Ascending aorta

Aortic arch

Brachiocephalic trunk

one of two major vessels coming off aortic arch
Left common carotid artery

branch off brachiocepalic trunk in cats; branches off aorta in humans
Right common carotid artery

branch off brachiocepalic trunk in cats
Left subclavian artery

other major vessel coming off of aortic arch
Right subclavian artery

branches off brachiocephalic trunk
4 branches off the subclavian
-Vertebral artery
-Costocervical artery
-Internal mammary artery
-Thyrocervical artery
Vertebral artery

travels through cervical vertebrae; supplies brain
Costocervical artery
supplies costal and cervical regions
Internal mammary artery

supplies ventral thoracic wall
Thyrocervical artery

supplies deep muscles of neck/shoulder and glands
Left axillary artery

as subclavian passes in front of 1st rib it becomes axillary
Right axillary artery

as subclavian passes in front of 1st rib it becomes axillary
Descending aorta

Thoracic/Abdominal; lifet left lung to follow its course through the thoracic cavity; passes through diaphragm and enters abdominal cavity
Celiac trunk

1st abdominal branch of aorta; immediately after aorta crosses diaphragm and enters abdominal cavity
Celiac trunk

3 branches of celiac trunk
-Left gastric artery
-Hepatic artery
-Splenic artery
Left gastric artery

supplies stomach
Hepatic artery

supplies liver
Splenic artery

supplies spleen
Superior mesenteric artery

branch of aorta posterior to celiac trunk; supplies small intestine and most of large intestine
Left adrenolumbar artery

branch of aorta posterior to superior mesenteric; supply muscles of body wall and adrenal glands
Right adrenolumbar artery

branch of aorta posterior to superior mesenteric; supply muscles of body wall and adrenal glands
Left renal artery

branch of aorta posterior to adrenolumbar; supply the kidneys
Right renal artery

branch of aorta posterior to adrenolumbar; supply the kidneys
Gonadal artery

thin branch of aorta posterior to renal; supply the gonads
Left testicular artery

Right testicular artery
Left ovarian artery

Right ovarian artery
Inferior mesenteric artery

branch of aorta posterior to gonadal; supplies second half of large intestine/rectum
Left iliolumbar artery

branch of aorta posterior to inferior mesenteric; supply muscles of body wall in the iliolumbar region
Right iliolumbar artery

branch of aorta posterior to inferior mesenteric; supply muscles of body wall in the iliolumbar region
Left external iliac artery

large branches from aorta; pass through body wall; supply the lower limb
Right external iliac artery

large branches from aorta; pass through body wall; supply the lower limb
Left internal iliac artery

branches at end of aorta; supply the pelvic viscera
Right internal iliac artery

branches at end of aorta; supply the pelvic viscera
Left femoral artery

when external iliac passes into the thigh it becomes this; can see it in the femoral triangle
Right femoral artery

when external iliac passes into the thigh it becomes this; can see it in the femoral triangle
Left deep femoral artery

branches of femoral; supplies muscles of medial, proximal thigh
Right deep femoral artery
branches of femoral; supplies muscles of medial, proximal thigh
Inferior vena cava

large vein; drains areas below heart; enters right atrium
Superior vena cava

large vein; drains areas above heart; enters right atrium
Left brachiocephalic vein

unite to form superior vena cava
Right brachiocephalic vein

unite to form superior vena cava
Left internal jugular vein

small; drain deeper regions of the head; parallels and lies adjacent to trachea and common carotid artery
Right internal jugular vein
small; drain deeper regions of the head; parallels and lies adjacent to trachea and common carotid artery
Left external jugular vein

lateral to internal jugular; drains superficial regions of the head
Right external jugular vein

lateral to internal jugular; drains superficial regions of the head
Left subclavian vein

drains much of shoulder and all of arm; *jugular and subclavian unite to form brachiocephalic
Right subclavian vein

drains much of shoulder and all of arm; *jugular and subclavian unite to form brachiocephalic
Left axillary vein

as subclavian passes in front of 1st rib it becomes this vein
Right axillary vein
as subclavian passes in front of 1st rib it becomes this vein
Left subscapular vein

merges with axillary; drains proximal part of forearm and shoulder
Right subscapular vein

merges with axillary; drains proximal part of forearm and shoulder
Azygous vein

runs alongside inferior vena cava in thoracic cavity; drains thoracic intercostal muscles
Hepatic veins

inferior vena cava passes through liver
Left adrenolumbar vein

drains into renal; come from/drain muscles of body wall and adrenal glands
Right adrenolumbar vein
drains into vena cava; come from/drain muscles of body wall and adrenal glands
Left renal vein

merge with vena cava; come from/drain kidneys
Right renal vein

merge with vena cava; come from/drain kidneys
Left gonadal vein

small; right drains into vena cava; left drains into renal; come from/drains the gonads
Right gonadal vein

Left ovarian vein

Left iliolumbar vein

merge with vena cava; come from/drain muscles of body wall in iliolumbar region
Right iliolumbar vein

merge with vena cava; come from/drain muscles of body wall in iliolumbar region
Left common iliac vein

unite to form inferior vena cava; formed by union of external and internal iliacs
Right common iliac vein

unite to form inferior vena cava; formed by union of external and internal iliacs
Left internal iliac vein

more medial of iliacs; come from/drain pelvic organs and gluteal region
Right internal iliac vein

more medial of iliacs; come from/drain pelvic organs and gluteal region
Left external iliac vein

come from/drain lower limb
Right external iliac vein

come from/drain lower limb
Left femoral vein

come from/drain muscles of thigh; becomes external iliac when passes into body cavity
Right femoral vein

come from/drain muscles of thigh; becomes external iliac when passes into body cavity
Left deep femoral vein
come from/drain muscles of medial, proximal thighs/external genitals; merges with femoral
Right deep femoral vein

come from/drain muscles of medial, proximal thighs/external genitals; merges with femoral