

Deltoid volume of medication
2 mL or less
Deltoid needle gauge
20 - 25 G
Deltoid needle length
1 - 1.5 inchs
Deltoid Acceptable Pt position
sitting, standing, lying down. Have the person's elbow flexed & the forearm supported
Deltoid angle of injection
90 degree angle
Deltoid landmarks
find the lower edge of the acromion process
Deltoid landmarks
place 1 - 2 inches below the acromion process; this forms the ase of the triangle
Deltoid landmarks
draw an imaginary line from the axilla across the arm; this will form the apex of the triangle
Deltoid landmarks
inject into the center of the imaginary triangle
Vastus Lateralis

Vastus Lateralis

Vastus Lateralis volume of Ledication
max: 3 mL
Vastus Lateralis needle gauge:
20 - 25 G
Vastus Lateralis needle gauge for viscous
18 - 21 G
Vastus Lateralis needle length
5/8 to 1 inch
Vastus Lateralis Acceptable patient position
lying supine or sitting
Vastus Lateralis angle of injection
90 degree angle
Vastus Lateralis landmarks
place on hand above the lateral femoral condyle; place the other hand below the grater trochanter of the femur. Your thumgs should point towards each other.
Vastus Lateralis landmarks
injection site is the middle third, anterior lateral (side) aspect of the thigh.
Vastus Lateralis caution
to locate the lateral side of the thigh (vastus lateralis muscle) the leg must remain straight
Vastus Lateralis

Vastus Lateralis

Vastus Lateralis

Ventrogluteal volume of medication
max: 3 mL
Ventrogluteal angle of injection
90 degree angle
Ventrogluteal needle gauge
20 - 25 G
Ventrogluteal needle gauge viscous solutions
18 - 21 G
Ventrogluteal needle length
1.5 inches
Ventrogluteal Acceptable patient position
lying on side with knee bent & the upper leg ahead of the lower leg
Ventrogluteal landmarks
using the right hand for the left hip & the left hand for the right hip, place the heel or palm of the hand over the patient's greater trochanter
Ventrogluteal landmarks
point thumb towar the client's groin
Ventrogluteal landmarks
point the index finger towards the anterior superior iliac spine and the middle finger towards the iliac crest forming a V shape
Ventrogluteal landmark
the injection site is between the V (move your fingers before injection).
Ventrogluteal caution
make sure that your fingers are never above the iliac crest





Dorsogluteal volume of medications
max: 3 mL
Dorsogluteal needle gauge
20 - 25 G
Dorsogluteal needle guge viscous solutions
18 - 21 G
Dorsogluteal needle length
1 - 1.5 inches
Dorsogluteal acceptable patient position
prone with toes pointing in. Side with upper knees flexed & in front of the lower leg
Dorsogluteal angle of injection
90 degree angle
Dorsogluteal landmark
palpate the posterior superior iliac spine; place hand on site
Dorsogluteal landmark
draw an imaginary line to the greater trochanter, this line is parallel to the sciatic nerve
Dorsogluteal landmark
the injection site is lateral (side) & superior (above) to the line, in the outer LUQ or RUQ of the buttocks