What is the name of the proximal, funnel shaped portion of the ureter?
A. Calyx B. Cortex C. Renal pyramid D. Renal pelvis
. Renal pelvis
A patient who is lacking the substance in the blood for clotting is suffering from what condition?
A. Aplastic anemia B. Hemophilia C. Sickle-cell anemia D. Leukemia
B. Hemophilia
Which of the following is a lower respiratory disease?
A. Tonsillitis B. Influenza C. Hay fever D. Bronchitis
Bronchitis is an inflammation (-itis) of the bronchus (bronch), a lower respiratory infection.
Which of the following is an acute infectious disease that primarily affects lymphoid tissue?
A. Atherosclerosis B. Mononucleosis C. Leukemia D. Staphylococci
B. Mononucleosis
How many ribs should be showing above the diaphragm on a PA chest radiograph on deep inspiration?
A. 8 B. 10 C. 12 D. 14
What is it called when part of a patient's bronchial tree is blocked, causing a partial collapse?
A. Pneumothorax B. Atelectasis C. Hemothorax D. Pleural effusion
B. Atelectasis
Which of the following vessels transports blood from the abdomen back to the heart?
A. Superior vena cava B. Inferior vena cava C. Superior mesenteric vein D. Inferior mesenteric vein
B. Inferior vena cava
Which body plane is centered to the CR for a supine abdominal radiograph?
A. Midtransverse B. Midlambdoidal C. Midcoronal D. Midsagittal
D. Midsagittal
What is the name of the plane that divides the body into right and left halves?
A. Coronal plane B. Sagittal plane C. Midsagittal plane D. Horizontal plane
C. Midsagittal plane
Pyloric stenosis is most often found in which of the following?
A. Young infants B. Children C. Young adults D. Older adults
A. Young infants
Which of the following organs would be located in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen?
A. Gallbladder B. Spleen C. Descending colon D. Sigmoid
A. Gallbladder
What is the name of the flexure that lies between the transverse colon and the descending colon?
A. Ileocecal B. Right colic (hepatic) C. Left colic (splenic) D. Sigmoid
C. Left colic (splenic)
Which of the following is the sac that surrounds the heart?
A. Pleura B. Pericardium C. Myocardium D. Cardial membrane
B. Pericardium
In which of the following organs would Henle's loop be located?
A. Liver B. Kidney C. Adrenal D. Pancreas
B. Kidney
What is the name of the duct that transports bile from the gallbladder?
A. Hepatic duct B. Cystic duct C. Duodenal duct D. Common hepatic duct
B. Cystic duct
To turn in or inward describes which of the following movements?
A. Flex B. Extend C. Adduct D. Invert
What is another name for the midsagittal plane?
A. Median plane B. Middle plane C. Mean plane D. Coronal plane
Which of the following defines dysuria?
A. Painful urination B. Inability to urinate C. Frequent urination D. Constant urination
A. Painful urination
Which of the following refers to acute chest pain due to inadequate oxygen supply?
A. Angina pectoris B. Palpitation C. Regurgitation D. Cardiac arrhythmia
A. Angina pectoris
In which direction does the diaphragm move on inspiration?
A. Laterally B. Inferiorly C. Superiorly D. Medially
B. Inferiorly
What is the name of the examination where contrast media is injected into the uterus and uterine tubes?
A. Urography B. Pelvimetry C. Placentography D. Hysterosalpingography
What is the name of the junction between the small intestine and the large intestine?
A. Coliointestinal junction B. Ileocecal valve C. Hepatocecal valve D. Bowel articulation
B. Ileocecal valve
Which of the following positions will best demonstrate the pylorus and duodenal loop?
A. Supine B. LAO C. RAO D. Prone
Which of the following anatomical structures is (are) located in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen?
1. Gallbladder
2. Cecum
3. Spleen
A. 1 only B. 3
only C. 1 & 2 only D. 1 & 3 only
An obstructed ureter will cause the renal pelvis to dilate with urine. What is this condition called?
A. Incontinence B. Nephrolithiasis C. Urenia D. Hydronephrosis
D. Hydronephrosis
Which of the following is a chronic degenerative liver disease?
A. Cystic fibrosis B. Cirrhosis C. Ascites D. Cholecystitis
A. Cystic fibrosis
The abdominal aorta bifurcates into right and left _______ arteries.
A. mesenteric B. iliac C. renal D. femoral
What muscle separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity?
A. Psoas B. Diaphragm C. Lungular D. Gluteal
What is the name of the large, thick muscle located on either side of the lumbar vertebrae?
A. Latissimus dorsi B. Psoas C. Deltoid D. Columnar
Why should the chin be extended when doing either a PA or a lateral chest radiograph?
A. To arch the patient's back B. To demonstrate the lung apices C. To assure the patient is erect D. So the patient can breathe deep
To assure the patient is erect

This double-contrast barium enema radiograph was taken with the patient in what position?
AP B. RPO C. Left lateral decubitus D. Right lateral decubitus
C. Left lateral decubitus
Diabetes mellitus is a condition caused by lack of insulin secretion from which of the following organs?
A. Stomach B. Kidneys C. Pituitary gland D. Pancreas
hy is operative cholangiography performed?
A. To demonstrate anatomy
B. To check for proper drainage into the duodenum
C. To check for residual gallstones in the biliary ducts
D. All of the above
all of the above
What do you call the sac that encloses the lungs?
A. Pleura B. Pericardium C. Mediastinum D. Alveolar sac
A. Pleura
What is the name of the main bile duct that leads directly from the liver?
A. Common hepatic duct B. Cystic duct C. Common bile duct D. Abdominal duct
A. Common hepatic duct
Which of the following terms describes a tumor and actually means "new growth"?
A. Carcinoma B. Sarcoma C. Neoplasm D. Osteoma
-The prefix "neo-" means new, and "plasm" means growth or development. A neoplasm may be benign or malignant.
"Loss of appetite" describes which of the following conditions?
A. Anorexia B. Enteritis C. Volvulus D. Regional ulcers
How many pairs of ribs are there in a normal human skeleton?
A. 7 B. 12 C. 14 D. 24
Which of the following terms refers to the sole of the foot?
A. Plantar B. Visceral C. Parietal D. Extrinsic
Which of the following is broken down into the two major categories of "gross" and "microscopic"?
A. Hematuria B. Cystitis C. Reflux D. Hydronephrosis
A. Hematuria
Which gland is large when a person is young and almost disappears as an adult?
A. Pituitary B. Adrenal C. Thyroid D. Thymus
Which positioning term refers to the side of or a side view?
A. Dorsal B. Lateral C. Distal D. Proximal
-Lateral refers to the part of a structure away from the midline of the body and/or the body position that is 90 degrees from an AP or PA
A position in which the midsagittal plane does NOT form a right angle with the image receptor or CR, is said to be a/an _______.
A. AP B. PA C. lateral D. oblique
Which of the following positions would best demonstrate the rectum filled with barium?
A. RPO B. Supine C. Lateral D. Erect
An inflammation of a vein is known as what?
A. Phlebitis B. Thrombosis C. Embolitis D. Edemitis
A. Phlebitis
-The suffix that means inflammation is "-itis" and the word root for vein is "phleb". Phlebitis is inflammation of a vein.
The patient preparation for a barium enema would require which of the following?
A. Perfectly clean colon B. Completely empty stomach C. Totally sedated patient D. N.P.O. two days prior to examination
A. Perfectly clean colon
Which bone would be radiographed to demonstrate the manubrium?
A. Clavicle B. Scapula C. Sternum D. Rib
C. Sternum
The gallbladder will be located near the vertebrae in which of the following body types?
A. Asthenic B. Sthenic C. Hypersthenic D. Average
A. Asthenic
Which of the following is NOT considered part of the bony thorax?
A. Sternum B. Ribs C. Thoracic spine D. Lumbar spine
-The purpose of the bony thorax is to protect the vital organs of the chest. It is made up of the sternum anteriorly, the ribs laterally and thoracic spine posteriorly.
Which of the following root words means "renal pelvis"?
A. Pyel B. Vesic C. Trigon D. Glomerul
A. Pye
Which of the following does NOT pass through the diaphragm?
A. Esophagus B. Aorta C. Trachea D. Inferior vena cava
C. Trachea