Breakdown of fats...
Begins in the small intestine
Breakdown of carbohydrates...
begins in the mouth
breakdown of proteins...
begins in the stomach
Can fiber be digested?
No, it is not digestible.
paradigm shift
a radical change from previous thinking
the increase in alleles of certain genes from generation to generation that allows a species to survive and reproduce better.
Natural selection
The means by which adaptation occurs.
it occurs when some individuals of a species are better able to survive in their environment and reproduce than others. Survival of the fittest.
changes in the DNA that affect the way a gene functions.
Sympathetic nervous system
activates the bodies fight or flight response.
In the presence of stress, the heart beats faster and stronger, more blood is carried to the vital organs and the pupils dilate to prepare the body to defend itself.
sympathetic nerves are active when a person is excited or scared.
Quantitative data
deals with numbers that can be measured
Water undergoes relatively minor temperature and phase changes compared to other substances due to both its
High specific heat and high heat of evaporation.
This means a great deal of energy is needed to cause increases in temp. as well as large scale phase changes.
Saturated hydrocarbons
known as alkanes.
most basic structure of the hydrocarbons.
composed entirely of single bonds.
General formula: C n H 2 n + 2
Unsaturated hydrocarbons