Practice Problems General Organic & Biological Chemistry Flashcards

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created 11 years ago by Erica_M__Brown
introductin to chemistry
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What are the two general characteristics that all types of matter possess?

mass & occupied space


What are the three aspects of matter that are of particular interest to chemists?

Gas, Solid, and liquid


Classify each of the following as matter or energy (nonmatter)




Classify each of the following as matter or energy (nonmatter)

a. air b. pizza c. sound d. light e. gold f. virus

matter = air, pizza, gold, virus

energy = sound, light


Classify each of the following as matter or energy (nonmatter)

a. Electricity b. Bacteria c. Silver d. cake e. water f. magnesium

matter = Bacteria, Silver, cake, water, magnesium

energy= electricty


Give characteristics that distinguishes

a. liquids from solids

b. gases from liquids

a. shape

b. volume


Give characteristics that is the same for

a. liquids and solids

b. gases and liquids



Indicate whether each of the following substances does or does not take the shape of its container and also whether it has a definite volume.

a, Copper wire

b. Oxygen gas

c. Granulated sugar

d. Liquid Gas

a. definite volume; takes shape

b. no definite volume, no shape

c. definite volume, takes shape

e. definite volume, takes shape


Indicate whether each of the following substances does or does not take shape of its container and whether it has definite volume.

a. Aluminum powder

b. Carbon Dioxide Gas

c. Clean Air

d. Gasoline



The following are properties of the substance magnesium. Classify each property as physical or chemical.

a. silvery-white in color

b. Does not react with cold water

c. Melts at 651o C

d. Finely divided form buns in oxygen with a dazzling white flame

a. physical

b. chemical

c. physical

d. chemical


Indicate whether each of the following statements describes a physical or a chemical property.

a. Silver salts discolor the skin by reacting with skin protein

b. Hemoglobin molecules have a red color

c. Beryllium metal vapor is extremely toxic to humans

d. Asprin tablets can be pulverized with a hammer

a. Chemical

b. Physical

c. Chemical

d. Physical


Indicate whether each of the following statements describes a physical or a chemical property.

a. Diamonds are a very hard substance

b. Gold metal does not react with nitric acid

c. Lithium metal is light enough to float on water

d. Mercury is a liquid at room temperature

a. physical

b. chemical

c, physical

d. chemical


Classify each of the following changes as physical or chemical

a. Crushing a dry leaf

b. Hammering a metal into a thin sheet

c. Burning your chemistry textbook

d. Slicing a ham

a. physical

b. physical

c. chemical

d. physical


Classify each of the following as physical or chemical

a. Evaporation of water from a lake

b. "Scabbing over" of a skin cut

c. Cutting a string into two pieces

d. Melting some candle wax

a. physical

b. chemical

c. physical

d. physical


Classify each of the following changes as a physical or chemical

a. match burns

b. "rubbing alcohol evaporates

c. copper object turns green over time

d. A pan of water boils

a. chemical

b. physical

c. chemical

d. physical


Classify each of the following changes as a physical or chemical.

a. A newspaper turns yellow over time

b. A rubber band breaks

c. A firecracker explodes

d. Dry ice "disappears' over time

a. chemical

b. physical

c. chemical

d. physical


The freezing over of a pond's surface is a __________ process



A burning candle produces light by ______ change
