Low gradient is associated with deposition.
True or false

slope of streambed
Zone of erosion
- mountains
- big boulders on the bed
- headwaters
- steep gradient
- small channel size
- small
volume of water
Zone of transportation
- trunk stream
- meander
- moderate channel size
moderate volume of water
Zone of deposition
- mouth
- gentle slope
- large channel size
large volume of water

At which of the following locations is erosion occurring?

At which of the following locations is deposition occurring?
Which of the following statements about deposition and erosion around meander loops is true?
- Erosion occurs where water is moving the fastest along the outside
of the loop.
- Deposition occurs where water is moving the
slowest along the inside of the loop.

Which portion of the stream is the most likely to become an oxbow lake in the near future?

Dendritic pattern

Radial pattern

Rectangular pattern

Trellis pattern

Indistinct or multiple drainage patterns
Direction and location of streamflow controlled primarily by geology
- Solid bedrock that is fractured in some areas
- Areas of
hard rocks interspread with areas of softer rock
Direction and location of streamflow controlled primarily by slope
- Peaks surrounded by valleys
- Layers of sedimentary, similar
- Solid igneous bedrock of uniform composition and slope
What causes meandering streams to downcut and become incised meanders?
uplift of the land the stream is flowing on
Which of the following is likely to occur to an incised meander after it reaches equilibrium with its new base level?
The incised meander will cause only minor erosion of the canyon walls.
Which of the following statements accurately describe the erosional processes of meanders that are incising and meanders that are in equilibrium?
- Meanders in equilibrium erode primarily in a side-to-side
- Incising meanders erode primarily by downcutting.

Using the example below, determine how flow will change as a result of stream piracy. The arrows indicate the original flow directions and the dotted line indicate where headward erosion has occurred.
Water would now flow from point A to point C.