Information Retention and Access Flashcards

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Which one of the following actions would NOT included in the professional obligations of the health information practitioner that lead to responsible handling of patient health information?

A. Educate consumers about their rights and responsibilities regarding the use of their personal health information

B. Extend privacy and security principles into all aspects of the data use, access, and control program adopted in the organization.

C. Honor the patient -centric direction of the national agenda

D. Take a compromising position toward optimal interpretation of nonspecific regulations and laws.

D. Take a compromising position toward optimal interpretation of nonspecific regulations and laws.


If there is more than one patient with the identical last name, first name and middle initial, the master patient index entries are then arranged according to the

A. date of birth

B. date of admission

C. social security number

D. mother's maiden name

A. date of birth


Which one of the following is NOT a step in developing a heath record retention schedule?

A. conducting an inventory of the facility's records

B. determining the format and location of storage

C assigning all records the same retention period

D. destroying records that are no longer needed

C assigning all records the same retention period


What type of filing system is being used if records are filed in the following order: 12-23-75, 12-34-29, 12-35-71, 13-42-14, and 14-32-79

A. terminal digit

B. straight numeric

C. social security number

D. middle digit

B. straight numeric


If there are 150,000 records and the HIM Department receives 3,545 requests for records within a give period of time, what is the request rate?

A. 2.4%

B. 3.5%

C. 4.6%

D. 5.1%

A. 2.4%

3,545/150,000=0.0236*100=2.36 round 2.4


Which of the following is NOT an advantage of a centralized filing system?

A. There is less transportation time and effort when a facility operates from several sites.

B. There is less duplication of effort to create, maintain, and store records.

C. Record control and security are easier to maintain.

D. There is decreased cost in space and equipment.

A. There is less transportation time and effort when a facility operates from several sites.


In terminal digit filing system, what would be the record number immediately in front of record number 01-06-26

A. 00-06-26

B. 02-06-26

C. 03-06-26

D. 99-99-25

A. 00-06-26


The HIM Department at General Hospital has been experiencing an average 30-minute delay in the retrieval of records requested by the Emergency Department. Which one of the following corrective actions would be most effective in reducing the delay in retrieval of requested records

A. Offer a prize to the employee who locates the requested records first

B. Review and possibly re engineer the retrieval process to decrease retrieval time.

C. Allow the requester to retrieve the record themselves

D. Increase file area staff to include one additional file clerk devoted to pulling records for the emergency room

B. Review and possibly re engineer the retrieval process to decrease retrieval time.


Which one of the following is NOT an advantage of a computerized master patient index?

A. It allows access to data alphabetically, phonetically, or by date of birth, social security number, medical record, or billing number

B. It solves most space and retrieval problems

C. It provides other departments with immediate access to the information maintained in the master patient index.

D. Duplication of patient registration can never occur.

D. Duplication of patient registration can never occur.


Color coding of record folders is used to assist in the control of

A. record tracking

B. loose reports

C. record completion

D. misfiles

D. misfiles


Which of the following would be considered secondary data?

A. disease index

B. implant registry

C. health record

D. National Practitioner Data

B. implant registry


Under the Patient Self-Determination Act of 1990, evidence of advance directives

A. are required to be documented in the health record

B. are not required to be documented in the health record

C. require a doctor's approval

D. must be prepared by an attorney

A. are required to be documented in the health record


A new Health Information Department has purchased 200 units of 6-shelf files and plans to implement a terminal digit filing system. How many shelves should be allocated to each primary number?

A. 6

B. 8

C. 10

D. 12

D. 12

200 units x 6 shelves per unit= 1,200 shelves total

1200/100 primary numbers= 12 shelves per primary number


A 200 bed acute care hospital currently has 15 years of paper health records and filing space is limited.

what action should be taken?

A Return inactive records to each individual patient

B. Destroy records of all deceased patients

C. Destroy inactive records that exceed the statute of limitations

D. Maintain the records indefinitely in hard copy

C. Destroy inactive records that exceed the statute of limitations


Which filing system would provide the most convenient method for the record retrieval of 200 patients consecutively admitted to the hospital?

A. terminal digit

B unit

C. straight numeric

D. serial unit

C. straight numeric


What is the chief criterion for determining record inactivity?

A. Medicare's definition of inactivity

B. amount of space available for storage of newer records

C. efficiency of microfilming

D. preference of the medical staff

B. amount of space available for storage of newer records


Out of 2,543 records requested from the HIM Department, 2,375 were located. What is the filing accuracy rate?

A. 6.61%

B. 75.33%

C. 89.01%

D. 93.39%

D. 93.39%



Which set of recrods filed consecutively on a shelf displays terminal digit filing order?

A. 00-79-99, 00-79-01, 99-78-99

B. 57-78-00, 57-78-01, 56-78-99

C. 99-05-26, 01-06-26, 49-04-02

D. 55-55-55, 33-33-33, 44-44-44

B. 57-78-00, 57-78-01, 56-78-99


In the master patient index, which is filed by last name, Jill Thomas-Jones would be

A. J-I-L-L-T-H-O-M-A-S-J-O-N-E-S

C. T-H-O-M-A-S-J-O-N-E-S-,J-I-L-L

B. T-H-O-M-A-S-,J-I-L-L-J-O-N-E-S

D. J-O-N-E-S,J-I-L-L-T-H-O-M-A-S

C. T-H-O-M-A-S-J-O-N-E-S-,J-I-L-L


According to terminal digit filing, what would e the number of the record immediately after record number


A. 99-98-30

B. 00-00-31

C. 01-00-31

D. 99-99-31

B. 00-00-31


How many years does the CMS regulations require that health records be maintained? Medicare's Conditions of participation for Hospitals requires that patient health records be retained for at least_____ years unless a longer period is required by state or local law.

A 3

B. 5

C. 7

D. 10

B. 5


Your state regulations require health records to be kept for a statute of limitations period of 7 years. Federal law requires records to be retained for 5 years. The minimum retention period for healthrecords in your facility should be

A. 5 years

B. 7 years

C. 10 years

D. either 5 or 7 years as determined by the facility

B. 7 years


Which of the following technologies works bests with automated record-tracking systems to speed the data entry process?

A. discharge lists

B. bar codes

C. compressible filing units

D. computerized chartout slips

B. bar codes


A HIM Department, currently using 2,540 linear filing inches to store records, plans to purchase new open shelf filing units. Each of the shelves in a new 6-shelf unit measures 36 linear filing inches. It is estimated that an additional 400 filing inches should be planned for to allow for 5-year expansion needs. How many new file shelving units should be purchased?

A. 11

B. 12

C. 13

D. 14

D. 14

2540+ 400=2940


2940/216=13.61 round .14 x100 =14 filing shelf


Microfilmed records are considered

A. inadmissible evidence

B. never admissible as hearsay evidence

C. acceptable as courtroom evidence

D. not admissible as secondary evidence

C. acceptable as courtroom evidence


A research request has been received by the HIM Department from the Quality Improvement Committee. The Committee plans to review the records of all patients who were admitted with CHF in the month of January 2014. Which of the following indices would be the best source in locating the needed records?

A. master patient index

B. physician index

C. disease index

D. operation index

C. disease index


How many inches are recommended for aisles between file units when using stationary open-shelf files?

A. 24

B. 36

C. 60

D. 72

B. 36


In a manual record-tracking system, no record should be removed from the file without being replaced by a (n)

A. 8 1/2 x 11 inch charge out slip

B. empty file folder

C. paddle

D. outguide

D. outguide


Which of the following should not be included in the documentation of record destruction?

A statement that records were destroyed in the normal course of business

B. method of destruction

C. signature of the individuals supervising and witnessing the destruction

D. dates not covered in destruction

D. dates not covered in destruction


If the HIM Department has purchased 100 units of 8 shelf files and plans to use the terminal digit filing system, how many shelves should be allocated to each primary number?

A. 8

B. 10

C. 12

D. 100

A. 8

8 shelves per unit X 100 units = 800 total shelves

800 shelves divided by 100 primary digits (00-99)= 8 shelves per primary digit


Which of the following is NOT a consideration when implementing a disaster plan?

A. Include disaster training in staff orientation

B. Establish a plan for conducting drills

C. Provide staff with tools needed to implement the plan

D. Test the disaster plan only once

D. Test the disaster plan only once


Which of the following lists is in correct alphabetical order?

A. Ferlazzo, Joshua; Ferlazzo, Joshua P.; Ferlazzo, Joshua Philip; Ferlazzo, j.

B. Ferlazzo, J.; Ferlazzo, Joshua; Ferlazzo, Joshua P.; Ferlazzo, Joshua Philip

C. Ferlazzo, Joshua; Ferlazzo, Joshua P.; Ferlazzo, J.; Ferlazzo, Joshua Philip

D. Ferlazzo, Joshua A.; Ferlazzo, B.; Ferlazzo, Joshua; Ferlazzo, Joshua Philip

B. Ferlazzo, J.; Ferlazzo, Joshua; Ferlazzo, Joshua P.; Ferlazzo, Joshua Philip


Mary Schnering was admitted to Community Hospital on 10/3/13 and assigned a record number of 54-47-53. The patient was later admitted on 1/14/14 and assigned the number 54-88-42. Both records were eventually filed under 54-88-42. What type of numbering/filing system is being used at Community Hospital?

A. serial-unit

B. serial

C. unit

D. terminal digit

A. serial-unit


Capital Health Center is moving ot a new facility in December 2015. The CEO is projecting a conversion to an electronic health record system by then. This new facility will not include space for the filing of paper based health records. Which of the following items would not be considered when planning this conversion.

A. changing role of department functions and work flow

B. challenges of maintaining records that are partially paper and partially electronic

C. whether to scan older paper records

D. relationship with the microfilm vendor

D. relationship with the microfilm vendor


What microform should the HIM practitioner selct if the records must be unitized and color coded for filing purposes?

A. roll microfilm

B. cartridge

C. jacket microfilm

D. cassette

C. jacket microfilm


In retrieval of optical image files, cache memory

A. decreases access time for all users on the system

B. increases exchange time on the jukebox

C. is resident on the jukebox

D. is a way of fragmenting a WORM platter

A. decreases access time for all users on the system