Public Speaking for College & Career: Outlining the speech Flashcards

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created 11 years ago by chaneasegarvey
updated 11 years ago by chaneasegarvey
public speaking, language arts & disciplines, communication studies
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  • Provides a detailed plan to help the speaker organize thoughts into a logical sequence in to make sure nothing important is left out
  • The basic structure of the speaker's ideas in a streamlined form
  • is not a word for word script
  • used only for preparation
  • is not taken to the lectern
  • helps you to see the relationship between ideas


Topic outline

  • A systematic arrangement of ideas, using words and phrases for headings and subheadings


Complete sentence outline

  • systematic arrangement of ideas, using complete sentences for headings and subheadings


Standard subdivisions

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  1. Mark your main points with Roman numerals (I, II, III, etc.)
  2. indent the next level of supporting materials underneath and Mark with capital letters (A, B, C, etc.)
  3. then go to Arabic numerals (1,2,3)
  4. then go to lowercase letters (a, b, c, etc.)
  5. if you need to go further use parentheses with numbers and letters

*Each time you subdivide a point you indent


Parts of a outline

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Title of your outline

  • Should not be mentioned in your speech
  • May be requested so that your speech can be publicized in advance
  • a catchy title might entice people to come hear you
  • should be brief and descriptive


Purposes and central idea of your speech

  • Having your general purpose, specific purpose, and central idea listed on your outline or help you bring in to Sharp focus the main points and supporting materials


Body of the outline

  • Each main point should be identified by Roman numerals
  • has its own numbering sequence, independent of the introduction and conclusion


Transitions of the outline

  • Should be inserted in the outline at appropriate. Places
  • should be labeled and placed in parentheses
  • they are not included in the numbering system of the outline
  • should be place wherever they are needed
  • should be in three crucial places:
    • 1. Between the introduction in the body of the speech
    • 2.between the main points
    • 3. Between the body of the speech And the conclusion


Bibliography of the outline

  • Should be at the end of the outline
  • A list of the sources that you used in preparing to speech
  • in alphabetical order


Visual aids of the outline

  • Give a brief description of them


Speaking notes

  • Brief reminders of the points A speaker plans to cover during a speech
  • helps if you forget a few main points


Guidelines for preparing notes

  • Make indentions in your speaking notes that correspond to those in your outline
  • use only one side of a sheet of paper because you might forget to turn the paper over
  • Write down only the minimum number of words or phrases necessary to trigger your memory
    • if you have too many words written down, you may overlook Key ideas or you may spend too much time looking at the noteS
  • Write words in large letters that are neat and legible so that you have no trouble seeing them when you glanced down during your speech