McGraw-Hill Education 500 Evolve Reach (HESI) A2 Questions to Know by Test Day: HESI A2 Study Cards - Grammar Flashcards

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Which word is used incorrectly in the following sentence?

After rapidly consume that enormous meal, he felt a bit dyspeptic.

  1. rapidly
  2. consume
  3. felt
  4. dyspeptic



What punctuation is needed in this sentence to make it correct?

Dr. Abrams came here from England he has only been in Delaware for one year.

  1. Comma
  2. Semicolon
  3. Colon
  4. Hyphen



Select the word that makes this sentence grammatically correct.

Few students were able to complete the assignment in the allotted time; ______, the professor gave them an additional week in which to do the work.

  1. despite
  2. in fact
  3. therefore
  4. conversely



What word is best to substitute for the underlined words in the following sentence?

You can hear the nurses' laughter all the way down the hallway.

  1. his
  2. hers
  3. them
  4. their



Which word is used incorrectly in the following sentence?

Moving stealthy, the sneaky little boy reached up for the cookie jar on the topmost shelf.

  1. stealthy
  2. sneaky
  3. up
  4. topmost



Which sentence is the clearest?

  1. I saw the criminals who were arrested on the TV news.
  2. I saw the criminals on the TV news who were arrested.
  3. On the TV news, the criminals who were arrested were seen by me.
  4. On the TV news, I saw the criminals who were arrested.

On the TV news, I saw the criminals who were arrested.


Which word is not spelled correctly in the context of the sentence?

Our mayer made a proclamation declaring that all citizens must recycle.

  1. mayer
  2. proclamation
  3. citizens
  4. recycle



Select the word or phrase that will make the sentence grammatically correct.

Jennifer must ______ been confused by the complicated directions.

  1. of
  2. had
  3. have
  4. be



Which of following is spelled correctly?

  1. Seisure
  2. Siezure
  3. Seizher
  4. Seizure



Select the phrase or clause that is misplaced in the sentence.

Accompanied by toast, Jake enjoyed his farm-fresh eggs and sweet-tasting grits.

  1. Accompanied by toast
  2. Jake enjoyed
  3. farm-fresh eggs
  4. sweet-tasting grits

Accompanied by toast


Select the word that makes this sentence grammatically correct.

After _______ the course, the nursing students will take a short practicum.

  1. finished
  2. finishing
  3. having finish
  4. will finish



What punctuation is needed in this sentence to make it correct?

"Please dont be afraid to ask questions," she assured us politely.

  1. Period
  2. Quotation marks
  3. Comma
  4. Apostrophe



Which word is not spelled correctly in the context of this sentence?

The pharmacist seemed to disagree with the proscription designated by the physician.

  1. pharmacist
  2. proscription
  3. designated
  4. physician



What punctuation is needed in this sentence to make it correct?

Have you finished reading the lab results so we can schedule an appointment with the patient

  1. Period
  2. Question mark
  3. Comma
  4. Semicolon

Question mark


Which of the following is spelled correctly?

  1. Discipline
  2. Disipline
  3. Discapline
  4. Dicipline



Which sentence is grammatically correct?

  1. The new employees watched a short training file following a session with the hospital administrator.
  2. A session with the hospital administrator was followed by a short training film by the new employees.
  3. Following a session with the hospital administrator, a short training film was watched by the new employees.
  4. Following a session with the hospital administrator, the employees watched a short training film.

Following a session with the hospital administrator, the employees watched a short training film.


Which word is spelled correctly?

  1. Noticable
  2. Notisable
  3. Noticeable
  4. Noticeabel



Select the phrase or clause that is misplaced in the sentence.

I did not see the open carton of orange juice on the shelf standing with the refrigerator door open.

  1. I did not see
  2. of orange juice
  3. on the self
  4. standing with the refrigerator door open

standing with the refrigerator door open


Select the word or phrase that will make the sentence grammatically correct.

Do not be afraid to consult ______ your peers.

  1. with
  2. from
  3. by
  4. in



Which sentence is clearest?

  1. The was hot and made of tomatoes; Dan burned his tongue and gulped some cold water.
  2. After burning his tongue on the the hot tomato soup, Dan gulped some cold water.
  3. Dan gulped some cold water when the tomato soup that was hot burned his tongue.
  4. Gulping some cold water, Dan burned his tongue on the hot tomato soup.

After burning his tongue on the the hot tomato soup, Dan gulped some cold water.


Which word is spelled correctly?

  1. Controversial
  2. Contraversial
  3. Contravercial
  4. Contriversal



Which word is used incorrectly in the following sentence?

Exercising excessively can have significant nugatory effects.

  1. excessively
  2. significant
  3. nugatory
  4. effects



Select the word that makes this sentence grammatically correct.

The committee finished ______ report in time for the annual review.

  1. its
  2. their
  3. it's
  4. they're



What punctuation is needed in this sentence to make it correct?

Courtney ran around the track and her roommates kept trace of her time.

  1. Period
  2. Comma
  3. Colon
  4. Apostrophe



Which of the following is spelled correctly?

  1. Insessant
  2. Incesant
  3. Incessent
  4. Incessant



Select the correct word for the blank in the following sentence.

We were not sure to ______ we should give the paperwork.

  1. who
  2. whoever
  3. whom
  4. whomever



What punctuation is needed in this sentence to make it correct?

Mrs. Alvarez showed us three possibilities for the anteroom walls flowered wallpaper, striped wallpaper, or stippled paint.

  1. Comma
  2. Semicolon
  3. Colon
  4. Hyphen



Select the word that makes this sentence grammatically correct.

Having ______ one pill at bedtime, the patient was able to sleep for eight hours.

  1. took
  2. take
  3. taking
  4. taken



Which sentence is grammatically correct?

  1. Tapping the beat, Ms. Schuster led the chorus in song.
  2. Ms. Schuster led the chorus in song tapping the beat.
  3. Ms. Schuster led the chorus, tapping the beat, in song.
  4. Tapping the beat, the chorus was led in song by Ms. Schuster.

Tapping the beat, Ms. Schuster led the chorus in song.


Select the word that makes this sentence grammatically correct.

One out of the four doctors ______ to this plan.

  1. subscribe
  2. subscribes
  3. subscribing
  4. are subscribed



Which of the following words is spelled correctly?

  1. Proffesional
  2. Proffessional
  3. Profesional
  4. Professional



What punctuation is needed in this sentence to make it correct?

I did not entirely understand his instructions; nevertheless I attempted to hook up that computer on my own.

  1. Comma
  2. Semicolon
  3. Dash
  4. Period



Select the correct word for the blank in the following sentence.

We ______ never been trained in that particular procedure.

  1. has
  2. was
  3. had
  4. will



Which sentence is written correctly?

  1. When he told you to mark his words did you assume he meant that you should pay attention?
  2. When he told you to "mark his words" did you assume he meant that you should pay attention?
  3. When he told you to "mark his words" did you assume he meant that "you should pay attention"?
  4. When he told you to mark his words, did you assume he meant that you should pay attention.

When he told you to mark his words, did you assume he meant that you should pay attention.


Which word is used incorrectly in the following sentence?

The couple is extraordinarily gifted, and their prodigy have benefited from the brainpower of their forebears.

  1. extraordinarily
  2. prodigy
  3. brainpower
  4. forebears



Which word is not spelled correctly in the context of the sentence?

Nothing can be more delightful then a late-night swim in the reservoir?

  1. Nothing
  2. delightful
  3. then
  4. reservoir



What punctuation is needed in this sentence to make it correct?

Although we had met earlier the busy doctor could not recall my name.

  1. Period
  2. Question mark
  3. Comma
  4. Semicolon



Which of the following is spelled correctly?

  1. Labertory
  2. Laberatory
  3. Labratory
  4. Laboratory



Which sentence is written correctly?

  1. Rebecca has read that novel twenty times, astonishingly, she still finds it entertaining.
  2. Rebecca has that novel twenty times; astonishingly, she still finds it entertaining.
  3. Rebecca has read that novel twenty times astonishingly; she still finds it entertaining.
  4. Rebecca has read that novel twenty times, astonishingly she still finds it entertaining.

Rebecca has that novel twenty times; astonishingly, she still finds it entertaining.


Which sentence is clearest?

  1. The geese were flying south in a V formation with hikers on the mountain spotting them.
  2. As the geese flew south, hikers were on the mountain, spotting the geese in a V formation.
  3. Hikers on the mountain spotted geese flying south in a V formation.
  4. In a V formation, geese flying south spotted hikers on the mountain.

Hikers on the mountain spotted geese flying south in a V formation.


Which word is used incorrectly in the following sentence?

The professor was formally an intern in this very hospital back in the 1980s.

  1. professor
  2. formally
  3. intern
  4. very



Select the correct word for the blank in the following sentence.

The children and ______ performed a skit for the elderly patients.

  1. he
  2. me
  3. them
  4. her



Select the sentence that is grammatically correct.

  1. The office of finances had sent him a message reminding him to pay his tuition bill.
  2. The office of finances send him a message reminding him to pay his tuition bill.
  3. The office of finances have sent him a message reminding him to pay his tuition bill.
  4. The office of finances sent him a message reminds him to pay his tuition bill.

The office of finances had sent him a message reminding him to pay his tuition bill.


Select the word that makes this sentence grammatically correct.

If you will ______ down here, the doctor will check your flexibility.

  1. set
  2. seat
  3. lay
  4. lie



Which of the following spelled correctly?

  1. Mechanical
  2. Mechanicle
  3. Mecanical
  4. Machinical



Which sentence is written correctly?

  1. Since completing the technical course Jasper has had several offers.
  2. Since completing the technical course, Jasper has had several offers.
  3. Since completing, the technical course, Jasper has had several offers.
  4. Since completing the technical course; Jasper has had several offers.

Since completing the technical course, Jasper has had several offers.


Select the word or phrase that makes this sentence grammatically correct.

There is a fountain _______ the driveway and the main entrance.

  1. among
  2. between
  3. by way of
  4. in conjunction with



Which word is used incorrectly in the following sentence?

The doctor's spear of influence includes most people working in the disciplines of neurology and pain management.

  1. spear
  2. influence
  3. disciplines
  4. management



Which of the following words is spelled correctly?

  1. Irrelevant
  2. Irelevant
  3. Irrelevent
  4. Irrellevant



Which sentence is written correctly?

  1. Maria has an unusual background, she started off as a student of geology.
  2. Maria has an unusual background; she started off as a student of geology.
  3. Maria has an unusual background she started off as a student of geology.
  4. Maria has an unusual background: she started off as a student of geology.

Maria has an unusual background; she started off as a student of geology.


Select the phrase that will make this sentence grammatically correct.

Until the semester ends, Lily _______.

  1. is not traveling far from town
  2. has not traveled far from town
  3. will not have traveled far from town
  4. will not travel far from town

will not travel far from town


Which word is not spelled correctly in the context of the sentence?

The ingenuous foxes managed to lever open one side of the coop.

  1. ingenuous
  2. foxes
  3. lever
  4. coop



Select the word that will make this sentence grammatically correct.

You will need to choose ______ courses in biology, chemistry, and anatomy.

  1. between
  2. besides
  3. among
  4. amid



Which word is used incorrectly in the following sentence?

Jeremiah seemed enthusiastically when we reported on our astonishing success.

  1. seemed
  2. enthusiastically
  3. astonishing
  4. success



Select the sentence that is grammatically correct.

  1. Kindly had the keys over to him and me.
  2. Kindly had the keys over to him and I.
  3. Kindly hand the keys over to me and him.
  4. Kindly hand the keys over to he and I.

Kindly had the keys over to him and me.


What word is best to substitute for the underlined word in the following sentence?

Could Kendra manage to carry both Kendra's books and yours?

  1. her
  2. his
  3. she's
  4. hers



Which of the following words is spelled correctly?

  1. Prefferential
  2. Preferential
  3. Preferencial
  4. Preferrencial



What punctuation is needed in this sentence to make it correct?

Follow my lead I have been performing this procedure for years.

  1. Period
  2. Comma
  3. Question mark
  4. Semicolon



Select the phrase that will make this sentence grammatically correct.

When the lecture was over, two students ______.

  1. raise their hands to ask questions
  2. raised their hands to ask questions
  3. have raised their hands to ask questions
  4. are raising their hands to ask questions

raised their hands to ask questions


Which word is used incorrectly in the following sentence?

He received an oral dose initial, followed by and IV drip.

  1. received
  2. dose
  3. initial
  4. followed



Select the sentence that is grammatically correct.

  1. Having replaced the broken glass, the window looked as good as new.
  2. After the broken glass was replaced, the window looked as good as new.
  3. Following the broken glass replacement, the window looked good as new.
  4. After we replaced the broken glass, the window looked good as new.

After we replaced the broken glass, the window looked good as new.


Select the word that makes this sentence grammatically correct.

She was the ______ speaker I had ever heard in my years at the clinic.

  1. inspirational
  2. more inspirational
  3. most inspirational
  4. most inspriationalest

most inspirational


Which of the following words is spelled correctly?

  1. Debenare
  2. Denninair
  3. Debonare
  4. Debonair



What punctuation is needed to make this sentence correct?

Jacob was delighted to be bumped up to the first class cabin on the overseas flight.

  1. Comma
  2. Hyphen
  3. Dash
  4. Apostrophe



Which sentence is written correctly?

  1. "Is our state's per-capita Medicare spending in line with the national average," he asked?
  2. "Is our state's per-capita Medicare spending in line with the national average?" He asked.
  3. "Is our state's per-capita Medicare spending in line with the national average"? he asked.
  4. "Is our state's per-capita Medicare spending in line with the national average?" he asked.

"Is our state's per-capita Medicare spending in line with the national average?" he asked.