How many chromosomes are in a somatic cell?
How many chromosomes are in a gametic cell?
Define gene
unit of DNA that contains the information to specify synthesis of single polypeptide chain.
The total DNA in the chromosomes of an organism is referred as its __________
Define sister chromatids
duplicated chromosome (2 strands)
The cell cycle is composed of ______________ (I) and __________ (M) phase
interphase, mitotic
Mitotic phase consists of both mitosis and cytokinesis. The former one is divided to _____ subphases
five (Prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase)
What are the names of the phases in mitotic division?
Interphase, prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, cytokinesis
Animal cells form a __________ __________ while plant cells form a ______ ________ to separate.
cleavage furrow, cell plate
Define a checkpoint in a cell
a critical control point where stop and go signals can regulate the cycle
Which signal has to be overridden, the "stop" signal or the "go" signal?
What does Cdk abbreviate?
Cyclin dependant kinases
What does MPF abbreviate?
maturation promotion factor
What is MPF?
Cdk-cyclin complex, a cyclin and a Cdk attached to each other
MPF and cyclin levels rise and fall during mitosis. At what point are MPF levels the highest? When do the levels of cyclin reach their highest and lowest points?
MPF levels start from zero, peak and return to zero during mitosis. Cyclin levels are lowest during the end of mitosis and rise slowly until they peak in the middle of mitosis
Anaphase promoting complex (APC) is normally in an inactive state. What triggers it into an active state?
when all the kinetochores are attached to the spindle at the metaphase plate
What three things are required for animal cells to divide?
PDGF – platelet-derived growth factor, enough space, Anchorage - attachement to a substratum
When cancer cells divide which external inhibitor do they lack? (Scientific term)
Density-dependent inhibition
What are the two types of tumors and what is the difference between them?
Benign tumor is localised at original site, malignant tumor becomes invasive
The spread of cancer cells beyond their original site is called __________