Pulmonary Circuit

-carries blood to and from the gas exchange surfaces of the lungs
-begins and ends at the heart
Systemic Circuit

-carries blood to and from the body
-begins and ends at the heart
Arteries/Efferent Vessels

-carry blood AWAY from the heart
Veins/Afferent Vessels

carry blood TO the heart
Capillaries/Exchange Vessels

-microscopic thin-walled vessels
-interconnect the smallest arteries and veins
- exchange materials between blood and tissues (b/c of thin walls)
-materials include dissolved gases, nutrients, and waste products
Each day the heart pumps about _____ liters of blood.
The heart is about the size of a clenched _____.
Four Chambers of the Heart

1.Right Atrium
2.Right Ventricle
3.Left Atrium
4.Left Ventricle
Right Atrium

-receives blood from the systemic circuit and then passes through right ventricle
Right Ventricle

-pumps blood to the pulmonary circuit
Left Atrium

-collects blood from the pulmonary circuit and empties it into the left ventricle
Left Ventricle

pumps blood to the systemic circuit
When the heart beats, first the _____ contract, and then the ______ contract.
Atria; Ventricles
The heart is located near the ________ chest wall, directly posterior to the ______.

anterior; sternum

inferior, pointed tip of the heart
Pericardial Sac/Fibrous Pericardium
-surrounds the heart
-consists of a dense network of collagen fibers
-stabilizes the the position of the heart
-double lining of the pericardial cavity
1)visceral pericardium (epicardium)
2)parietal pericardium
Pericardial Cavity

-the space between the visceral and parietal pericardium
-contains 15-50 mL of pericardial fluid
Pericardial Fluid

acts as a lubricant, reducing friction between the opposing surfaces as the heart beats
Coronary Sulcus

-a deep groove that marks the border between the atria and ventricles
Anterior Interventricular Sulcus and Posterior interventricular sulcus

shallow depressions that mark the boundary between the left and right ventricles

-covers the outer surface of the heart

-muscular wall of the heart
-consists of concentric layers of cardiac muscle tissue

-covers the inner surface of the heart
-simple squamous epithelium
Characteristics of Muscle Cells

-interconnected by intercalated discs
-single nuclei
-branching interconnections between cells
Intercalated Discs

-transfer the force of contraction from cell to cell and propagate action potentials