Age does not matter in relationships. Flashcards

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created 11 years ago by Andrea_Gunn
updated 11 years ago by Andrea_Gunn
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Age does not matter in relationships if you really care about the person

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So long as the people involved are of age, which I believe is anywhere from about 16 and up, their ages should not matter or determine whether they have a serious relationship or not.

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Some people more than 10 years apart, even 20 have had successful relationships and marriages, so it really doesn't matter like people may think.

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So long as the love, care, trust and commitment exists, the age doesn't mean a thing.

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So no I don't think age matters in a relationship, everything else matters a lot more.

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It doesn't matter Love only needs a heart that cares, and a mind to think.

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Love is love. No matter how younger or older the lovers are! Levels of Maturity - Immature individuals tend to be funnier and more exciting to be around, but when it comes to the important things - sometimes you can be left disappointed.

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Sometimes, different levels of maturity can be the deciding factor between your relationship making it or breaking under the pressure.

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Theoretically no, realistically it may prove problematic It all depends on the couple.

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On one hand, you could argue that so long as both people are over 16 they can do what they like.

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On the other, if a 50 year old man started a relationship with a teenage girl you have to wonder what they could possibly have in common.

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Also, if one partner is much older than the other, there's a chance they'll be domineering and make the younger partner feel inferior.

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It becomes less significant the older people get too; a 40 year old going out with a 50 year old wouldn't be particularly shocking, but a 16 year old going out with a 26 year old would.

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Age is just a number and not a measure of compatibility.

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When you fall, you're not falling about age. When you are building a relationship, you're not building an age. Relationship is a matter of compatibility and not of numbers.

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There are younger people with matured thinking and there are older people with childish thinking.. Its not about age, it's about maturity and compatibility. As long as you are both happy then age is not a hindrance..

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I am dating someone who is 6 years older than me.

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People are always seeming to say that relationships will not work unless they are close to the same age.

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Whats funny is, people usually say that about long distance relationships too.

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It just seems like to me that people are afraid to admit they couldn't handle it because they aren't mature enough

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I have come to the conclusion that age is not a matter of how many years you have been on the earth, but what you have done and what you have seen in that time period.

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Same as, it doesn't matter the circumstances that affect you, its how they affect you.

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I am 15 and I am dating a 21 year old. People will say it wont work, it cant work or that it will not be worth it.

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I say, that it is the most worth it relationship, because it takes self control.

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It takes the fact, that if this love is real, than it can wait. Which means, no you cant tell everyone you know you are dating a 21 year old, because not everyone will understand.

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My argument is, is that if true love exist, then it shouldn't matter the age, weight, height, distance or past that a person may have. Love is love.

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People who says that "age matters" is just a lame excuse to say that they themselves are not confident and does not trust their own feelings.

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You can't control who you love (or who u will FALL IN LOVE WITH), because love is not only blind, but love is also UNCONSCIOUS

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Once your heart skips a beat, you know it's love and you can't contain it.

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Because if you do, it will only make you even more CRAZY IN LOVE with that someone.

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And besides, as human beings we are wired to always want what is best for ourselves. So, I cant see why age should ever matter.

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I don't think age matters at all, my husband is three years younger than me.

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The reason why I say age does not matter is because it TRUELY doesn't

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If you love that person than you love them, no matter age, distance and etc.

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I just believe age doesn't. I'm in love with someone that 22 and I'm 15 that's only 7 years different. But I know he's the one and only.

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Like I said before, age has no relevance with love.

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my girlfriend is fourteen and I am fifteen, but even if she were eleven, I would still love her the same.

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Even though I would still love her the same, there is a limit I feel should be established.

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Now let's not get carried away and have a 10-20 years age gap that has a bad effect on the true motives and quality of a relationship.

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But I say 1-6 years difference dose not matter because you basicly are living in the same generation so you have the same thoughts and feelings.

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You only live once and finding a partner to love you just the way you are,is hard in society. If love exists,go for it.

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Being in love with someone that is older than you or younger that you is not a problem

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Love is something that we need and it's very important to us, so don't let age break up love between the both of you.

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For an a example I like a girl that's in 5th grade and I'm in 8 grade but after thinking about it, it didn't really matter.

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being in love with someone that is older than you or younger that you is not a problem

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Love is something that we need and it's very important to us, so don't let age break up love between the both of you.

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Relationship is a matter of compatibility and not of numbers.

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There are younger people with matured thinking and there are older people with childish thinking.. Its not about age, its about maturity and compatibility

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As long as you are both happy then age is not a hindrance..

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People who says that "age matters" is just a lame excuse to say that they themselves are not confident and does not trust their own feelings.

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