Patient Care in Imaging Technology: Chapter 13 Gastrointestinal Procedures - Test Flashcards

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created 11 years ago by Annabelle
updated 11 years ago by Annabelle
sonography, medical, allied health services, radiological & ultrasound technology
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Before removing the retention-style enema tip, what is the most important thing to remember?

deflate the balloon


True or False?

Barium is a relatively nontoxic contrast agent.



Mr. and Mrs. ObNoxious bring their 3-year-son into the department for an upper GI examination. They have been concerned because he has been spitting out all of his food saying that he is not hungry. They suspect that he has a tumor in his stomach. The child immediately begins screaming that he will not drink any of “that stuff.” What is your best response in this situation?

A) Ask the parents to wait outside while you do the examination
B) Try to calm the child down
C) Tell the family to leave and return when the child is under control
D) Ask for sedation for the child

B) Try to calm the child down


Mr. and Mrs. ObNoxious bring their 3-year-son into the department for an upper GI examination. They have been concerned because he has been spitting out all of his food saying that he is not hungry. They suspect that he has a tumor in his stomach. The child immediately begins screaming that he will not drink any of “that stuff.” What would be the worst response in the above scenarios?

A) Ask the parents to wait outside while you do the examination
B) Try to calm the child down
C) Tell the family to leave and return when the child is under control
D) Ask for sedation for the child

D) Ask for sedation for the child


A double-contrast study of the gastrointestinal tract includes which of the following.

A) Use of room air and carbon dioxide
B) Use of barium and carbon dioxide
C) Use of carbon dioxide
D) Use of room air and barium
E) Use of a water-soluble contrast agent

D) Use of room air and barium


If the patient has the large bowel removed at the sigmoid area and the opening is made on the anterior surface of the abdomen, the patient is said to have a:

A) Colostomy
B) Ileostomy
C) Sigmoidostomy
D) Colonostomy

C) Sigmoidostomy


After a barium study, the patient must receive the following after-care instructions. (more than one may apply.)

A) Increase fluid intake for the next 24-48 hours
B) seek medical attention if blood is noticed in the stool
C) Expect to see light-colored stools for a few days
D) Increase fiber intake for 24-48 hours
E) Call the physician if blood is noticed in the stool

A) Increase fluid intake for the next 24-48 hours
B) seek medical attention if blood is noticed in the stool
C) Expect to see light-colored stools for a few days
D) Increase fiber intake for 24-48 hours
E) Call the physician if blood is noticed in the stool


Which of the following exams can be scheduled together?

A) Upper GI
B) Esophagram
C) Barium enema
D) Abdominal radiographs
E) Small bowel follow through

A) Upper GI
B) Esophagram
E) Small bowel follow through


What is the preparation for an infant who is scheduled to have an upper GI done?

Nothing to eat for 3 to 4 hours


Robbie Overnight, a 73-year-old male scheduled for a barium enema, comes into the department and is obviously concerned about the study. He says, “My friend told me that the barium will turn hard in my bowel and have to be removed. Is that true?” Choose the best response. (more than one may apply)

A) “Yes.”
B) “That is a possibility, but we are going to take every precaution to not allow that to happen.”
C) “Did your doctor tell you anything about this examination?”
D) “After the examination, I will tell you how to get rid of the barium.”
E) “I see that you have some concerns. Let me explain to you now what will happen after the exam is over so that you will feel comfortable during the procedure.”

E) “I see that you have some concerns. Let me explain to you now what will happen after the exam is over so that you will feel comfortable during the procedure.”


Why is air used in the performance of barium studies of the gastrointestinal tract?

Air causes the barium to coat the walls of the GI tract and outline it with sufficient contrast to identify any ulceration or other abnormalities


Mr. Albert Barium has questions regarding his upcoming lower GI study. From the following list of items, circle all the responses that would be correct to tell him.

A) Oh, don’t worry, the barium won’t kill you.
B) You should drink lots of water after the study is over.
C) The barium should be eliminated from your system within 24 to 48 hours.
D) After the examination, your doctor will phone you with the results.
E) We will make sure that you are the first person we put on the table!

B) You should drink lots of water after the study is over.
C) The barium should be eliminated from your system within 24 to 48 hours.
D) After the examination, your doctor will phone you with the results.


The use of high-contrast barium solution in the _____ canal reveal organ outlines and demonstrates pathologic conditions of the visceral walls.



If barium leaks into the peritoneal cavity, _____ may result.



Several conditions of the lower GI tract require the creation of a/an _____ through which the contents of the bowel can be eliminated.



Which of the following examinations should be scheduled first?

A) small bowel follow through
B) abdominal radiographs
C) barium enema
D) esophagram
E) upper GI

B) abdominal radiographs


An artificial opening created in the large intestine and brought to the surface of the abdomen for the purpose of evacuating the bowels

A) nasogastric tube
B) colostomy
C) ileostomy
D) stoma
E) ostomy

B) colostomy


An artificial opening erected in the small intestine and brought to the surface for the purpose of evacuating feces

A) nasogastric tube
B) colostomy
C) ileostomy
D) stoma
E) ostomy

C) ileostomy


General term for an operation in which an artificial opening is formed

A) nasogastric tube
B) colostomy
C) ileostomy
D) stoma
E) ostomy

E) ostomy


An opening in the body created by bringing a loop of bowel to the skin surface

A) nasogastric tube
B) colostomy
C) ileostomy
D) stoma
E) ostomy

D) stoma


A thin tube that is inserted through the nose and into the stomach for the purpose of instilling substances or for the removal of substances

A) nasogastric tube
B) colostomy
C) ileostomy
D) stoma
E) ostomy

A) nasogastric tube


Inflammation of the serous membrane lining the abdominal cavity and surrounding the abdominal organs

A) flatus
B) peritonitis
C) alimentary canal
D) diverticulitis
E) adverse effects

B) peritonitis


The organs of digestion; the digestive tract

A) flatus
B) peritonitis
C) alimentary canal
D) diverticulitis
E) adverse effects

C) alimentary canal


An undesired side effect or toxicity caused by the administration of drugs

A) flatus
B) peritonitis
C) alimentary canal
D) diverticulitis
E) adverse effects

E) adverse effects


Inflammation of a sac or pouch protruding from the walls of the intestines, especially the colon

A) flatus
B) peritonitis
C) alimentary canal
D) diverticulitis
E) adverse effects

D) diverticulitis


Gas expelled from the digestive tract through the anus

A) flatus
B) peritonitis
C) alimentary canal
D) diverticulitis
E) adverse effects

A) flatus