Components of the respiratory system include the:

nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs(with their alveoli), diaphragm & muscles surrounding the ribs.
Name the 8 major components of the respiratory system:
1._______________ 2. _____________________
3._______________ 4. _____________________
5._______________ 6. _____________________
7._______________ 8. _____________________
1. Nose
2. Pharynx
3. Larynx
4. Trachea
5. Bronchi
6. Lungs
7. Diaphragm
8. Muscles surrounding the ribs
Respiration is controlled by the
respiratory control center
Where is the respiratory control center located

In the medulla of the brain
*Blue spots at bottom
The respiratory system
supplies oxygen to the body & eliminates carbon dioxide.
External respiration

refers to the exchange of gases between the atmosphere & the blood through the alveoli.
* The alveoli is off to the right in box (looks like a bunch of grapes on a green stem).*
Internal respiration refer to the
exchange of gases between the blood & the body cells.
Diagram of: Respiration, External Respiration & Internal Respiration.

The passageways between the __a___ __a__ & the
__b__ conduct _c__ to & from the lungs.
a. nasal cavities
b. alveoli
c. gases
The upper passageways also serve to
warm, filter & moisten incoming air.
The upper respiratory tubules are lined with _____ that help to trap debris & keep foreign substances from entering the lungs.

Inhalation requires the contraction of the diaphragm to enlarge the chest cavity & draw air into the lungs.
Exhalation is a passive process during which

the lungs recoil as the respiratory muscles relax & the throax (chest area) decreases in size.
Most of the oxygen in blood is
bound to hemoglobin in red blood cells.
Oxygen is released from hemoglobin as the concentration of oxygen drops in the tissues.
Some carbon dioxide is
carried in solution or bound to blood proteins, BUT most is converted to bicarbonate ion by carbonic anhydrase w/in red blood cells.
What happens to SOME carbon dioxide in the body?
They are carried in solution or bound to blood proteins.
What happens to MOST carbon dioxide in the body?
It is converted to bicarbonate ion by carbonic anhydrase within RBC's (red blood cells).
Because most carbon dioxide is converted to bicarbonate ion this reaction
releases hydrogen ions, carbon dioxide is a regulator of blood pH.
Is carbon dioxide a blood pH regulator?