Human Anatomy & Physiology: Quiz - The Skeleton Flashcards

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created 12 years ago by gobugin
The Skeleton Quiz
updated 12 years ago by gobugin
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College: First year, College: Second year, College: Third year, College: Fourth year
anatomy and physiology 1, education, teaching methods & materials, science & technology, medical, anatomy, physiology
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The tissue type of vertebral ligaments is:
A. Fibrocartilage
B. Elastic cartilage
C. Elastic connective tissue
D. Dense regulare connective tissue
E. Dense irregular connective tissue

C. Elastic connective tissue


Which of the following are classified as short bones?
A. Distal phalanx
B. Cuneiform
C. Pisiform
D. Patella
E. Calcaneus

B. Cuneiform
C. Pisiform
E. Calcaneus


Flat bones include:
A. Ribs
B. Maxilla
C. Nasal
D. Sternum
E. Sphenoid

A. Ribs
B. Maxilla
C. Nasal
D. Sternum


Which of the following bones are part of the axial skeleton?
A. Vomer
B. Clavicle
C. Sternum
D. Parietal
E. Coxal

A. Vomer
C. Sternum
D. Parietal


Bone pain behind the external auditory meatus probably involves the:
A. Maxilla
B. Ethmoid
C. Sphenoid
D. Temporal
E. Lacrimal

D. Temporal


Bones that articulate with the sphenoid include:
A. Parietal
B. Vomer
C. Maxilla
D. Zygomatic
E. Ethmoid

A. Parietal
B. Vomer
C. Maxilla
D. Zygomatic
E. Ethmoid


Which parts of the temporal bone contribute to the calvaria?
A. Squamous region
B. Petrous region
C. Mastoid region
D. Tympanic region

A. Squamous region


Which of the following are bony landmarks of the anterior skull surface?
A. Mental foramina
B. Anterior cranial fossa
C. Glabella
D. Supraorbital foramen
E. Frontal sinuses

A. Mental foramina
C. Glabella
D. Supraorbital foramen


Points of muscle, tendon, or ligament attachment include:
A. Superior nuchal lines
B. Greater wings of the sphenoid
C. External occipital crest
D. Mastoid process
E. Coronoid process

A. Superior nuchal lines
C. External occipital crest
D. Mastoid process
E. Coronoid process


Which of the following are part of the sphenoid?
A. Crista galli
B. Sella turcica
C. Petrous portion
D. Pterygoid process
E. Lesser wing

B. Sella turcica
D. Pterygoid process
E. Lesser wing


Which of the following are found within the cranial cavity?
A. Perpendicular plate of ethmoid
B. Internal acoustic meatus
C. Crista galli
D. Cranial fossae
E. Lacrimal fossa

B. Internal acoustic meatus
C. Crista galli
D. Cranial fossae


Bones helping to form the oral cavity include:
A. Mandible
B. Vomer
C. Maxilla
D. Sphenoid
E. Palantine

A. Mandible
C. Maxilla
D. Sphenoid
E. Palantine


Which of the following bones are at least partly covered by a mucous membrane?
A. Zygomatic
B. Temporal
C. Ethmoid
D. Occipital

B. Temporal
C. Ethmoid


Which of these start as separate bones in the fetus but are fused in an adult skeleton?
A. Coxal bone
B. Vertebral ribs
C. Mandible
D. Coccyx
E. Cuneiforms

A. Coxal bone
C. Mandible
D. Coccyx


The protective bony ring around the spinal cord is formed by several parts of the vertebra including:
A. Laminae
B. Centrum
C. Transverse process
D. Pedicles
E. Facet

A. Laminae
B. Centrum
D. Pedicles


Ribs articulate with the:
A. transverse process of lumbar vertebrae
B. Manubrium
C. Spinous processes of throacic vertebrae
D. xiphoid process
E. Centrum of cervical vertebrae

B. Manubrium


Structural characteristics of ALL cervical vertebrae are:
A. Small body
B. Bifid spinous process
C. Transverse foramina
D. Small vertebral foramen
E. Costal facets

C. Transverse foramina


What types of movement are possible between thoracic vertebrae:
A. Flexion
B. Rotation
C. Some lateral flexion
D. Circumduction
E. Extension

B. Rotation
C. Some lateral flexion


Which humeral process articulates with the radius?
A. Trochlea
B. Greater tubercle
C. Lesser tubercle
D. Capitulum
E. Olecranon fossa

D. Capitulum


A coronoid process is found on the:
A. Maxilla
B. Mandible
C. Scapula
D. Humerus
E. Ulna

B. Mandible
E. Ulna


Which of the following bones exhibit a styloid process?
A. Hyoid
B. Temporal
C. Humerus
D. Radius
E. Ulna

B. Temporal
D. Radius
E. Ulna


Which bones articulate with metacarpals?
A. Hamate
B. Pisiform
C. Proximal phalanges
D. Capitate
E. Cuneiform

A. Hamate
C. Proximal phalanges
D. Capitate


Hip bone markings include:
A. Ala
B. Sacral hiatus
C. Gluteal surface
D. Pubic ramus
E. Fovea capitis

A. Ala
C. Gluteal surface
D. Pubic ramus


Which of the following bones or bone parts articulate with the femur?
A. Ischial tuberosity
B. Pubis
C. Patella
D. Fibula
E. Tibia

B. Pubis
C. Patella
E. Tibia


The length ratio of the head and trunk to the lower limbs becomes 1 to 1:
A. at birth
B. by 10 years of age
C. at puberty
D. When the epiphyseal plates fuse
E. Never

B. by 10 years of age


Which pair of ribs inserts on the sternum at the sternal angle?
A. First
B. Second
C. Third
D. Fourth

B. Second


The inferior angle of the scapula is at the same level as the spinous process of vertebrae:
A. C7
B. C5
C. T3
D. T7
E. L4

A. C7


An important bony landmark that can be recognized by a distinct dimple on the skin is:
A. Posterior superior iliac spine
B. Stylooid process of the ulna
C. Shaft of the radius
D. Acromion of the scapula

A. Posterior superior iliac spine


A blow to the cheek is most likely to break what superficial bone or bone part?
A. Superciliary arches
B. Zygomatic process
C. Mandibular ramus
D. Styloid process

A. Posterior superior iliac spine


The name of the first cervical vertebra is:
A. Atlas
B. Axis
C. Occiput
D. Vertebra prominens

A. Atlas


All these bony features are near or in the shoulder joint, except:
A. Acromion
B. Greater tubercle
C. Glenoid cavity
D. Anatomical neck of humerus
E. Deltoid tuberosity

E. Deltoid tuberosity


All these bony features are near or in the hip joint except:
A. Acetabulum
B. Sacral promontory
C. Greater trochanter
D. Neck of femur

B. Sacral promontory


Which of the following bones are NOT paired?
A. Parietal
B. Frontal
C. Sternum
D. Pubis
E. Calcaneus

B. Frontal
C. Sternum