Integumentary System - Right/Wrong Flashcards

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created 8 years ago by jagaragon
There is a correct and an incorrect version of each statement. Have students work together to determine which is right and which is wrong.
updated 8 years ago by jagaragon
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Mitosis takes place in the layer of epidermis called the stratum basale.

Mitosis takes place in the layer of epidermis called the stratum corneum.


Caucasian skin color is caused by less melanin in the skin, allowing the blood pigment to be seen.

Caucasian skin color is caused by the absence of all pigment.


What do carrots and sweet potatoes have in common with human epidermis?

They contain the pigment carotene.

What do carrots and sweet potatoes have in common with human epidermis?

They synthesize melanocytes.


What is the name of a layer of dense, irregular connective tissue containing interlacing bundles of collagenous and elastic fibers?

Reticular layer of the dermis

What is the name of a layer of dense, irregular connective tissue containing interlacing bundles of collagenous and elastic fibers?

Papillary layer of the dermis


Why is keratin important to the skin?

It makes the stratum corneum thick, tough, and water-repellant.

Why is keratin important to the skin?

It keeps the stratum lucidum moisturized.


The layer of skin attached to the hypodermis is the reticular layer of the dermis.

The layer of skin attached to the hypodermis is the papillary layer of the dermis.


What is the name for melanin that forms into patches?


What is the name for melanin that forms into patches?

Nevus (mole)


What is another name for the cuticle?


What is another name for the cuticle?



The sudoriferous glands form perspiration.

The ceruminous glands form perspiration.


The nails are modifications of the epidermal layers corneum and lucidum.

The nails are modifications of the epidermal layers granulosum and spinosum.


Sebaceous glands produce an oily mixture of cholesterol, fats, and other substances.

Sebaceous glands produce a waxy secretion called cerumen.


What function does the bulb at the base of a hair follicle serve?

To provide nutrients to the growing hair.

What function does the bulb at the base of a hair follicle serve?

To inject melanin into the hair.


The skin is derived from ectoderm and mesoderm.

The skin is derived from ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm.


Loss of body fluids through the integument is restricted by keratin.

Loss of body fluids through the integument is restricted by carotene.


Which epidermal layer is lacking within the skin of the head and trunk?

Stratum lucidum

Which epidermal layer is lacking within the skin of the head and trunk?

Stratum granulosum


What is the proper sequence of epidermal layers pierced as a nail penetrates the epidermis on the sole of the foot?

Corneum, lucidum, granulosum, spinosum, basale

What is the proper sequence of epidermal layers pierced as a nail penetrates the epidermis on the sole of the foot?

Corneum, lucidum, spinosum, granulosum, basale


Produced in the epidermis of the skin, melanin protects against ultraviolet light.

Produced in the epidermis of the skin, melanin prevents infections.


The most probable cause of alopecia is genetic inheritance.

The most probable cause of alopecia is protein deficiencies.


In the skin layers, the protein keratin forms a barrier to water-soluble substances.

In the skin layers, the protein keratin serves as a barrier to ions and salts.


The skin conserves body heat by reducing secretions of sweat.

The skin conserves body heat by producing heat-tolerant hormones.


One of the functions of the skin is to serve in the absorption of certain fat-soluble vitamins.

One of the functions of the skin is to serve in the absorption of digestive enzymes.


Intercellular junctions occurring within the stratum spinosum are referred to as desmosomes.

Intercellular junctions occurring within the stratum spinosum are referred to as gap junctions.


Two important cells found in the stratum basale are melanocytes and keratinocytes.

Two important cells found in the stratum basale are hair cells and gland cells.


Five layers of epithelium are found on the palms of the hand and soles of the feet.

Five layers of epithelium are found face and neck.


About 25 layers of dead and dry squamous cells make up the stratum corneum.

About 25 layers of dead and dry squamous cells make up the dermis.


In the stratum corneum, the cytoplasm of most cells has been replaced by keratin.

In the stratum corneum, the cytoplasm of most cells has been replaced by cerumin.


All living cells of the epidermis receive their nourishment from blood vessels located in the dermis.

All living cells of the epidermis receive their nourishment from blood vessels located in the basement membrane.


The dermis and epidermis are anchored to one another by dermal papillae.

The dermis and epidermis are anchored to one another by gap junctions.


Muscle fibers may be located in the dermis but not the epidermis.

Muscle fibers may be located in the epidermis but not the dermis.


Arrector pilli muscles are associated with the hair follicles.

Arrector pilli muscles are associated with the epidermis.


Lanugo is extremely fine hair associated with the fetus.

Lanugo is extremely fine hair associated with the back of the neck.


The protein material of the nail results from the metabolism of cells beneath the cuticle at the base of the nail.

The protein material of the nail results from the metabolism of cells in the reticular layer of the dermis.


The terms eccrine and apocrine refer to two types of sweat glands.

The terms eccrine and apocrine refer to ceruminous glands.


The function of cerumen is to help trap foreign substances before they enter the ear.

The function of cerumen is to secrete milk.


The nail consists of a curved plate of keratin.

The nail consists of a layer of stratum corneum over a layer of stratum lucidum.


The secretion of sebaceous glands enters the hair follicle.

The secretion of sebaceous glands enters the apocrine glands.