Understanding Nutrition: Chapter 14 Flashcards

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created 10 years ago by shanayazzie
updated 10 years ago by shanayazzie
nutrition, medical
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________ is the product of anaerobic glycolysis.



Aerobic activity stimulates synthesis of ________ protein to facilitate efficient aerobic metabolism.



Benefits of resistance training include all of the following except:

a. enhanced psychological well being. b. increase in muscle power. c. maintenance of bone mass. d. all of these choices are benefits of resistance training e. increase in muscle mass.

d. all of these choices are benefits of resistance training


Moderate-intensity activities use a preferred fuel source of ATP that is derived from ________ .



Which of the following dietary supplements is promoted to body-builders as a "fat burner" and facilitates the transfer of fatty acids across the mitochondrial membrane?



Which of the following statements is false?

a. Cardiorespiratory endurance supports the ongoing activity of the heart and lungs. b. Muscle endurance allows the joints to move freely reducing the risk of injury. c. Muscle endurance enables muscles to work longer. d. All of these statements are true. e. Muscle strength enables muscles to work harder.

b. Muscle endurance allows the joints to move freely reducing the risk of injury.


After ________ minutes, a person who continues to exercise moderately (mostly aerobically) begins to use less and less glycogen and more and more fat for fuel.



A condition that often arises early in training and results in a low blood hemoglobin for a while is called ________ .

sports anemia


Repeated aerobic activity produces which of the following adaptations that permits the body to draw more heavily on fat for fuel?

a. hormone adaptations to slow the release of liver glycogen b. heart and lung efficiency in delivering oxygen increases c. increase in the number and size of mitochondria d. all of these choices

d. all of these choices


To improve your cardiorespiratory endurance, the activity you choose must be sustained for ________ minutes or longer, use most of the large muscle groups, and elevate your heart rate.



Which nutrient class is depleted the fastest during fitness?



Taken in large quantities, ________ causes the disease acromegaly.

human growth hormone


Which of the following statements regarding a pregame meal is true?

a. should provide between 300-800 kcalories b. should end three to four hours before competition c. should include foods low in fiber d. all of these choices e. should include carbohydrate-rich foods that are low in fat

d. all of these choices


Which of the following is not a component of fitness?

a. endurance b. conditioning c. flexibility d. strength

b. conditioning


Which of the following dietary supplements will perform as claimed?

a. carnitine b. ribose c. chromium picolinate d. beta-hydroxymethylbutyrate e. sodium bicarbonate

e. sodium bocarbonate


Some of the increasingly popular energy drinks contain amounts of caffeine equivalent to ________ cups of coffee.

1 - 2


Fit muscles use oxygen more efficiently and can burn ________ .

fat longer


The progressive overload principle involves all of the following components except:

a. duration. b. age. c. frequency. d. intensity.

b. age.


The recycling process that regenerates glucose from lactate is known as ________ .

the Cori cycle


Recommended protein intake for endurance athletes is ________ grams per kilogram of body weight per day.

1.2 - 1.4


Athletes who are preparing for competition are often advised to drink extra fluid in the ________ immediately before the event.



Symptoms of hyponatremia include all of the following except:

a. confusion. b. diarrhea. c. water retention. d. seizure. e. vomiting.

b. diarrhea


Which of the following is an effect that alcohol has on physical activity?

a. increases risk of heat stroke b. increases risk of hypothermia c. impairs ability to regulate body temperature d. all of these choices e. impairs fluid balance

d. all of these choices


In general, physically fit people enjoy all of the following, except:

a. strong self-image. b. nutritional health. c. restful sleep. d. low risk of type 1 diabetes. e. strong lung function. f. optimal bone density.

d. low risk of type 1 diabetes.


Which of the following statements is a guideline to help endurance athletes maximize their glucose supply?

a. Eat protein-rich foods immediately following activity. b. Drink glucose-rich sport drinks periodically during activities that last for 30 minutes or more. c. Consume about 70 percent of your kcalories from carbohydrates regularly. d. Train the muscles to store as much glucose as possible.

c. Consume about 70 percent of your kcalories from carbohydrates regularly.


________ is a condition of decreased blood sodium concentration as a result of overhydration.



Which of the following is a tip for building fitness and minimizing the risk of overuse injuries?

a. Train hard enough to challenge your strength or endurance only a few times each week. b. Include warm-up and cool-down activities in each session. c. Use proper equipment and attire. d. All of these choices. e. Be active all week.

d. All of these choices.


Which of the following is not a symptom of dehydration?

a. dizziness b. confusion c. headache d. clumsiness e. heavy sweating f. nausea

e. heavy sweating


A person's cardiorespiratory endurance is defined by the length of time that person can remain active with an elevated ________ .

heart rate


Which of the following factors is an influence on fuel mixture during activity?

a. age b. diet c. diet and intensity of activity d. age and height e. intensity of activity f. all of these choices g. height

c. diet and intensity of activity