Bio Chapter 17 Flashcards

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(Isolating mechanisms)

_________ prevents hybrid offspring from developing of if the hybrid is born, it is infertile.

A. Prezygotic reproductive isolating mechanisms
B. Temporal isolation mechanisms
C. Postzygotic isolating mechanisms
D. Two of these are correct
E. None of the answer choices are correct



(Isolating mechanisms)

Female Anolis distinguish males of their species by the color of their dewlap, a colorful flap of skin in the neck region preventing them from mating w/ males of different species. This is an example of

A. a postzygotic isolating mechanism
B. a prezygotic isolating mechanism
C. temporal isolation
D. hybrid inviability



(Geographical isolation)

Once members of a species are geographically isolated, what factors may cause them to differ from each other over time?

A. natural selection
B. genetic drift
C. new mutations
D. sexual selection
E. all of the above are correct



(Speciation in the fossil record)

The _________ was proposed to help explain speciation that appears in the fossil record.

A. evolutionary species concept
B. morphological species concept
C. phylogenetic species concept
D. genetic divergence species concept



(Limitation of the biological species concept)

The biological species concept is limited, and may not be applied to

A. asexually reproducing organisms
B. organisms known only in the fossil record
C. species that could possibly interbreed if they lived near one another
D. all of the answer choices are correct



(History of life on Earth)

The history of life on Earth can be studied by looking at ________ instead of ________.

A. macroevolution, microevolution
B. microevolution, macroevolution
C. sexual selection, macroevolution
D. gene flow, microevolution



(Types of evolution)

Evolutionary change above the species level is referred to as ________, whereas evolutionary changes below the species level is known as _______.

A. convergent, divergent
B. macroevolution, microevolution
C. microevolution, macroevolution
D. punctuated, gradualistic



(Examples of reproductive isolation)

Which of the following would result in reproductive isolation?

A. two populations of crickets are indistinguishable in physical features, but the females in each group only come to the different songs of their males.
B. fruit flies on one Hawaiian island live for hundreds of generations and do not come in contact with fruit flies on another island except when blown there by rare tropical storms
C. one brood of the 17th-year cicada emerged in 1987 (and will do so every 17 yrs) and lives a few months as adults, another brood emerged in 1992 ( and will do so every 17 yrs); the larvae of both feed side by side on tree roots
D. a lion and a tiger mate in the artificial confines of a zoo but the offspring is infertile
E. all of the choices are correct



(Disadvantage of the evolutionary species concept)

A major disadvantage of the evolutionary species concept is that it

A. relies primarily on reproductive isolation to identify species
B. applies to both sexually & asexually reproducing species
C. uses morphological traits to distinguish species
D. is the same as the classic biological species concept



(Adaptive radiation)

Several species of Caribbean Anoline lizards have evolved from a single ancestral species. The species occupy a wide variety of ecological niches, such as tree trunks and the ground, or tree trunks only, or tree trunks and the crown of trees, etc. This type of allopatric speciation is called

A. adaptive radiation
B. alloploidy
C. autoploidy
D. hybridization



(Convergent evolution vs. coevolution)

______ is said to occur when a similar trait evolves in two unrelated species while ______ is when a species evolves in response to another species.

A. convergent evolution, coevolution
B. coevolution, convergent evolution
C. sympatric speciation, coevolution
D. allopatric speciation, convergent evolution



(Isolating mechanisms)

Isolating mechanisms that prevent reproductive attempts or make it unlikely that reproductive attempts will be successful are referred to as

A. prezygotic reproductive isolating mechanisms
B. a lack of F2 fitness
C. postzygotic isolating mechanisms
D. two of these are correct
E. none of the answer choices are correct



(Cross between horse and donkey)

A cross between a male horse and a female donkey produces a mule. Mules are an example of

A. hybrid infertility
B. temporal isolation
C. gametic isolation
D. zygote mortality



(Types of isolation)

In some plants, the sperm can not reach the egg because the stigma prevents formation of the pollen tubes. This is an example of

A. tempora isolation
B. behavioral isolation
C. gametic isolation
D. mechanical isolation



(When one species splits into two)

______ is when one species splits into two of when one species transforms into another over time.

A. Reproductive isolation
B. Convergent evolution
C. The founder effect
D. Speciation
E. Both reproductive and speciation are correct