High Intermediate - 2.6 Flashcards

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created 5 months ago by TeacherCarolyn
updated 5 months ago by TeacherCarolyn
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verb - cheat


to not be honest or fair in order to get something

EXAMPLE: The student wanted to get a better grade, so he looked at his neighbor's test. The student cheated.


cite a source

tixraac il

say where you got the information

EXAMPLE: When you are in college, you will have to write papers. If you include information from other writers, you will have to say so. You have to cite all of your sources.


verb - copy


to cheat by looking at and writing down someone else's work

EXAMPLE: She copied his answers because she didn't do her homework. That's cheating.


verb - fail


to not be successful

EXAMPLE: The girl did not study for her test. She knew only a few correct answers, so she failed the test. She did not get a passing grade.


on purpose


intentionally, because you wanted to

EXAMPLE: My daughter broke my favorite glass. She said it was an accident. But we had just had a fight and she was angry. I think she broke my glass on purpose.


turn in a paper

hand in a paper

warqad ku soo celin

to give a paper to the teacher

EXAMPLE: The students get only 30 minutes to take the test. After 30 minutes, they have to turn in their papers.


verb - avoid

ka fogaansho

to stay away from a person, place, or situation

EXAMPLE: I just found out that my friend cheated on the test. I don't want to be friends with him anymore. From now on, I will avoid him.


common knowledge

aqoon guud

information that everybody knows

EXAMPLE: It is common knowledge that it is warm in the summer and cold in the winter.




the result of an action or situation, especially a bad result

EXAMPLE: When my child does something wrong, he needs to have a consequence. That will help him learn to do the right thing in the future.


verb - detect

ke helid

to discover or notice something

EXAMPLE: My friend tries to hide his feelings, but yesterday I detected a small smile on his face.



sax ah

completely correct in every detail

EXAMPLE: Please tell me the exact time you need to get up. I will be sure to wake you then.


failing grade

darajada dhicitaanka

a very bad grade

EXAMPLE: The woman got a failing grade in her college chemistry class. She will have to take the class again next semester.


phrasal verb - get away with

ka fajasho

to succeed in doing something bad or wrong without getting punished or criticized

EXAMPLE: The girl cheated on her test. Unfortunately she got away with it. She did not learn from her mistake and will probably do it again.


expression - make an effort

dadaal samee

to try

EXAMPLE: We have already taken one test in this class. I didn't study and got a bad grade. This time I will make an effort and prepare for the test.


verb - paraphrase

qoraal hoosaad

to say or write something in a different way so that it is easier to understand

EXAMPLE: I want to use another writer's paragraph in my paper. I will paraphrase the paragraph first by re-writing it in my own words. That way it will be easier for others to understand.


noun - plagiarism

verb - to plagiarize



taking someone else's work or ideas and saying it is yours

EXAMPLE: I wrote a paper for my college class. I copied a paragraph from an online article and pasted it into my paper. Since I didn't cite my source, this was plagiarism.


verb - present

soo bandhigid

to give people information

EXAMPLE: I was reading a book and really liked an idea I found there. Later, I wrote a paper and presented that idea as my own. I didn't cite my source.


verb - publish


to prepare and print a book, newspaper, magazine, or article

EXAMPLE: This book was published in 2023.


quotation marks

calaamadaha xigashada

" " punctuation marks used before and after a group of words to show that they are spoken or that someone else originally wrote them

EXAMPLE: Here is a quote from my favorite poem: "Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back." These words are by the poet Robert Frost.


verb - suspend


to not allow someone to go to work or school for a period of time because they have done something wrong

EXAMPLE: The boy was suspended from school for starting a fight. He can return to school after 2 weeks.


phrasal verb - come up with

soo jeeedin

to think of an idea

EXAMPLE: We have a difficult problem to solve. Let's discuss it and see what we can come up with.


phrasal verb - cut down on


to do something less

EXAMPLE: The man gained 20 pounds last year! The doctor told him that he needed to cut down on sweets and junk food.


phrasal verb - drop out of

ka bixitaan

to leave school before graduating

EXAMPLE: I am worried about my daughter. She dropped out of high school when she turned 16. I am afraid it will be hard for her to find a good job without a high school diploma.


phrasal verb - look forward to

rajeynaynaa in

to be excited about something in the future

EXAMPLE: I am really looking forward to my birthday! My whole family will get together for a party.