A&p ch 6 Flashcards

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created 9 years ago by Jokhmaiboi05
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2) Yellow bone marrow contains a large percentage of ________.

A) fat
B) blood-forming cells
C) elastic tissue
D) Sharpeyʹs fibers
Answer: A



3) The cell responsible for secreting the matrix of bone is the ________.

A) osteocyte
B) osteoblast
C) osteoclast
D) chondrocyte
Answer: B



4) What kind of tissue is the forerunner of long bones in the embryo?

A) elastic connective tissue
B) dense fibrous connective tissue
C) fibrocartilage
D) hyaline cartilage
Answer: D



6) A fracture in the shaft of a bone would be a break in the ________.

A) epiphysis
B) metaphysis
C) diaphysis
D) articular cartilage
Answer: C



12) The most abundant skeletal cartilage type is ________.

A) hyaline
B) elastic
C) fibrocartilage
D) epiphyseal
Answer: A



14) The structural unit of compact bone is ________.
A) osseous matrix
B) spongy bone
C) lamellar bone
D) the osteon
Answer: D



15) Bones are covered and lined by a protective tissue called periosteum. The inner (osteogenic)
layer consists primarily of ________.

A) cartilage and compact bone
B) marrow and osteons
C) osteoblasts and osteoclasts
D) chondrocytes and osteocytes
Answer: C



16) The periosteum is secured to the underlying bone by dense connective tissue called ________.

A) Volkmannʹs canals
B) a bony matrix with hyaline cartilage
C) Perforating (Sharpeyʹs ) fibers
D) the struts of bone known as spicules
Answer: C



17) The canal that runs through the core of each osteon (the Haversian canal) is the site of

A) cartilage and interstitial lamellae
B) osteoclasts and osteoblasts
C) yellow marrow and spicules
D) blood vessels and nerve fibers
Answer: D



18) The small spaces in bone tissue that are holes in which osteocytes live are called ________.

A) lacunae
B) Volkmannʹs canals
C) Haversian canals
D) trabeculae
Answer: A



20) The process of bones increasing in width is known as ________.

A) closing of the epiphyseal plate
B) long bones reaching adult length and width
C) appositional growth
D) concentric growth
Answer: C



21) Bones are constantly undergoing resorption for various reasons. Which of the following cells
accomplishes this process?

A) osteoclast
B) osteocyte
C) osteoblast
D) stem cell
Answer: A



22) Which hormone increases osteoclast activity to release more calcium ions into the

A) calcitonin
B) thyroxine
C) parathyroid hormone
D) estrogen
Answer: C



23) Vertebrae are considered ________ bones.

A) long
B) flat
C) short
D) irregular
Answer: D



27) Cranial bones develop ________.

A) from cartilage models
B) within fibrous membranes
C) from a tendon
D) within osseous membranes
Answer: B



32) In the epiphyseal plate, cartilage grows ________.

A) by pulling the diaphysis toward the epiphysis
B) by pushing the epiphysis away from the diaphysis
C) from the edges inward
D) in a circular fashion
Answer: B



33) Spongy bones are made up of a framework called ________.

A) osteons
B) lamellar bone
C) trabeculae
D) osseous lamellae
Answer: C



34) Osteogenesis is the process of ________.

A) making a cartilage model of the fetal bone
B) bone destruction to liberate calcium
C) bone formation
D) making collagen fibers for calcified cartilage
Answer: C
