What are the muscles of facial expression>
orbicularis oculi
orbicularis oris
what innervates the muscles of facial expression?
facial nerve

identify and name functions
frontalis m
draws scalp anteriorly, raises eyebrows, and wrinkles forehead

identify and name functions
occipitalis m
draws scalp posteriorly
identify and name functions
orbicularis oculi
closes the eye
identify and name functions

orbicularis oris
closes and protrudes lips

identify and name functions
presses cheek against teeth

identify and name functions
draws out part of lower lip inferiorly and posteriorly (as in pouting) and tenses the skin of the neck

what are the muscles of mastication?
masseter m
temporalis m
medial pterygoid m
lateral pterygoid m
what innervates muscles of mastication?
mandibular division of trigeminal n CN V3

identify and name functions
masseter; elevates mandible

identify and name functions
temporalis m
elevates and retracts mandible
identify muscle in dark red and name functions

medial pterygoid
elevates, protracts and moves mandible from side to side

identify the muscle and name functions
lateral pterygoid
depresses, protracts and moves mandible from side to side
what are the neck muscles?
trapezius and sternocleidomastoid
what innervates the muscles of the neck
accessory n (CN XI)
O I A INN of trapezius
O superior nuchal line, external occipital protuberance, ligamentum nuchae, spinous process C7 & T1-T12 vertebrae
I lateral 1/3 of clavicle, acromion, and spine of scapula
A elevates and retracts scapula
INN accessory n

identify and name functions
bilaterlly flexes cervical portion of vertebral column
unilaterally rotates head to the side opposite of the contracting muscle
what are the suprahyoid muscles?
mylohyoid m
anterior and posterior bellies of the digastric m
stylohyoid m
geniohyoid muscle

what is the function of the suprahyoid muscles?
elevate the hyoid bone

name the infrahyoid muscles
function of infrahyoid muscles?
all depress the hyoid bone

common carotid bifurcates into ______ and ______
internal and external carotid arteries

name the artery just below the one in bright pink
common carotid a

name the artery in bright pink
internal carotid a


draw anterior and posterior blood circulation in brain

internal carotid artery ascends toward base of skull; gives off ______ branches in the neck
forms _______ circulation of the brain
NO; anterior
external carotid artery gives off ______ in the neck; supplies _____ and ____
many; neck and face
vertebral a. branches off ______ and forms _____ circulation of the brain
subclavian a.; posterior
external jugular vein is located ______; formed from ________
superficial to sternocleidomastoid; veins of external face, head, and neck
internal jugular vein is located _______; returns venous blood from ______
deep to sternocleidomastoid; inside the skull


draw flowchart of venous draining from the head and neck