Admission Assessment Exam Review E-Book: HESI A2- Reading Comp- Chapter 2 Quiz Flashcards

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created 10 years ago by arichardson68
3rd edition -2013 Book ~HESI Hint's~ (Main ideas can be found in the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of a paragraph or passage. Always check the introduction and conclusion for the main idea.)~ (When being tested on finding the meaning of a word in the context of a passage, look carefully at the words and sentences surrounding the unknown word. The context clues are usually there for the reader to uncover. Once the correct meaning has been chosen, test that meaning in the passage. It should make sense, and the meaning should be supported by the other sentences in the passage or paragraph.)~ (Remember, the summary should include the main ideas of the passage, possibly with some major supporting details. Finally, it is a shortened version of the passage that includes all the important information, eliminating the unnecessary and redundant.)
updated 10 years ago by arichardson68
reading, medical, nursing, test preparation & review
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Read the passage and answer the following questions.

Each year, more and more “baby boomers” reach the age of 65 and become eligible for Medicare. As of July 2009, according to the Census Bureau, approximately 13% of the population in the United States is 65 years of age or older. It is projected that this group will increase to 21% of the population by 2050. As health care costs go up and needs increase with age, Medicare is especially important to seniors. Medicare Part A provides assistance with inpatient hospital costs, whereas Part B helps pay for doctor services and outpatient care. In 2006, Congress enacted Medicare Part D, which today helps many seniors pay for the cost of prescription drugs.

Before the enactment of Medicare Part D, many seniors faced financial hardship in regards to prescription drugs. Today, it is no longer a question of housing costs and food versus prescription drugs, but which Part D plan provides the best coverage. Although Part D has alleviated many uncertainties, there are still concerns. Not all prescription drugs are covered in each plan provided by Part D. Each plan has its own list of covered drugs that can change at any time, requiring seniors to possibly switch coverage every year. Seniors who suffer from multiple medical conditions may not be able to find a plan that covers all prescribed medication. In addition to a monthly premium paid for Part D, once prescription costs reach $2830, the participant is responsible for all drug costs up to $4450. This “donut hole,” as it is known, can mean that some seniors reduce or stop their medication for the remainder of the program year.

Medicare helps provide seniors with some of the best health care in the world. Yet, it does come at a huge financial cost that might behoove younger generations to consider preventive care to improve those golden years.

HESI Hint- Main ideas can be found in the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of a paragraph or passage. Always check the introduction and conclusion for the main idea


What is the main idea of the passage?

A. The high cost of prescription drugs is a difficult financial burden for seniors.

B. Medicare Part D has many problems and no benefits.

C. Medicare Part D, along with Part A and Part B, helps seniors afford prescription drugs and better health care.

D. Senior citizens enrolled in Medicare Part D have no prescription drug concerns.



Which of the following is not listed as a detail in the passage?

A. By the year 2050 the number of seniors over the age of 65 will increase.

B. Medicare Parts A and B help pay for hospital costs and doctor services.

C. Seniors are required to enroll in Medicare Part D.

D. Medicare Part D includes a “donut hole.”



What is the meaning of the word behoove as used in the last paragraph?

A. To be needful

B. To be responsible for

C. To increase

D. To tell others



What is the author's primary purpose in writing this essay?

A. To inform people how to enroll in Medicare

B. To persuade seniors to enroll in Medicare Part D

C. To entertain non–health care professionals

D. To analyze the provisions of Medicare Part D



Identify the overall tone of the essay.

A. Argumentative

B. Cautious

C. Sympathetic

D. Pessimistic



Which of the following statements is an opinion?

A. Senior citizens pay a monthly insurance premium for Part D coverage.

B. The high cost of prescription drugs has made life difficult for seniors.

C. In 2006, Congress enacted Medicare legislation that provides prescription drug coverage.

D. Not all prescription drugs are covered in each plan provided by Medicare Part D.



Which statement would not be inferred by the reader?

A. Most Americans will never have a need for Medicare and its various parts.

B. Some age-related illnesses might be averted with preventive care.

C. Some seniors could find themselves changing their Part D coverage yearly.

D. The “donut hole” in Part D does create a financial hardship for seniors.



Choose the best summary of the passage.

A. Americans are growing older every year and are requiring more and more health care. Health care professionals can help meet those needs if seniors enroll in Medicare Parts A, B, and D. The three parts of Medicare can ease the financial burden of seniors.

B. At the age of 65, senior citizens sign up for Medicare Parts A, B, and D that will cover medical costs up to $2830 a year. For those seniors who suffer from multiple health issues the cost is $4450. Prescription drug care provided through Part D makes life much easier for seniors.

C. “Baby boomers” are the most common senior citizens requiring health care. This group is the fastest growing group and will comprise 21% of the population by 2050. Even though there are concerns about Medicare, Part D ensures that all seniors have the medical coverage they need.

D. Medicare Parts A, B, and D help seniors pay for hospital costs, doctor and outpatient services, and most recently, prescription drugs. Even though Part D offers many benefits, concerns about various plans with different covered prescriptions and the “donut hole” are still of concern. For seniors, life with Medicare is much better.