Understanding Nutrition: Chapter 17 Flashcards

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created 10 years ago by shanayazzie
updated 10 years ago by shanayazzie
nutrition, medical
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Which of the following foods should not be consumed with MAO inhibitors due to its tyramine content?

a. carrots b. mushrooms c. none of these choices d. black beans e. milk

b. mushrooms


Which of the following is not a benefit of physical activity in older adults?

a. improved balance b. enhanced quality of life c. all of these choices are benefits of physical activity d. improved cardiorespiratory endurance e. improved blood pressure f. reduced risk of falling

c. all of these choices are benefits of physical activity


Which of the following has been shown to be a consequence of energy restriction in animals?

a. increased antioxidant activity in the body b. improved blood glucose c. all of these choices d. delayed onset of chronic diseases such as cancer e. enhanced DNA repair

c. all of these choices


One action of aspirin is to limit the production of certain prostaglandins. Some prostaglandins help do all of the following except:

a. sensitize pain receptors. b. produce fevers. c. promote blood clotting. d. regulate blood pressure. e. slow digestive tract motility.

e. slow digestive tract motility.


For adults older than 65, health risks do not become apparent until BMI reaches at least ________ – and the relationship tends to diminish with age until it disappears by age 75.



All of the following lifestyle behaviors have an influence on people's health and physiological age except:

a. maintaining a healthy body weight. b. eating well-balanced meals rich in fruits and vegetables. c. engaging in physical activity regularly. d. abstaining from alcohol use. e. taking naps on a regular basis.

e. taking naps on a regular basis.


Which of the following has the shortest life expectancy in the United States?

a. white men b. white women c. black men d. black women

c. black men


Which of the following is most influential on an older person's food choices?

a. health beliefs b. taste c. all of these choices d. familiarity

c. all of these choices


Total body water decreases as people age, so even mild stresses can precipitate rapid dehydration in older adults. Therefore, older adults need to drink at least ________ glasses of water or other beverages every day.



Which of the following statements regarding physiological changes influencing nutritional status in the elderly is false?

a. The immune system has enhanced functioning due to the numerous health conditions older adults face. b. Being moderately overweight may not be harmful for older adults. c. Most diseases common in older adults reflect an underlying inflammatory response d. Older people tend to lose bone and muscle and gain body fat.

a. The immune system has enhanced functioning due to the numerous health conditions older adults face.


Women's reactions to stress typically follow a pattern of ________ .

tend - or - befriend


Which of the following factors is associated with Alzheimer's Disease?

a. obesity b. free-radical attacks c. all of these choices d. genetics e. oxidative stress f. genetics and obesity

c. all of these choices


Cataracts may develop as a result of all of the following, except:

a. oxidative stress. b. ultraviolet light exposure. c. toxic substances. d. bacterial infections. e. genetic disorders.

d. bacterial infections.


People older than the age of 65 take about ________ of all the over-the-counter and prescription drugs sold in the United States.



All of the following factors protect brain function except:

a. intellectual challenges. b. physical activity. c. balanced diet rich in antioxidants. d. being alone.

d. being alone.


The most powerful predictor of a person's mobility in the later years is ________ .

regular physical activity


When people cut back on their usual energy intake by ________ percent, body weight, body fat, and blood pressure drop, and blood lipids and insulin response improve – favorable changes for preventing chronic diseases.

10 - 20


On average, energy needs decline an estimated ________ percent per decade.



Which of the following impacts can changes in GI hormone secretions produce?

a. diminished appetite b. constipation c. all of these choices d. constipation and diminished appetite e. unintentional weight loss

c. all of these choices


Which of the following is most influential on an older person's food choices?

a. health beliefs b. tastec. all of these choices d. familiarity

c. all of these choices


Which of the following nutrients is often a deficiency issue among older adults?

a. calcium and vitamin D b. vitamin B12 c. calcium d. all of these choices e. vitamin D f. zinc g. zinc and calcium

d. all of these choices


Some diuretic drugs result in greater urinary losses of which of the following minerals?

a. calcium and potassium b. magnesium c. all of these choices d. calcium e. potassium f. potassium and magnesium

c. all of these choices


The most common type of arthritis that disables older people is ________ .



The maximum potential human life span is currently ________ years.



The risk factors for sarcopenia include all of the following, except:

a. cigarette smoking. b. weight gain. c. obesity. d. little physical activity.

b. weight gain


Which of the following factors does not influence drug absorption in the body?

a. drug formulation b. level of stomach acidity c. concentration of bile in the small intestine d. stomach emptying rate e. direct interaction between drug and dietary components

c. concentration of bile in the small intestine


The brain normally changes in some characteristic ways as it ages. Which of the following statements regarding these characteristic changes is false?

a. A reduction in the number of neurons in the cerebral cortex affects balance and posture. b. Blood supply to the brain decreases. c. With the loss of neurons in the cerebral cortex, hearing and speech are affected. d. The number of nerve cells decreases.

a. A reduction in the number of neurons in the cerebral cortex affects balance and posture.


In the community, malnutrition among older adults is most likely to occur among:

a. those with a lower level of education. b. men living alone. c. all of these choices d. those who have experienced a recent lifestyle change. e. those living in federally funded housing.

c. all of these choices


All of the following may lead to constipation in older adults except:

a. physical inactivity. b. insufficient water intake. c. none of these choices d. consumption of fruits and vegetables. e. medications.

d. consumption of fruits and vegetables.


Supplement use does not seem to help older adults meet their requirements for which of the following nutrients?

a. calcium and magnesium b. magnesium c. all of these choices d. calcium e. vitamin C f. vitamin C and calcium

c. all of these choices