ADVT Exam 2 Flashcards

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created 11 years ago by rachaeur
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The development of _____ marketing requires marketers to focus on ingenious tactics first and then develop
tactics into a strategies.
a. relationship
b. transformational
c. bottom-up
d. transactional
e. top-down



The _____ is perceived as a consumer advocate during the advertising planning process.
a. agency
b. art director
c. account planner
d. ad producer
e. ad source



_____ is the ratio of perceived benefits to the price of the product.
a. Net worth
b. Contribution margin
c. ROI
d. Retained earning
e. Value



People who enjoy a thick Porterhouse steak often appreciate the taste and consider the meal a well-deserved reward at the end of a hard day. These reasons for enjoying steak are all examples of _____ motives.
a. transformational
b. informational
c. negatively originated
d. transactional
e. need-based



What is the first step in the traditional top-down marketing plan?
a. Developing marketing tactics
b. Forming a marketing strategy
c. Conducting a situation analysis
d. Evaluating potential marketing objectives
e. Establishing beneficial advertising objectives



Consumer demand for a whole product category such as DVD players, pickles, or laptop computers is called _____ demand.
a. primary
b. selective
c. positioned
d. category
e. introductory



Desert Knight Golf Resort has just completed a detailed, factual study of the resort's strengths and weaknesses as well as external threats and opportunities. The resort's next step in the development of a marketing plan is to:
a. decide which advertising media will best reach its target markets.
b. determine specific marketing objectives.
c. evaluate potential marketing objectives.
d. establish advertising strategy.
e. design marketing tactics.



Forrester Research carried out an evaluation of Users of the ShoeSource Web site were asked questions about the ease of using the Web site and their perceptions of the site. Which research method was most likely used to learn consumer's perceptions of
a. Experimental
b. Simulation
c. Observation
d. Ethnographic
e. Survey



The _____ refers to the bundle of values built into a product aimed at satisfying various functional, social, psychological, economic, and other consumer needs and wants.
a. total product concept
b. marketing mix
c. targeted product
d. product attribution
e. product utility



Harris Teeter Inc. is a chain of supermarkets in the Atlanta area. In one of its stores in a predominantly Jewish neighborhood, the store has three rabbis on staff who make sure the foods sold at the store are kosher. Every Harris Teeter store has distinct characteristics that align it with the neighborhood in which it is located. The chain is using _____ segmentation.
a. geodemographic
b. psychographic
c. behavioristic
d. geographic
e. psychological



The _____ for an organization assembles all the pertinent facts about the organization, the markets it serves, and its products, services, customers, and competition.
a. vision
b. marketing plan
c. advertising plan
d. marketing mix
e. competitive strategy



Why would a company set need-satisfying objectives?
a. To modify the hierarchical structure from transformational to transactional
b. To shift the organization's focus from production to the target market
c. To take advantage of a consumer-oriented economic trend
d. To provide equity to every stakeholder of the firm
e. To stir demand in a static environment



_____ governs the way we discern raw data (stimuli) and translate them into feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and actions.
a. Personal processes
b. Interpersonal influences
c. Non-personal influences
d. Evaluative criteria
e. Evoked sets



When the owner of the Baskin-Robbins brand name decided to re-invigorate the brand, the firm created a launch kit for its brokers and distributors. Its brokers and distributors are examples of:
a. reference groups.
b. target audiences.
c. target markets.
d. stakeholders.
e. environmental curators.



Cell phone companies spend many advertising dollars appealing to people who are already heavy users of cell phones to encourage them to buy plans that offer them additional minutes. These cell phone companies are using:
a. purchase-occasion segmentation.
b. psychographic positioning.
c. demographic segmentation.
d. lifestyle segmentation.
e. volume segmentation.



What are the two broad categories of learning theories used by most advertisers?
a. Cognitive and conditioning theories
b. Central and peripheral route theories
c. Interpersonal and non-personal theories
d. Affective and cognitive route theories
e. Psychological and physiological screen theories



Before Kraft introduced Philadelphia Single Size Cream Cheese Spreads, it test marketed them in California markets to see if the amount of the serving was acceptable and to determine the best pricing strategy to use with the new product. This was an example of _____ research.
a. experimental
b. results-oriented
c. observational
d. stimulus-response
e. ethnographic



Starbucks expanded from bottled Frappuccino to two canned products—Doubleshot and Starbucks Iced Coffee. While all are coffee-based products, each has a slightly different consumer base. Doubleshot is advertised as a morning beverage, Frappuccino, an afternoon treat, and Starbucks Iced Coffee as an all-day product. What approach to positioning is Starbucks most likely using?
a. Cultural symbol
b. Product class
c. Use/application
d. Product competitor
e. Price/quality



New Products Magazine wanted to determine how consumers really feel about fortified products. The publication created a Web site where respondents could answer questions about how they feel about good nutrition, their own personal health, food convenience, and food taste. New Products Magazine gathered:
a. qualitative information.
b. primary data.
c. projective data.
d. advertising information.
e. secondary data.



Because drugstore chains realize that nearly three-fourths of the visitors to a drugstore are there just to pick up a prescription, drugstores have found it profitable to stock a variety of products that have typically been found
in supermarkets and convenience stores. Stakeholders receive a(n) _____ message when they go to a drugstore to pick up a prescription and are able to buy milk and bread without having to go to another store.
a. planned
b. functional
c. unplanned
d. product
e. service



RadTech, a trade association for the advancement of ultraviolet (UV) technology, brought in ten consumers to discuss issues associated with the safe adoption of UV technology in a range of industries including
automotive, fresh produce, and household products. A trained moderator led unstructured discussions and guided participants to reveal their true feelings about the use of UV technology. Which of the following is described in the example?
a. Experimental
b. Simulation
c. Observation
d. Focus group
e. Survey



Which of the following best describes the target market of Mountain Dew?
a. Young, health-conscious women
b. Mature, professional males
c. Young, active adult males
d. Pre-teen children
e. Latino women



What is the first step in the basic consumer decision process?
a. Evaluating options
b. Identifying motivations
c. Making comparisons
d. Recognizing a problem
e. Seeking more information



_____ refer to the basic, often instinctive, human forces that motivate us to do something.
a. Needs
b. Wants
c. Ideals
d. Desires
e. Morals



Kotler and Armstrong have identified five levels of relationships that can be formed between a company and its various stakeholders. Charlotte purchased a book on how to crochet from a Web site. After purchasing the
book, she was pleased to receive regular e-mails from the site offering her other products that she might be interested in. The e-mails also tell her about current trends in yarn and offer troubleshooting advice as well as free patterns. The relationship between Charlotte and the Web site is at what level?
a. Reactive relationship
b. Basic transactional relationship
c. Accountable relationship
d. Proactive relationship
e. Partnership



Someone who is a vegetarian often becomes so due to the belief that killing animals is cruel and that processed meat contains harmful chemicals. Both of these reasons are examples of _____ motives.
a. transformational
b. stimulus
c. negatively originated
d. transactional
e. need-based



With the common usage of laptops and tablets, large, bulky desktop computers have entered the _____ stage of the product life cycle and are being phased out by many computer firms.
a. utility
b. laggard
c. late adopter
d. decline
e. growth



After decades of fabulous growth, the trade show industry is experiencing business decline. A report by the National Trade Show Industry stated, "The trade show industry will face more competition for marketing dollars in the next five years than it has in the last 25 years." This statement is best described as a(n) _____.
a. situation analysis
b. external market analysis
c. market survey
d. product audit
e. stakeholder audit



In the _____ stage of the product life cycle, the marketplace becomes saturated with competing products and the number of new customers dwindles and industry sales reach a plateau.
a. saturation
b. introductory
c. maturity
d. growth
e. revitalization



In the health care industries, strategies that target women are becoming increasingly prevalent because capturing the female patient means influencing the vast majority of health care decisions made for families.
Plus, women use health services more frequently than men. If you are a health care provider, you would want to use _____ segmentation.
a. demographic
b. psychographic
c. diffused
d. geographic
e. psychological



_____ is the product's ability to satisfy both functional needs and symbolic wants.
a. Market position
b. Product satisfaction
c. Product equity
d. Product utility
e. Market satisfaction



Thomas was planning on seeing a movie last weekend. After trying to read the small print which told the times the movie would be shown, he gave up and decided to go to the zoo instead. In this case, _____ screens influenced his perception.
a. physiological
b. rational
c. functional
d. psychological
e. self-actualizing



_____ occurs when the change in belief, attitude, or behavioral intention is caused by promotion communication.
a. Learning
b. Corroboration
c. Motivation
d. Substantiation
e. Persuasion



The Values and Lifestyles (VALS) typology uses a two-dimensional structure based on:
a. geographic variables and consumer perceptions.
b. consumer behavior and product characteristics.
c. primary motivation and resources.
d. self-orientation and product differentiation.
e. target marketing strategy and product positioning strategy.



_____ provides the advertiser with useful guidelines for future advertising by evaluating the effectiveness of an individual ad or an entire ad campaign after it runs.
a. Pretesting
b. A trailer test
c. A clutter test
d. Posttesting
e. A galvanometer



Taking into account the Elaboration Likelihood Model, which of the following purchases would most likely involve the peripheral route to persuasion?
a. A wedding dress
b. A Mediterranean cruise
c. A can of soda
d. An infant car seat
e. A set of golf clubs



Over the past decade, brands that were once available only to the wealthy have created more affordable product extensions, giving a far broader range of consumers a taste of the good life. Jaguar, for instance, launched its X-type sedan, which starts at $30,000 and is meant for the "almost rich" consumer who aspires to live in luxury. By marketing to people who desire a luxurious lifestyle, Jaguar is using:
a. demographic segmentation.
b. psychographic segmentation.
c. geodemographic segmentation.
d. attitudinal positioning.
e. lifestyle positioning.



To help food advertisers produce more effective advertising, the Food Marketing Institute did a study in which it asked respondents if they wanted to eat more nutritiously in order to lose weight, to prevent health problems
later in life, to follow their doctor's advice, or to manage an existing medical condition. The answer to this question is an example of _____ research.
a. qualitative
b. informal
c. experimental
d. quantitative
e. observational



Alan did not notice the ad for Goodwater riding equipment in Western Horseman because he was much more interested in an article on Argentinian cowboys on the page opposite the equipment ad. In terms of the communication process, the article on Argentinian cowboys served as _____ for the Goodwater ad.
a. noise
b. feedback
c. Information overload
d. a source maze
e. a reception blocker



The Visitors Bureau of Greenville, Mississippi, uses an ad with the following headline: "Join some others who got inspired here" and then lists the famous authors that came from that part of the state. The message in this
headline indicates the city is using _____ to attract tourists.
a. psychographic positioning
b. benefit segmentation
c. demographic segmentation
d. geodemographic segmentation
e. volume segmentation



Which question would be used to gather qualitative research?
a. Would you pay $69.98 annually for movie-on-demand capabilities?
b. Do you watch cable television more than ten hours per week?
c. Have you ever felt like you watch too much cable television?
d. How would you describe your ideal cable television channel?
e. Do you currently have access to satellite television?



Before beginning an advertising campaign for its new Snickers Charged candy bar, the Mars Company had to determine if the product's 60 milligrams of caffeine would lead to initial purchases and brand loyalty. Before developing the creative strategy and the media strategy for the new candy bar, Mars most likely had to conduct research on:
a. product concept.
b. media selection.
c. promotion methods.
d. messaging formats.
e. message elements.



Harrison has walked past a Mercedes dealership every weekday for the last eight months. Each time he passes, he examines the red Mercedes convertible in the showroom. He is now wondering whether he should
buy the convertible and sell his SUV. Which of the following terms best describes what Harrison is doing or showing by his actions?
a. Consumer loyalty
b. Brand disparity
c. Brand interest
d. Brand perception
e. Criteria evaluation



The observation method of data collection:
a. seeks in-depth open-ended responses from targeted groups.
b. is a projective technique that relies on highly skilled experts.
c. monitors the actions of people being studied.
d. is the most common way to gather primary data.
e. is designed to measure cause-and-effect relationships.



The immediate images that the name Oz creates for a fan of Ozzie Osborne's music and a fan of The Wizard of Oz are very different. The screen-building process has created different _____ for the two individuals.
a. blocking functions
b. stimulus/response stereotypes
c. habitual perceptions
d. attitudinal awareness
e. mental files



Consumer concern about food contamination from pathogenic bacteria is generally nonexistent because most people view food safety as a government issue. The element of perception responsible for this interpretation is called:
a. attitude.
b. learning.
c. motivation.
d. cognition.
e. screening.



Which of the following is one of the bases for making purchase decisions in the business market and should be emphasized in promotional appeals?
a. Product demonstrations
b. Brand equity
c. Wholesaler
d. Retailer
e. Market concentration



Which term refers to the systematic gathering, recording, and analysis of new information to help managers make marketing decisions?
a. Primary market data mining
b. Integrated marketing communications
c. Marketing research
d. Environmental analysis
e. Research behavior



As the leading manufacturer of bleach in the nation, Clorox must guard itself against challenges from detergent manufacturers who are using bleach as a detergent additive. According to Jack Trout and Al Reis's Marketing Warfare, which type of strategy should Clorox use?
a. Protective
b. Aggressive
c. Defensive
d. Offensive
e. Guerrilla



The ad for Pepperidge Farm products reads, "Filling your kitchen with delicious aromas is a great way to ensure that your Thanksgiving holiday will be full of joyful anticipation." It would seem that the manufacturer of these products is using:
a. demographic segmentation.
b. behavioristic segmentation.
c. temporal segmentation.
d. psychographic positioning.
e. lifestyle segmentation.



An advertising researcher would most likely use _____ to measure the effectiveness of a television commercial in getting attention and increasing brand awareness.
a. portfolio tests
b. clutter tests
c. perceptual meaning studies
d. paired-comparison methods
e. order-of-merit tests



Within a timeframe of five to seven years Orco Construction Supply, a regional distributor of tools and hardware to framing and foundation contractor markets, plans to hit a revenue mark of $500 million which will more than double its 2010 gross sales. This would be an example of a(n) _____ objective.
a. sales-target
b. target market
c. need-satisfying
d. market tracking
e. environmental



Once a research project on the viability of a cable channel designed to meet the needs of the Hispanic market has concluded its secondary research, it should next:
a. engage in qualitative research.
b. determine the target market size.
c. establish research objectives.
d. conduct a competitive analysis.
e. hire a product manager.



Which of the following promotions is intended to help the advertiser meet the goal of habit reinforcement?
a. For every ten cups of coffee you purchase at a local convenience store, you get one free.
b. A sales clerk gives out free samples of Bush's brand home style chili at Sam's Club.
c. Sam sees a comparative ad showing the superiority of Coors beer over Anheuser-Busch beer.
d. A vacuum cleaner salesperson offers to clean the living room carpet of the Truman household.
e. A new laundry shop offers a one-time free trial for all customers.



There are very few studies that use data aimed at disentangling the relationship between quality of care and litigation activity against nursing homes. Lobbying groups have funded most national studies on this issue.
Researchers began by looking at the nursing home information stored in Westlaw's Adverse Filings, a lawsuits database. This database would most likely contain:
a. qualitative information.
b. primary data.
c. projective data.
d. advertising information.
e. secondary data.



Seagram's of North America provides its resellers with elaborate point-of-purchase displays to encourage resellers to stock and promote the distillery's products. In this example, Seagram's is using a:
a. penetration strategy.
b. diversification strategy.
c. divestiture strategy.
d. push strategy.
e. pull strategy.



Which of the following is most likely a potential target market for a manufacturer who is licensed by World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) to make Halloween costumes based on characters seen in WWE matches?
a. Older men and women who enjoy watching Olympic wrestling
b. Pre-teen males who wish to emulate one of the WWE wrestlers
c. People who believe the WWE promotes violence
d. Children of parents who are sports enthusiasts
e. Anyone who has attended a WWE match



Assume a bakery that wholesales gourmet pies and cakes to upscale restaurant chains has developed marketing objectives. Which of the following is the BEST sales-target objective for the bakery to use?
a. To increase cheesecake sales to the point where demand exceeds supply every week
b. To increase sales of pecan pies by 3 percent during the next six months
c. To raise net profit by 50 percent during the next three weeks
d. To have most of the staff attend a marketing seminar
e. To build a Web site that attracts new customers



Maslow's hierarchy of needs helps researchers:
a. create habit-breaking attitudes.
b. learn how to control selective perception.
c. understand how culture influences consumer behavior.
d. control the amount and type of feedback.
e. better understand what motivates consumers.



The _____ element of the marketing mix includes the way the product is designed and classified, positioned, branded, and packaged.
a. utility
b. communication
c. distribution
d. product
e. customer



A pizza restaurant buys fountain Coca-Cola, which it sells to its customers. The pizza restaurant is an example of a(n):
a. consumer market.
b. VALS market.
c. reseller.
d. wholesaler.
e. business-to-business market.



What is the next step for a marketer once market segmentation has been done?
a. Target marketing process
b. Budgeting process
c. Mission statement
d. SWOT analysis
e. Competitive assessment



In terms of the human communication process model, what role does the sponsor of the advertisement play?
a. Feedback
b. Channel
c. Message
d. Receiver
e. Source



Which of the following statements about secondary data is most likely true?
a. Secondary data are more costly to gather than primary data.
b. Secondary data are always valid even if they are not always reliable.
c. Secondary data are more time consuming to gather than primary data.
d. Secondary data availability guarantees the researcher will do a good job.
e. Secondary data can be gathered from internal sources as well as external sources.



When pharmaceutical companies began advertising directly to consumers, it was an example of ____. The pharmaceutical companies realized that consumer demand influences which medications a physician will
a. indirect consumer marketing
b. promotion equity
c. scrambled promotion
d. a push strategy
e. a pull strategy



_____ determine the specific short-term actions to be taken, internally and externally, by whom and when.
a. Corporate objectives
b. Tactics
c. Organizational structures
d. Environmental objectives
e. Strategic postures



The development of ______ facilitated the collection of observation data.
a. research heuristics
b. cross-tab capabilities
c. UPC labeling
d. MIS
e. test marketing specifics



Which of the following would most likely involve testing ad slogans prior to production?
a. Advertising strategy research
b. Creative concept research
c. Storyboard testing
d. Posttesting
e. Pretesting



A full-page ad that Dell ran in Fortune magazine about the firm's latest laptop is an example of which type of company/brand-related message being sent to company stakeholders?
a. Planned
b. Inadvertent
c. Unplanned
d. Product
e. Service



When Lisa thinks about taking a class in conversational Italian, she thinks of it as a way to challenge her intellect. When Megan thinks about taking a class in conversational Italian, she thinks how much fun it will be to visit Italy once she knows the language. Their differing opinions most likely result from differences in:
a. perceptions.
b. dissonance.
c. ethics.
d. cognitive learning.
e. social class.



According to the human communication process, a person who responds to an online Starbucks survey is most likely:
a. acting as a source.
b. providing feedback.
c. creating Internet noise.
d. using integrated marketing communications.
e. utilizing a new communication channel.



Low voter turnout is a common concern during political elections, but an advertising campaign could be effective at encouraging citizens to vote. Research is necessary before developing such an advertising campaign. What would be the first step in the research process?
a. Perform a situation analysis that focuses on citizen attitudes about politics and politicians
b. Develop an organizational budget for the ad campaign to increase voter turnout
c. Select effective media vehicles that target people who have voted in the past
d. Use quantitative research to predict the impact of ads on voting habits
e. Develop and refine research objectives based on desired voting rates



_____ is the acquired behavior pattern that becomes nearly or completely involuntary.
a. Attitude
b. Incentive
c. Impetus
d. Habit
e. Stimulus-response



_____ refers to the place a brand occupies competitively in the minds of consumers.
a. Product segmentation
b. Product placement
c. Positioning
d. The perceptual pyramid
e. The strategic map



Customers who might buy Muir Glen brand organic soups are people who like soup, want to try something different, don't have time to cook, worry about putting chemicals in their bodies, and are vegetarians. These
various groups who may be in the market for Muir Glen soups are all examples of:
a. innovators.
b. market segments.
c. market aggregations.
d. diffusers.
e. buying centers.



When Jonas was asked to list all of the commercials he remembered seeing when he watched the SEC football game between Alabama and Auburn, he was participating in a(n):
a. recall test.
b. projective interview.
c. focus interview.
d. attitude test.
e. inquiry test.



If you receive an invitation to your 25th high school reunion, you will be much more likely to notice ads for various weight-loss programs, diet foods, and skin rejuvenators than if you are invited to an annual family
picnic. This is an example of how _____ affects perception.
a. user-set
b. an evoked set
c. self-concept
d. persuasion
e. mental files



When the owner of the Baskin-Robbins brand name decided to re-invigorate the brand, the firm used several different _____ including creating a launch kit for its brokers and distributors. The kit contained sell sheets,
samples, a media kit, and gift items, such as a branded memory stick and an ice cream scoop to help "Scoop Up Sales!"
a. marketing objectives
b. creative mechanisms
c. tactics
d. strategic postures
e. organizational positions



Pyramid Breweries Co. has stated that partnering with committed wholesalers capable of delivering first class customer service is an important _____ objective for the company if the microbrewery is to maintain its
reputation for customer satisfaction.
a. corporate
b. entrepreneurial
c. advertising
d. logistical
e. stakeholder



During _____, an advertising researcher would be most likely to use aided recall, sales tests, and inquiry tests.
a. strategy determination
b. posttesting
c. pretesting
d. marketing integration
e. concept development
