Anatomy & physiology final Flashcards

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created 9 years ago by Jokhmaiboi05
updated 9 years ago by Jokhmaiboi05
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1) Histology would be best defined as a study of________.

A) cells
B) tissues
C) cell chemistry
D) the gross structures of the body
Answer: B



2) The study of the heart may incorporate many aspects of anatomy but as a whole you would
say it is __________ anatomy.

A) microscopic
B) gross
C) developmental
D) systemic
Answer: B



6) The main, general purpose of negative feedback is ________.

A) to control all body system tissues
B) to maintain homeostasis
C) to keep the bodyʹs sugar high
D) to regulate excretion
Answer: B



8) An oblique cut is one that ________.

A) is cut horizontal right and left

B) is cut diagonally between the vertical and horizontal

C) is cut vertical right and left

D) is cut perpendicular to vertical and horizontal
Answer: B



9) The heart lies in the ________ cavity.

A) superior mediastinal
B) pleural
C) dorsal
D) pericardial
Answer: D



10) The cavities housing the eyes are called __________ cavities.

A) frontal
B) cranial
C) nasal
D) orbital
Answer: D



11) A structure that is composed of two or more tissues would be ________.

A) a complex tissue
B) an organ system
C) an organ
D) a complex cell
Answer: C



12) ________ cavities are spaces within joints.

A) Nasal
B) Synovial
C) Orbital
D) Oral
Answer: B



14) ________ means toward or at the back of the body, behind.

A) Anterior
B) Lateral
C) Distal
D) Dorsal
Answer: D



16) The posterior side of the patella would be called ________.

A) sural
B) crural
C) antecubital
D) popliteal
Answer: D



17) Which of the following statements is true concerning feedback mechanisms?

A) Positive feedback mechanisms always result in excessive damage to the host.

B) Negative feedback mechanisms tend to increase the original stimulus.

C) Negative feedback mechanisms work to prevent sudden severe changes within the body.

D) Blood glucose levels are regulated by positive feedback mechanisms.
Answer: C



18) The anatomical position is characterized by all of the following except ________.

A) body erect
B) arms at sides
C) palms turned posteriorly
D) thumbs pointed laterally
Answer: C



19) A good example of a positive feedback mechanism would be ________.

A) body temperature regulation
B) regulating glucose levels in the blood
C) enhancement of labor contractions
D) blood calcium level regulation
Answer: C



20) A parasagittal plane is ________.

A) a transverse cut just above the knees

B) two cuts dividing the body into left and right halves

C) any sagittal plane except the median

D) any cut dividing the body into anterior and posterior
Answer: C



21) Which of the following organs or structures would be found in the left iliac region?

A) appendix
B) stomach
C) liver
D) intestines
Answer: D



23) Which one of the following systems responds to environmental stimuli

A) endocrine
B) lymphatic
C) immune
D) nervous
Answer: D



26) The lungs are located in the following cavities ________.

A) pleural, ventral, and thoracic
B) mediastinum, thoracic, and ventral
C) pleural, dorsal, and abdominal
D) pericardial, ventral, and thoracic
Answer: A



28) Place the following in correct sequence from simplest to most complex:
1. molecules
2. atoms
3. tissues
4. cells
5. organ

A) 1-2-3-4-5
B) 2-1-4-3-5
C) 2-1-3-4-5
D) 1-2-4-3-5
Answer: B



30) Which of these is not part of the dorsal cavity?

A) cranial cavity
B) thoracic cavity
C) spinal cord
D) vertebral cavity
Answer: B



31) The stomach is located in which abdominopelvic quadrant?

A) right upper
B) right lower
C) left upper
D) left lower
Answer: C



34) The term pollex refers to the ________.

A) great toe
B) calf
C) fingers
D) thumb
Answer: D



35) The dorsal body cavity is the site of which of the following?

A) intestines
B) brain
C) lungs
D) liver
Answer: B



39) The frontal plane is also called the ______ plane.

A) vertical
B) oblique
C) coronal
D) median
Answer: C



41) A horizontal section through the body is called ________.

A) frontal
B) regional
C) sagittal
D) transverse
Answer: D



42) A vertical section through the body, dividing it into left and right, is called ________.

A) frontal
B) regional
C) sagittal
D) transverse
Answer: C



44) Which body cavity protects the nervous system?

A) Cranial
B) Dorsal
C) Vertebral
D) Thoracic
Answer: B
