Torres' Patient Care in Imaging Technology: Chapter 4- Patient Care and Safety Flashcards

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created 11 years ago by israel_haile_56
End of Chapter questions
updated 11 years ago by israel_haile_56
Grade levels:
College: First year
medical, allied health services, radiological & ultrasound technology
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When admitting a patient to the diagnostic imaging department, what should be done?

Take the patient to the dressing area and explain in some detail how he or she should dress for the procedure
Give the patient directions concerning how to care for valueables brought to the department
Assist any patient who appears to need assistance with preparation for an examination


The most effective means of reducing friction when moving a patient is by:

Asking the patient to cooperate


When transporting a patient back to the hospital room, some safety measures to be used are. . .

Infrom the nurse in charge of the patient that the patient has been returned to the room, and place the side rails up, the bed in "low" postition, and the call bell at hand.


Which procedures must be observed when assisting a patient with a bedpan?

Make sure to offer tissue to the patient and a towel to clean his or her hands, wear clean gloves to remove the bedpan, seek assistance for an immobile patient, and respect the patient's privacy.


Contributing factors to skin breakdown are. . .

Friction, pressure, and a wet environment.


If a patient who has a cast in place complains of pain that is sudden in onset and increases in intensity when the affected limb is moved, what should be done?

Elevate the affected limb, and notify a physician immediately.


When caring for a patient who has a new cast applied to an extremity, what must be remembered?

Observe for signs of impaired circulation, and support the cast with bolsters and sandbags where needed.


When caring for a patient who is disabled and is difficult to move, it is best to:

Obtain as much help as necessary to avoid injury to the patient and to the radiographer.


When moving a heavy object, you should. . .

pull the weight, not push it.


Patients most prone to falls are. . .

The frail elderly, confused patients, patients given psychoactive drugs, and patients with sensory deficits.


When moving a patient into an unnatural position for a radiographic examination, the patient should maintain that position:

Only for the time it takes to make the exposure.


Supine position

Patient laying flat on back.


Sims position

Patient on side with forward arm flexed and top knee flexed.


Trendelenburg position

Patient on back with head lower than extremities.


Semi-Fowler position

Patient on back with head raised 15 to 30 degrees.


Fowler position

Semi-sitting position with head raised 45-60 degrees.


Name the two convenient and safe methods of moving a patient from a radiographic table to a gurney.

Sheet transfer and sliding board transfer.


Describe three legitimate reasons for application of immobilizers to an adult patient.

Control movement of an extremity, keep sedated patients in position, & keep a patients from injury.


List four signs of impaired circulation if a patient is wearing a cast.

Pain, coldness, numbness, and swelling.


The leading cause of work related injuries in the field of health care is:

Abuse of the spine when moving and lifting patients.