Holt Physics: Impulse/Momentum Flashcards

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created 11 years ago by apickel
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Holt Physics
Chapter 6
Grade levels:
11th grade, 12th grade
physics, juvenile nonfiction, science & nature
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When comparing the momentum of two moving objects, which of the following is correct?
a. The object with the higher velocity will have
less momentum if the masses are equal
b. The more massive object will have less momentum
if its velocity is greater
c. The less massive object will have less momentum
if the velocities are the same
d. The more massive will have less momentum if the
velocities are the same

c. The less massive object will have less momentum if the velocities are the same


If a force is exerted on an object, which statement is true?
a. A large force always produces a large change in
the objects momentum
b. A large force produces a large change in the
objects momentum only if the force is applied
over a very short time interval
c. A small force applied over a long time interval
can produce a large change in the objects
d. A small force produces a large change in the
objects momentum

c. A small force applied over a long time interval can produce a large change in the objects momentum


The change in an objects momentum is equal to
a. the product of the mass of the object and the
time interval
b. the product of the force applied to the object
and the time interval
c. the time interval divided by the net external
d. the net external force divided by the time

b. the product of the force applied to the object and the time interval


A force is applied to stop a moving shopping cart. Increasing the time interval over which the force is applied
a. requires a greater force
b. has no effect on the force needed
c. requires a smaller force
d. requires the same force

c. requires a smaller force


A 75 kg person walking around a corner bumps into an 80 kg person who was running around the same corner. The momentum of the 80 kg person
a. increases
b. decreases
c. remains the same
d. is conserved

b. decreases


A rubber ball moving at a speed of 5 m/s hits a flat wall and returns to the thrower with the same speed. The magnitude of the momentum of the ball
a. increases
b. decreases
c. remains the same
d. was not conserved

c. remains the same


Two objects with different masses collide and bounce back after an elastic collision. Before the collision, the two objects were moving at velocities equal in magnitude but opposite in direction. After the collision
a. the less massive object had gained momentum
b. the more massive object had gained momentum
c. both objects had the same momentum
d. both objects lost momentum

a. the less massive object had gained momentum


Two skaters stand facing each other. One skater's mass is 60 kg, and the other's mass is 72 kg. If the skaters push away from each other without spinning,
a. the 60 kg skater travels at a lower momentum
b. their momenta are equal and opposite
c. their total momentum doubles
d. their total momentum decreases

b. their momenta are equal and opposite


In a two body collision
a. momentum is conserved
b. kinetic energy is conserved
c. neither momentum or kinetic energy is conserved
d. both momentum and kinetic energy are conserved

a. momentum is conserved


The law of conservation of momentum states that
a. the total initial momentum of all objects
interacting with one another usually equals the
total final momentum
b. the total initial momentum of all objects
interacting with one another does not equal the
total final momentum
c. the total momentum of all objects interacting
with one another is zero
d. the total momentum of all objects interacting
with one another remains constant regardless of
the nature of the forces between the objects

d. the total momentum of all objects interacting with one another remains constant regardless of the nature of the forces between the objects


Two objects move separately after colliding, and both the total momentum and total kinetic energy remain constant. What kind of collision is it?
a. perfectly elastic
b. inelastic
c. perfectly inelastic

a. perfectly elastic


In an elastic collision between two objects with unequal masses
a. the total momentum of the system will increase
b. the total momentum of the system will decrease
c. the kinetic energy of one object will increase
by the amount that the kinetic energy of the
other object decreases
d. the momentum of one object will increase by the
amount that the momentum of the other object

d. the momentum of one object will increase by the amount that the momentum of the other object decreases.


A billiard ball collides with a stationary identical billiard ball in an elastic head on collision. After the collision, which is true of the first ball?
a. It maintains its initial velocity
b. It has one-half its initial velocity
c. It comes to rest
d. It moves in the opposite direction

c. It comes to rest


Which of the following statements best describes the kinetic energy of the system after a two body collision if the momentum of the system is conserved?
a. It must be less
b. It must also be conserved
c. It might also be conserved
d. It is doubled in value

c. It might also be conserved


Which of the following best describes the momentum of a system after a two body collision if the kinetic energy of the system is conserved?
a. It must be less
b. It must also be conserved
c. It might also be conserved
d. It is doubled in value

b. It must also be conserved


Momentum is conserved
a. in inelastic collisions
b. in elastic collisions
c. in head on collisions
d. all of the above

d. all of the above