreases sugar production
Blooms Level: 2. Understand
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.05.01 Explain the concept of photorespiration.
Section: 08.05 Variations in Photosynthesis
Topic: Photosynthesis


The equation, 6CO2 + 6H2O →C6H12O6 + 6O2, describes which of the following processes?


Photosynthesis equation
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.01.01 Write the general equations that represent the process of photosynthesis.
Section: 08.01 Overview of Photosynthesis
Topic: Photosynthesis


The molecules that directly convert NADP+ to NADPH is/are

NADP reductase

Function of NADP reductase
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.02.03 Outline the steps in which photosystem II and I capture light energy and produce O2, ATP, and NADPH.
Section: 08.02 Reactions That Harness Light Energy
Topic: Photosynthesis


CAM (crassulacean acid metabolism) plants such as cacti differ from standard C4 plants such as corn in which of the following ways?

CAM plants are limited to producing CO2 for the Calvin cycle during the day, while C4 plants produce CO2 for the Calvin cycle both during the day and at night

Properties of CAM plants
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.05.02 Describe how C4 and CAM plants avoid photorespiration and conserve water.
Section: 08.05 Variations in Photosynthesis
Topic: Photosynthesis


The purpose of the light reaction is to produce ____.


The light reaction produces ATP and NADPH
Blooms Level: 2. Understand
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.02.03 Outline the steps in which photosystem II and I capture light energy and produce O2, ATP, and NADPH.
Section: 08.02 Reactions That Harness Light Energy
Topic: Photosynthesis


What will happen to the pH inside a thylakoid that is exposed to light?

It will decrease

As H+ move into a thylakoid the pH drops
Blooms Level: 3. Apply
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.02.03 Outline the steps in which photosystem II and I capture light energy and produce O2, ATP, and NADPH.
Section: 08.02 Reactions That Harness Light Energy
Topic: Photosynthesis


The Calvin cycle is only capable of fixing carbon dioxide in the dark.


Carbon fixation is independent of the light reactions
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.04.01 Outline the three phases of the Calvin cycle.
Section: 08.04 Synthesizing Carbohydrates via the Calvin Cycle
Topic: Photosynthesis


How might a plant cope with the fact that the Calvin cycle uses more ATP than NADPH, yet produces roughly the same amount of both energy intermediates in photosystems I and II?

Photosynthesis can revert from a noncyclic to cyclic electron flow, producing more ATP than NADPH.

Cyclic electron flow
Blooms Level: 3. Apply
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.02.04 Explain the process of cyclic photophosphorylation in which only ATP is made.
Section: 08.02 Reactions That Harness Light Energy
Topic: Photosynthesis


A green plant is first grown in blue light and then in green light. The likely outcome for photosynthesis in both phases is

Increased plant growth in blue light and no plant growth in green light.

Chlorophyll reflects green light
Blooms Level: 3. Apply
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.02.02 Describe how pigments absorb light energy and the types of pigments found in plants and green algae.
Section: 08.02 Reactions That Harness Light Energy
Topic: Photosynthesis


The primary advantage C4 plants have over C3 plants is that

C4 plants minimize photorespiration compared with C3 plants

Properties of C4 plants
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.05.02 Describe how C4 and CAM plants avoid photorespiration and conserve water.
Section: 08.05 Variations in Photosynthesis
Topic: Photosynthesis


What is the main role of the pigment molecules within the antenna or light-harvesting complex?

Absorb photons and transfer light energy to the reaction center chlorophyll.

Function of pigments in photosynthesis
Blooms Level: 2. Understand
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.03.01 Describe how the light-harvesting complex absorbs light energy and how it is transferred via resonance energy transfer.
Section: 08.03 Molecular Features of Photosystems
Topic: Photosynthesis


Molecules that are required for the Calvin cycle include: Check all that apply.

Requirements for Calvin cycle
Blooms Level: 2. Understand
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.04.01 Outline the three phases of the Calvin cycle.
Section: 08.04 Synthesizing Carbohydrates via the Calvin Cycle
Topic: Photosynthesis



Blooms Level: 2. Understand
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.05.01 Explain the concept of photorespiration.
Section: 08.05 Variations in Photosynthesis
Topic: Photosynthesis


Which of the following represents a reactant in the light reaction of photosynthesis?


Reactants for light reaction
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Gradable: automatic
LO: 08.02.03 Outline the steps in which photosystem II and I capture light energy and produce O2, ATP, and NADPH.
Section: 08.02 Reactions That Harness Light Energy
Topic: Photosynthesis