Human Anatomy and Physiology: Exercise 21: Spinal Cord, Spinal Nerves, and the Autonomic Nervous System-B Flashcards

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created 14 years ago by devindracarino
Amendment to Original Exercise 21. There was a question on my Exercise that was not listed in the original note cards, so I am adding them.
Grade levels:
College: Second year
biology, education, teaching methods & materials, science & technology
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From the key, choose the name of the tract that might be damaged when the following conditions are observed. (More than one choice may apply).

Uncoordinated Movement

Tectospinal Tract, Rubrospinal tract, Vestibulospinal Tract


From the key, choose the name of the tract that might be damaged when the following conditions are observed. (More than one choice may apply).

Lack of voluntary movement

Lateral Corticospinal Tract, Ventral Corticospinal Tract


From the key, choose the name of the tract that might be damaged when the following conditions are observed. (More than one choice may apply).

tremors, jerky movements

Tectospinal Tract, Rubrospinal tract, Vestibulospinal Tract


From the key, choose the name of the tract that might be damaged when the following conditions are observed. (More than one choice may apply).

Diminished Pain Perception

Lateral Spinothalmic Tract


From the key, choose the name of the tract that might be damaged when the following conditions are observed. (More than one choice may apply).

Diminished Sense of Touch

Dorsal Columns(fasciculus cuneatus and fasciculus gracilis), Ventral Spinothalmic Tract