APUSH reading quiz 10/28/24 Flashcards

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created 6 hours ago by Addiandschool
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Why did the Whigs put John Tyler on the 1840 ticket as vice president?

To attract the vote of the states' rightists


All of the following were true of Whigs' gripes with John Tyler except:

He was impeached by the House of Representatives.


How was the British-American dispute over the border of Maine and Canada solved?

By a negotiated political compromise that gave each side some territory along the disputed border


Why did the British government desire a political and military alliance with the independent Republic of Texas?

Such an alliance would limit the ability of the United States to achieve political and economic dominance of Latin America.


What was one argument against annexing Texas to the United States?

It might give more power to the supporters of slavery.


What group was instrumental in saving Oregon for the United States?

American Christian missionaries to the Indians


What was the most immediate result of James Polk's Successful Manifest Destiny campaign?

The annexation of Texas to the United States


What did the Manifest Destiny slogan "Fifty-four Forty or Fight" refer to?

American demands for acquiring all of the Oregon territory from Britain


All of the following were true of the Walker Tariff of 1846 except that it did which of the following?

Proved to be a poor revenue producer


Which of the following was a term of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?

The United States would pay Mexico $15 million.


Why did the Wilmot Proviso increase tensions between the North and the South?

It sought to prohibit slavery.


All of the following is true about the Battle of Buena Vista except:

It ended the war with Mexico.