Human Anatomy & Physiology: Chemistry Comes Alive Flashcards

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created 12 years ago by harryandlaura
updated 12 years ago by harryandlaura
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All of the following are states of matter except ______.
a. energy
b. liquid
c. gas
d. solid

a. energy


Substances that cannot be broken down into simpler substances are defined as ________.

a. matter
b. compounds
c. elements
d. protons

c. elements


Energy in action is defined as ________ energy.

a. chemical
b. kinetic
c. potential
d. ATP

b. kinetic


When you row a boat, your arms provide which type of energy?

a. Chemical
b. Potential
c. Mechanical
d. Electrical

c. Mechanical


When energy is converted from one form to another, some of the original energy is "lost" as ________.

a. heat
b. water
c. mechanical energy
d. electrons

a. heat


Which of the following is not one of the four major elements in the human body?

a. Hydrogen
b. Calcium
c. Nitrogen
d. Oxygen

b. Calcium


The atomic number is always equal to the number of _______ in an atom.

a. protons
b. electrons
c. neutrons
d. protons and neutrons

a. protons


Isotopes have the same number of _______ but differ in the number of ________.

a. protons; electrons
b. protons; neutrons
c. electrons; neutrons
d. neutrons; protons

b. protons; neutrons


If an atom gains an electron, the resulting charge of that atom is more _________.

a. positive
b. negative
c. neutral
d. It varies from atom to atom

b. negative


Which spontaneously decompose into more stable atoms?

a. Radioisotopes
b. Elements
c. Isotopes
d. Colloids

a. Radioisotopes


Which of the following is not a compound?

a. H2O
b. NaCl
c. O2
d. C6H12O6

c. O2


The following are electrons in the electron shells of four atoms. Which atom would most likely be reactive?

a. 2
b. 2, 8
c. 2, 8, 7
d. 2, 8, 8

c. 2, 8, 7


An ionic bond is formed between _______.

a. two inert atoms
b. two cations
c. two anions
d. a cation and an anion

d. a cation and an anion


Which type of bond is formed when electrons are shared unequally between atoms?

a. Polar covalent
b. Nonpolar covalent
c. Ionic
d. Hydrogen

a. Polar covalent


Which of the following statements is true of solvents?

a. They are usually solids.
b. They are present in smaller amounts in a
c. Water is the main solvent in the body.
d. They are tiny particles.

c. Water is the main solvent in the body.


Building muscle tissue is an example of which type of reaction?

a. Synthesis
b. Exchange
c. Decomposition
d. Catabolic

a. Synthesis


All of the following affect the rate of a reaction except __________.

a. temperature
b. the concentration of reactants
c. particle size
d. density

d. density


Bonds are broken during which type of reaction?

a. Catabolic
b. Anabolic
c. Synthesis
d. Endergonic

a. Catabolic


An enzyme is an example of a _________.

a. reactant
b. solute
c. catalyst
d. reaction

c. catalyst


Which of the following is not a reason for the irreversibility of chemical reactions in cells?

a. Chemical reactions that release energy would
require energy to be reversed.
b. A product might be continually removed from the
reaction site.
c. Biological reactions can only proceed in a
single direction.
d. A product might be expelled from the body.

c. Biological reactions can only proceed in a
single direction.


A steroid is an example of _________.

a. an inorganic compound
b. a lipid
c. a protein
d. a sugar

b. a lipid


Which of the following is not a function of water?

a. Body temperature regulation
b. Source of electrolytes
c. Universal solvent
d. Protection from mechanical damage

b. Source of electrolytes


Which pH indicates a weak base?

a. 2.0
b. 6.8
c. 7.4
d. 11.0

c. 7.4


Which of the following describes the tertiary structure of proteins?

a. Twisting and bending to form a more complex
structure such as a helix
b. Two or more polypeptide chains aggregated to
form a complex protein
c. The linear sequence of amino acids
d. α-helical or β-pleated regions of the
polypeptide chain folded upon one another

d. α-helical or β-pleated regions of the
polypeptide chain folded upon one another


A substance that dissociates into cations and hydroxyl ions is __________.

a. an acid
b. a base
c. a salt
d. an electrolyte

b. a base


Which substance is the primary energy-transferring molecule in the cell?

a. Glucose
b. Fat
c. Protein
d. ATP

d. ATP