a spinal nerve is a mixed nerve formed from the union of _________ and ______
a ventral root and dorsal root
a dorsal root contains _____ fibers and ventral root contains _______
afferent/sensory; efferent/motor
How many pairs of spinal nerves are there? How many of each type?
31 total; 8 cervical 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral, and 1 coccygeal
C1-C7 spinal nerves exit the vertebral canal ___________ to the vertebrae for which they were named

Where does C8 exist the vertebral canal via the intervertebral foramen?

between C7 and T1
T1 and inferior spinal nerves exit the vertebra canal _____________ to the vertebrae for which they are named

From which ventral rami is the brachial plexus formed?
how are the subunits of the brachial plexus organized?
roots, trunks, divisions, cords, branches
be able to draw the diagram of the brachial plexus

be able to draw the diagram of the brachial plexus that includes the non-terminal nerves

what are the five terminal branches of the brachial plexus?
muscultocutaneous, axillary, median, radial, and ulnar
which ventral rami form the musculocutaneous n?
which cord does the musculocutaneous nerve directly continue from?
the lateral cord
which nerve pierces corachobrachialis and runs between biceps brachii and brachialis?

musculocutaneous nerve
which nerve innervates all the muscles of the anterior arm?
musculocutaneous nerve
from which ventral rami is the ulnar nerve formed?
Which cord is the ulnar nerve a direct continuation of?
medial cord
which nerve are you compressing when you hit your funny bone?

ulnar nerve
which nerve runs posterior to medial epicondyle and runs medially within anterior forearm

ulnar nerve
what is innervated by the median nerve
five intrinsic hand muscles
first two lumbricals
three muscles of the thenar eminence - opponens pollicis, abductor pollicis, and flexor pollicis (recurrent branch of median n)
And all anterior forearm muscles except flexor carpi ulnaris and half of flexor digitorum profundus
deep anterior forearm muscles are innervated by anterior interosseous n.
what is innervated by ulnar nerve?

all but five intrinsic hand muscles -- these are deep branch of ulnar nerve
1.5 muscles in anterior forearm - flexor carpi ulnaris and half of flexor digitorum profundus
which ventral rami form the median nerve?
Which nerve is formed by one half of the lateral cord and one half of the medial cord?
median nerve
which nerve enters the forearm by passing through the cubital fossa and runs between flexor digitorum superficialis and flexor digitorum profundus and is deep to biceps brachii?
median nerve
which nerves are formed from c5-t1?
median nerve and radial nerve
of which cord is the radial nerve a direct continuation of?
the posterior cord
which nerve passes posterior to the humerus within the radial groove?
radial nerve
what does the radial nerve innervate?
plain old radial nerve only innervates brachioradialis, triceps brachii, and extensor carpi radialis longus
deep branch of radial nerve gets supinator and extensor carpi radialis brevis
posterior interosseous nerve gets all the rest
extensor digitorum, extensor digiti minimi, extensor carpi ulnaris, extensor pollicis longus, extensor pollicis brevis, extensor indices
Which muscles of the hand does the radial nerve innervate/
trick questione. none. it does supply sensory information for the dorsal surface of the area of the thumb
from which ventral rami is the axillary nerve formed?
which two nerves branch off the posterior cord?
the axillary and radial nerve
which nerve wraps around the surgical neck of the humerus, passing posterior?
axilary nerve
what does the axillary nerve innervate?
deltoid and teres minor
which nerve branches directly off ventral ramus c5?
dorsal scapular nerve
which muscles are innervated by the dorsal scapular nerve?

rhomboids major and minor and levator scapulae
which ventral rami directly form the long thoracic nerve?
which nerve innervates serratus anterior?
long thoracic nerve
which nerve is sometimes damaged by a masectomy and what is the result?

the long thoracic nerve; winging of the scapula
which nerve branches off the upper trunk?

suprascapular nerve
which muscles does the suprascapular nerve innervate?
supraspinatus and infraspinatus
what are the nerves of the upper brachial plexus?
suprascapular, long thoracic, and dorsal scapular
what are the pectoral nerves?
medial pectoral nerve and lateral pectoral nerve
where do the medial and pectoral nerves branch off of?
the medial pectoral nerve branches off the medial cord and the lateral pectoral nerve branches off the lateral cord
which nerve innervates pectoralis minor and half of pectoralis major? which nerve innervates pectoralis major only?

medial pectoral innervates major and minor; lateral only innervates major
name the nerves of the lower brachial plexus
upper subscapular
lower subscapular
where does the upper subscapular nerve branch from and what does it innervate?

branches from posterior cord and innervates subscapularis (along with the lower subscapular n)
where does lower subscapular nerve branch from and what does it innervate?

branches from posterior cord and innervates subscapularis and teres major
where does thoracodorsal nerve branch from and what does it innervate?

branches off the posterior cord and ventral rami from c6 - c8
innervates latissmus dorsi
draw dermatome vs peripheral nerve map

what is innervated by the lateral pectoral nerve?
pectoralis major
what is innervated by medial pectoral nerve?
pec major and pec minor