GO W Capstone 1 -National Sales Meeting Flashcards

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created 9 years ago by ArmandoSilveira
GO W Capstone 1 -National Sales Meeting
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GO W Capstone 1 -National Sales Meeting

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GO W Capstone 1 -National Sales Meeting

GO W Capstone 1 -National Sales Meeting

Project Description:

In this project, you will apply skills you practiced from the Objectives in Word Chapters 1-3. You will assist Irene Shviktar, the Vice President of Marketing, to edit and create documents for a National Sales Meeting that will precede a Winter Sports Expo sponsored by Front Range Action Sports. The documents include a cover letter from the vice president to the company president. The letter will accompany a packet of materials for the meeting and the expo, which includes a brief resume for the guest speaker, a flyer that will announce the expo, a newsletter for employees, a research paper on the history and development of skis, and a set of name tags for a group of employees attending the national sales meeting.


For the purpose of grading the project you are required to perform the following tasks:



Points Possible


Start Word. Download and open the file namedgo_wcap1_grader.docx. Be sure that the formatting marks display.



On page 1, select the first line, and increase the Font Size to 28 pt. Change the Font Size of the next four lines to 12 pt.



Select the first five lines of the document, change the Font to Arial Rounded MT Bold, and then with the text selected, display the Borders and Shading dialog box. Create a 6 pt, Automatic-colored border on the left side of the selected text.



In the paragraph that begins If you have any, select the second sentence and move it to the beginning of the paragraph. Adjust spacing as necessary so that there are no extra blank spaces at the end of the paragraph.



On page 2, in the newsletter, select the second line of text, which begins with Employee Newsletter. Display the Borders and Shading dialog box, and then add an Automatic-colored, 3 pt line below the selected text.



Starting with the paragraph that begins National Sales, select all of the text from that point to the end of the page, including the paragraph mark after the word event. Do not select the Page Break. Change the Spacing After to 6 pt, format the text in two columns, and apply the Justify alignment.



At the top of the first column, select the paragraph National Sales Meeting. From the Font dialog box, change the Font Size to 20, apply Bold, add the Small caps effect, and then Center the paragraph. Apply the same formatting to the paragraphWinter Sports Expo.



On the same page, in the blank line above the last paragraph of the newsletter, insert the picture from your downloaded fileswCap1_Powder_Skiing. Set the Width of the picture to 3" and apply a 10 pt Soft Edges effect.



In the blank line at the top of page 3, insert a 2x3 table. In the first cell of the table, type on four lines:
Robert Lewis
1227 Aspen Lake Trail
Vail, CO 81657



Type CAREER HIGHLIGHTS in the second row, in the first cell. In the cell to the immediate right, Insert the text from the downloaded file wCap1_Career_Text, and then press BACKSPACE to remove the blank line at the bottom of the inserted text.



In the third row, in the first cell, type EDUCATION In the cell to the right, type Mr. Lewis’ educational information as follows:
University of Colorado
Ph.D. in Psychology
University of Colorado
M.S. in Psychology
University of Minnesota
B.S. in Psychology



Insert a new row at the bottom of the table. In the first cell of the new row, type CONSULTANT and then in the cell to the right, type the following:
U.S. Junior Ski Team
U.S. National Ski Team
Special Olympics



Apply Bold to the headings CAREER HIGHLIGHTS,EDUCATION, and CONSULTANT. Drag the vertical border between the two columns to the 1.5-inch mark on the horizontal ruler.



In the first row, merge the two cells, and then Center the text. Select Robert Lewis, increase the font size to 24 pt, apply Bold, and then add 12 pt space Before the text. Select the Web address and add 18 pt space after the text.



Create a bulleted list for the items below SKIING and belowCOACHING. Click in the last line of the table with the textSpecial Olympics, and then add 12 pt space after the text.



Select the table, and then remove all borders. From the Borders and Shading dialog box, add a 3 pt solid border to the top and bottom of the table.



Near the top of Page 4, in the paragraph that begins The use of skis, in the third line, position the insertion point to the right of the period following wood, and then insert the following footnote:
The oldest known ski and pole is more than 4,000 years old.



Modify the footnote style by changing the Font Size to 11 pt, add a First Line Indent of 0.5", and set Line spacing to 2.0 (double).



In the paragraph that begins The use of skis, position the insertion point to the left of the period at the end of the paragraph. Using the MLA format, add the following Book citation. After you add the citation, in the text, select theHuntford citation and add the page numbers 4-6.

Author: Huntford, Roland
Title: Two Planks and a Passion: The Dramatic History of Skiing
Year: 2008
City: New York
Publisher: Continuum Press
Medium: Print



On page 6, in the blank line below the Works Cited title, insert a bibliography. Select the two references, change the line spacing to 2.0 and change the Spacing After to 0 pt.



On page 7, select the two paragraphs below the title that beginFriday and Saturday, and then change the Spacing After to 0.



Select the three lines below the title, and then from the Borders and Shading dialog box, apply a Box border using theme color Blue, Accent 1 and a 3 pt border. Add Shading using theme color Blue, Accent 1, Lighter 80%.



Click after the colon at the end of the line that precedes the bulleted list. Insert the downloaded picturewCap1_Downhill_Racing. Change the Width of the picture to 3.5", and then set the Layout Options to Square.



Position the picture so that the Horizontal Alignment is set to Right relative to Column and the Vertical Alignment is set to Top relative to Line. Apply a Picture Style using the Soft Edge Rectangle.



At the bottom of the flyer, click in the second blank line below the last paragraph. Display the SmartArt Graphic dialog box, select Process, and then choose the first style—Basic Process. On the Format tab, set the Height of the SmartArt graphic to 1" and the Width to 6.5".



Add the following text to the three shapes in this order:Exhibits and Speakers and Workshops On the DESIGN tab, apply the 3-D Polished style.



Open a new blank Word document. In the new blank Word document, start the Step by Step Mail Merge Wizard. Set the document type to labels and use Avery US Letter labels, product number 74541 Clip Style Name Badges. Accept the settings and then proceed to step 3 of the wizard. Select the downloaded file wCap1_Addresses.docx as the recipients list.
In Step 4, on the Ribbon, in the Write & Insert Fields group, click the Insert Merge Field button, add First_Name field, press SPACEBAR. In the Write & Insert Fields group, click the Insert Merge Field button, add Last_Name field. Press ENT