Microbiology chapter 13 potential test questions Flashcards

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created 11 years ago by sara_borowick
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Which of the following is not an acellular agent?

  1. viroid
  2. virus
  3. rickettsia
  4. prion

c. rickettsia


which of the following statements is true?

  1. viruses move toward their host cells
  2. viruses are capable of metabolism
  3. viruses lack a cytoplasmic membrane
  4. viruses grow in response to their environmental conditions

c. viruses lack a cytoplasmic membrane


A virus that is specific for a bacterial hos is called a __________

  1. phage
  2. prion
  3. virion
  4. viroid

a. phage


A naked virus ____________

  1. has no membranous envelope
  2. has injected DNA or RNA into a host cell
  3. is devoid of capsomeres
  4. is one that is unattached to a host cell

a. has no membranous envelope


Which of the following statements is false?

  1. viruses may have circular DNA
  2. dsRNA is found in bacteria more often than in viruses
  3. viral DNA may be linear
  4. typically, viruses have DNA or RNA but not both

b. dsRNA is found in bacteria more often than in viruses


When a eukaryotic cell is infected with an enveloped virus and sheds viruses slowly over time, this infection is ________

  1. called a lytic infection
  2. a prophage cycle
  3. called a persistent infection
  4. caused by a quiescent virus

c. called a persistent infection


Another name for a complete virus is __________.

  1. virion
  2. viroid
  3. prion
  4. capsid

a. virion


Which of the following viruses can be latent?

  1. HIV
  2. chicken pox virus
  3. herpes viruses
  4. all of the above

d. all of the above


Which of the following is not a criterion for specific family classifications of viruses?

  1. the type of nucleic acid present
  2. envelope structure
  3. capsid type
  4. lipid composition

d. lipid compposition


A clear zone of phage infection in a bacterial lawn is _______.

  1. a prophage
  2. a plaque
  3. naked
  4. a zone of inhibition

b. a plaque