Chapter 14: The Territorial Expansion of the United States, 1830's-1850's Flashcards

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Which of the following phrases was usually first in the pattern of American occupation of new lands?

A) zone of inclusion


The Texas uprising against Mexico was characterized by:

A) Alliance between Americans and Tejanos


One of the most important factors in the exploration of the West was:

E) The fur trade


The Lewis and Clark expedition was financed by:

A) the federal government


The Grand Canyon was first explored by:

E) Major John Wesley Powell


American fur traders joined in a yearly trade fair in the Rockies characterized by the polyglot collection of many nationalities called the:

B) Rendezvous


The justification for the western removal of the Indians was:

A) The Indians needed a space where they could live undisturbed by whites


The northern half of Indian Territory was abolished in 1854 and replaced with:

D) Kansas and Nebraska Territories


All of the following could be found in the southern part of Indian Territory except:

A) slavery

B) self-governing institutions

C) growing cities

D) schools and churches

E) the tribes of the old Southwest

C) growing cities


The outcome of Indian removal in the southern part of Indian Territory in the 1830's-1850's was:

D) Successful creation of new communities and self-government


While challenged by other historians, popular opinion supports the view of frontier historian Frederick Jackson Turner, who argued that settling new frontiers

A) shaped Americans into a uniquely optimistic democratic people


Pioneers were motivated to move West for all of the following reasons EXCEPT:

A) The promise of economic opportunity

B) A desire to experience the unknown

C) There were no jobs in the East

D) A healthy environment

E) A desire for the ideal home on the part of women

C) There were no jobs in the East


Which of the following was NOT a major cause of death on the overland trails:

A) Indians

B) Drowning and lack of water

C) Cholera

D) Accidents

E) Contaminated water and food shortages

A) Indians


Generally, pioneers traveling the Overland Trails in the 1840's and 1850's were:

C) Parts of organized westward moving communities


Prior to the 1830's, the dominant industry in the Oregon Territory was:

E) The fur trade


The United States gained the Oregon Territory south of the 49th parallel by:

A) A treaty with Great Britain


The controversy over the borders of Oregon was resolved by:

C) a treaty extending the previous boundary line


In the early 19th century, these Indian tribes dominated the southern high plains:

D) Comanches and Apaches


Spain's exclusionary policy towards Santa Fe changed when:

A) Mexico gained independence from Spain


The population of Bent's Fort illustrates which broader pattern of American settlement into new areas?

A) zone of inclusion


In Mexico, people of mixed blood (Indian and Spanish) were called:

E) Mestizos


These warriors were considered by many to be the most skilled horsemen in North America.

E) Comanches


The Mexican government invited settlement into Texas because:

A) It wanted to create a buffer zone with the Comanche settlements to the West


Stephen F. Austin and his hand-picked fellow colonists in Texas agreed to Mexican terms that they:

C) Accept the Catholic faith


Austin's Texas colonists most represented what region of the United States?

E)The South


The Beckwourths, Bents and Bowies represented what aspect of the frontier:

A) Inclusion through intermarriage


The early Texas settlers were concentrated in:

E) The river bottoms of east Texas


All of the following were reasons why Texans rebelled against the Mexican government EXCEPT:

A) The government outlawed slavery

B) The Mexicans began increasing the price for land

C) The centrist shift in policy after their election

D) The government began to restrict American immigration

E) The government began to levy customs duties and taxes

E) The government began to levy customs duties and taxes


The Texas army defeated the Mexican army under the leadership of:

C) Sam Houston


The Republic of Texas was not immediately annexed by the United States largely because of:

A) The fact that Texas would have to be admitted as a slave state


The Liberty Party's showing in the 1844 election was the first political sign of the growing strength of:

E) Anti slavery opinion


During the Mexican war, northern Whigs began to characterize the war as a:

C) Part of southern conspiracy to expand slavery


A commander-in-chief during the war, James K. Polk defined the role of president by:

D) Coordinating both civilian and military goals and needs.


The Mexican-American War began over:

A) A border dispute


The Americans went to war with Mexico because:

A) The United States wanted Mexican territory


Fort Ross is indicative of this trade connection:

E) Russian-California


Most 1840's American immigrants to California made:

B) No effort to conform to Spanish ways or intermarry with Californians


Which of the following was NOT a major battle in the Mexican War:

A) Mexico City

B) El Paso

C) Buena Vista

D) Veracruz

E) Palo Alto

B) El Paso


Levi-Strauss and Jerusha Marshall illustrated that:

B) The real money was in services to the forty-niners


The first outsiders to penetrate the isolation of Spanish California were:

E) The Russians


After 1849, California attracted thousands of immigrants because of:

C) The discovery of gold.


In 1846, Congressman David Wilmot, a Pennsylvania Democrat, proposed that:

E) Slavery be banned from any territory acquired from Mexico.


In general, Free-soilers were :

A) Anti-black


The "Doctrine of Popular Sovereignty" meant that:

A) Congress did not know how to resolve sectional differences.


Louisiana slave holder General Zachary Taylor, who was elected President on the Whig ticket,:

A) Privately opposed the expansion of slavery.


Which one of these has the LEAST in common with the other four?

A) Tejano


C) Californio

D) Rancheros

E) Empresario

C) Californio


By 1840, all the land east of the Mississippi had been organized into statehood EXCEPT:

A) Wisconsin and Minnesota

B) Florida and Wisconsin

C) Maine and Florida

D) Vermont and Maine

E) Wisconsin and Vermont

B) B) Florida and Wisconsin


The greatest spur to exploration of the North American continent from the 1670's to the 1840's was searching for:

E) Furs


Which of the following explores is NOT correctly paired with the area explored for the US?

A) Pike/Colorado

B) Powell/Grand Canyon

C) Fremont/Texas

D) Long/Great Plains

E) Lewis & Clark/Louisiana Purchase

C) Fremont/Texas


In the early years, the US government named the supposedly undesirable area of the Great American Desert as Indian Territory. This was the:

A) Eastern edge of the Great Plains


Which one of the following was NOT a reason that the Indians lost the northern half of Indian Territory from the 1820's to the 1850's?

A) Faster than expected white western expansion

B) Pressure of transcontinental railroad

C) Increased lobbying of fur trading interests

D) Pressure from white settlers looking for land

E) Increased travel on Santa Fe and Overland trails

C) Increased lobbying of fur trading interests


Which one of the following has the LEAST in common with the others?

A) Moses Austin

B) John O'Sullivan

C) Manifest destiny

D) Thomas Hart Benton

E)Panic of 1837

A) Moses Austin


James' K. Polk's belligerent slogan "Fifty-four forty or Fight" was a reference to U.S. claims to :

C) Oregon to Russian Alaska boundary


The Mexican government invited settlers like Stephen Austin's colonists because they wanted a buffer between them and th:

E) Comanche


Which of the following was NOT part of the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?

A) California and New Mexico ceded to the U.S.

B) U.S. paid Mexico $15 million

C) Mexicans living in Texas granted political rights

D) U.S. assumed $2 million in claims against Mexico

E) Rio Grande River established as Texas border

C) Mexicans living in Texas granted political rights


The Bear Flag Revolt in California resulted in:

E) The confirmation of an autonomous white community in the area


Although defeated, the essence of the 1846 Wilmot Proviso was that in any territory acquired from Mexico, there must be:

D) No extension of slavery


At the minimum, "Free-soil" meant:

A) Status quo in the South but no slavery in new lands


Which one of the following lists the explorations in chronological order?

A) Lewis and Clark, Long, Pike, Fremont

B) Long, Lewis & Clark, Pike, Fremont

C) Pike, Lewis & Clark, Long, Fremont

D) Fremont, Long, Lewis & Clark, Pike

E) Lewis & Clark, Pike, Long, Fremont

E) Lewis & Clark, Pike, Long, Fremont


Mexico seizes independence from Spain, and the Santa Fe Trail subsequently opens in:

C) 1821


Which of the following events related to Texas is NOT correctly matched to the year it took place?

A) Stephen Austin becomes the first American empresario- 1821

B) Mexico restricts American immigration- 1828

C) Texas revolts against Mexico- 1833

D) Texas becomes a republic- 1836

E) Texas is annexed to the United States as a slave state - 1845

C) Texas revolts against Mexico- 1833


Which one of the following did NOT happen in 1846?

A) Mexican American War begins

B) Oregon question settled peacefully

C) Bear Flag Revolt in California

D) Cayuse Wars begin in Oregon

E) The Donner Party leaves Illinois for California

D) Cayuse Wars begin in Oregon


This explorer's evaluation of the Great Plains was that they were "arid and forbidding."

E) Stephen Long


Zebulon Pike was captured by these people when he went into their territory:

E) Spanish


The two modern states that made up much of the Indian Territory were:

B) Kansas and Oklahoma


If you passed Ft. Kearny, Scotts Bluff and Independence Rock, you were probably on this Trail:

A) Oregon Trail


If you took the right fork west from Santa Fe, you would eventually arrive in:

D) Los Angeles


The state of Texas gained its current familiar shape as:

E) Part of the compromise of 1850


Which one of the following was NOT a significant battle in the Mexican Civil War?

A) Palo Alto

B) Buena Vista

C) San Jacinto

D) Vera Cruz

E) Monterrey

C) San Jacinto


Concentrating on the Rio Grande as the disputed boundary of Texas rather than the Nueces River would also give Americans claim to:

A) New Mexico and Colorado


Which one was NOT a state or part of one needed by Polk in keeping his campaign promises?

A) Utah

B) Nevada

C) Colorado

D) Oregon

E) Texas

E) Texas


The major gold camps of California were along the Mother Lode which was:

C) In the Sierra Nevada foothills


The first Spanish settlements in New Mexico, Texas and California had taken place by:

E) 1769


74) Which one of the following did NOT occur in 1821?

A) Mexico seizes independence from Spain

B) Santa Fe trail opens

C) Stephen Austin is first American empresario in Texas

D) Texas revolts against Mexico

E) Missouri staehood

D) Texas revolts against Mexico


John C. Fremont maps trails to Oregon and California in:

E) 1843-44


Much of Pike's explorations were in:

A) Texas, the Rio Grande headwaters and the Colorado


If you took the Santa Fe trail and the Gila River trail west, you would eventually arrive in:

C) San Diego


From 1849 to 1860, the most common destination overland was:

D) California


From 1845 to 1848, the size of the territory added to the U.S. grew by this percent:

C) 70 %