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1. Which one of the following has the least in common with the other four?
a. slums
b. dumbbell tenements
c. bedroom communities
d. flophouses
e. the "Lung Block"



2. The two immigrant ethnic groups who were most harshly treated in the mid-to-late 19th century were the
a. Spanish and Portuguese.
b. Irish and Chinese.
c. Germans and Italians.
d. Japanese and Filipinos.
e. Slavs and Russians.



3. The success of the public schools in the post-Civil War era is best evidenced by
a. the large numbers of students graduating from them.
b. the decline of the popularity of parochial and religiously affiliated schools among the New Immigrants.
c. the falling illiteracy rate to just over 10 percent by 1900.
d. the large numbers of average Americans going on to attend college.
e. the movement of men into the teaching profession.



4. Following the conclusion of the Civil War,
a. Americans had less free time.
b. America developed a universal disapproval and dislike of cruel and violent sports like boxing.
c. Americans became less involved in physical sports and games.
d. Americans increasingly shared a common and standardized popular culture.
e. minstrel shows lost their popularity in the South.



5. Americans offered growing support for a free public education system
a. to combat the growing strength of Catholic parochial schools.
b. when the Chautauqua movement began to decline.
c. because they accepted the idea that a free government cannot function without educated citizens.
d. when private schools began to fold.
e. because they were universally horrified by child labor abuses.



6. Which of the following was NOT among the major new research universities founded in the post-Civil War era?
a. Harvard University
b. The University of California
c. Johns Hopkins University
d. The University of Chicago
e. Stanford University



7. Most new immigrants
a. eventually returned to their country of origin.
b. tried to preserve their Old Country culture in America.
c. were immediately subjected to stringent immigration restrictions.
d. quickly assimilated into the mainstream of American life.
e. converted to mainstream Protestantism.



8. By 1900, advocates of women's suffrage
a. acknowledged that women were biologically weaker than men but claimed that they deserved the vote
b. had abandoned the effort to persuade western states to grant women the right to vote.
c. formed strong alliances with African Americans seeking voting rights.
d. argued that the vote would enable women to extend their roles as mothers and homemakers to the public
e. insisted on the inherent political and moral equality of men and women.



9. American newspapers in the post-Civil War era expanded their circulation and public attention by
a. printing hard-hitting editorials.
b. crusading for social reform.
c. investigative reporting that uncovered public corruption in local and state government.
d. focusing on coverage of the local community and avoiding syndicalized material.
e. printing sensationalist stories of sex and scandal.



10. The two late 19th-century newspaper publishers whose competition for circulation fueled the rise of
sensationalistic yellow journalism were
a. Horatio Alger and Harlan E. Halsey.
b. Henry Adams and Henry James.
c. Henry George and Edward Bellamy.
d. William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer.
e. Edwin L. Godkin and Stephen Crane.



11. The move to cities led to what major and enduring change in American lifestyles?
a. delayed marriages
b. fragmented family life
c. more waste and the need for waste disposal
d. an emphasis on thrift
e. the relocation and transformation of the rural general store into a comparable urban general store in the



12. The public library movement across America was greatly aided by the generous financial support from
a. J. Pierpont Morgan.
b. Andrew Carnegie.
c. John D. Rockefeller.
d. local "friends of the library."
e. women's organizations.



13. In the decades after the Civil War, college education for women
a. became more difficult to obtain.
b. was confined to women's colleges.
c. became much more common.
d. resulted in the passage of the Hatch Act.
e. blossomed especially in the South.



14. The National American Woman Suffrage Association
a. believed that the struggle for women's right to vote should be secondary to improving women's economic
status in life.
b. conducted an integrated campaign for equal rights.
c. abandoned the goals of Susan Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton.
d. elected Ida B. Wells as its president.
e. limited its membership to white people, excluding all Black people from membership.



15. General Lewis Wallace's book, Ben Hur,
a. achieved success only after his death.
b. was based on a popular early movie.
c. emphasized that virtue, honesty, and hard work were rewarded by success.
d. detailed Wallace's experiences in the Civil War.
e. defended Christianity against Darwinism.



16. Booker T. Washington believed that the key to political and civil rights for African Americans was
a. the adoption of Socialism in the United States.
b. rigorous academic training.
c. the rejection of accommodationist attitudes.
d. to directly challenge white supremacy.
e. economic independence and education in agriculture and the trades.



17. The new, research-oriented modern American university tended to
a. focus primarily on theory rather than practical subjects.
b. give a new emphasis to the importance of religion and cultural tradition.
c. take the lead in movements of social and political reform.
d. challenge Charles Darwin's theory of organic evolution and natural selection.
e. de-emphasize religious and moral instruction in favor of practical subjects and professional specialization.



18. New Immigrant groups were regarded with special hostility by many nativist Americans because
a. most Americans considered Italian, Greek, or Jewish culture inferior to their own.
b. many New Immigrants attempted to convert Americans to Catholicism, Orthodox Christianity, or
c. in many New Immigrant families, women were kept in distinctly subordinate roles.
d. New Immigrants were often more politically loyal to their homelands than to the United States.
e. their religions were distinctly different, and some New Immigrants were politically radical.



19. The vast majority of employed female workers in the late 19th century were
a. married with children.
b. just arrived from the country.
c. single.
d. married but without children.
e. college-educated.



20. Edward Bellamy's novel, Looking Backward, inspired numerous late 19th-century social reformers by
a. demonstrating that women's work in the home was seriously undervalued.
b. showing how a single tax on land speculation would end poverty.
c. portraying the sufferings of an immigrant worker in Chicago's stockyard meat industry.
d. portraying a utopian America in the year 2000, where nationalized industry had solved all social problems.
e. None of these choices are correct.



21. Which of the following sports was NOT developed in the decades following the Civil War?
a. basketball
b. bicycling
c. croquet
d. college football
e. baseball



22. After the Civil War, life expectancy at birth
a. decreased.
b. changed very little.
c. was much higher in Europe than in the United States.
d. measurably increased because of public health campaigns that promoted sound hygiene and health
e. rose for women more than men.



23. Henry George believed that the root of social inequality and social injustice lay in
a. stock speculators and financiers who manipulated the price of real goods and services.
b. labor unions that artificially drove up the prices of wages and therefore goods.
c. landowners who gained unearned wealth from rising land values.
d. businesspeople who gained excessive profits by exploiting workers.
e. patriarchal ideologies that regarded women as inferior domestic beings.



24. Reflecting women's increasing independence in the late 1890s, author and feminist Charlotte Perkins Gilman
supported all of the following EXCEPT
a. women abandoning their dependent status.
b. women seeking power via their roles as wives and mothers.
c. notions that biology made women fundamentally different from men.
d. centralized nurseries and cooperative kitchens.
e. women becoming productive members of the economy as workers.



25. In criticizing Booker T. Washington's educational emphasis on manual labor and industrial training, W.E.B. Du
Bois emphasized instead that black education should concentrate on
a. adult education.
b. education for political action.
c. developing separate black schools and colleges.
d. developing Black entrepreneurs to create Black businesses to serve Black communities.
e. an intellectually gifted talented tenth of the Black community that should be given full and immediate
access to the mainstream of American life.



26. In the new urban environment, most liberal Protestants
a. believed that a final Judgment Day was coming soon.
b. were driven out of mainstream seminaries and colleges.
c. welcomed ecumenical conversations with Roman Catholics.
d. sharply criticized American society and American government.
e. rejected biblical literalism and adapted religious ideas to modern culture.



27. Most Italian immigrants to the United States between 1880 and 1920 came to escape
a. political oppression.
b. famine.
c. the political disintegration of their country.
d. the military draft.
e. the poverty and backwardness of southern Italy.



28. The growing prohibition movement especially reflected the concerns of
a. the new immigrants.
b. big business.
c. the poor and working classes.
d. middle class women.
e. industrial labor unions.



29. In the 1890s, white collar positions for women as secretaries, department store clerks, and telephone operators
were largely reserved for
a. Jews.
b. Irish Americans.
c. African Americans.
d. the college-educated.
e. native-born Americans.



30. By the late 19th century, most of the Old Immigrant groups from Northern and Western Europe
a. actively promoted the idea of a multicultural America.
b. were still regarded with suspicion and hostility by the majority of native Americans.
c. had largely abandoned their ethnically based churches, clubs, and neighborhoods.
d. were largely accepted as American, even though they often lived in separate ethnic neighborhoods.
e. still maintained a primary loyalty to their country of origin, especially Ireland or Germany.



31. Match each of these late 19th-century writers with the theme of his work.
A. Lewis Wallace 1. success and honor as the products of honesty and hard work B. Horatio Alger
C. Henry James 2. anti-Darwinism support for the Holy Scriptures
D. William Dean Howells 3. contemporary social problems like divorce, labor strikes, and

4. psychological realism and the dilemmas of sophisticated

a. A-4, B-2, C-3, D-1
b. A-1, B-3, C-2, D-4
c. A-2, B-1, C-4, D-3
d. A-3, B-4, C-1, D-2
e. A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1



32. One of the most important factors leading to an increased divorce rate in the late 19th century was the
a. women's growing economic independence as a result of the widespread entry into the professional world.
b. stresses of urban life.
c. emerging feminist movement.
d. passage of more liberal divorce laws.
e. decline of religious organizations.



33. The Morrill Act of 1862
a. established Black colleges like Spelman.
b. established women's colleges like Smith.
c. established the modern American research university.
d. mandated racial integration in public schools.
e. granted public lands to states to support higher education.



34. The religious denomination that was most positively engaged and associated with the New Immigration was
a. Roman Catholics.
b. Baptists.
c. Episcopalians.
d. Christian Scientists.
e. Presbyterians.



35. The American Protective Association
a. preached the social gospel that churches were obligated to protect New Immigrants.
b. was led for many years by Florence Kelley and Jane Addams.
c. supported immigration restrictions.
d. established settlement houses in several major cities in order to aid New Immigrants.
e. opposed immigration restrictions.



36. The pragmatists were a school of American philosophers who emphasized
a. the provisional and fallible nature of knowledge and the value of ideas that solved problems.
b. that most academic knowledge was based on bourgeois ideas that oppressed the working class.
c. that the traditional Greek ideals of Plato and Aristotle should be revived.
d. that scientific experimentation provided a new and absolutely certain basis for knowledge.
e. All of these choices are correct.



37. As a leader of the African American community, Booker T. Washington
a. helped to found the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
b. believed developing the economic and educational resources of the black community was secondary to
achieving political equality.
c. discovered hundreds of uses for the peanut.
d. promoted black self-help but did not challenge segregation directly.
e. shared a similar political philosophy with W.E.B. Du Bois.



38. Settlement houses, such as Hull House, engaged in all of the following activities EXCEPT
a. child care.
b. instruction in English.
c. cultural activities.
d. evangelical religious instruction.
e. lobbying for social reform.



39. All of these were factors that increasingly made cities more attractive than farms for young adults EXCEPT
a. electricity, indoor plumbing and telephones.
b. the advent of skyscrapers and suspension bridges.
c. urban nightlife.
d. industrial jobs.
e. the lower cost of living.



40. One of the early symbols of the dawning era of consumerism in urban America was
a. mass-production factories.
b. the Sears catalog.
c. advertising billboards.
d. public transportation systems.
e. large department stores.



41. The major factor in drawing country people off the farms and into the big cities was the
a. consecutive years of drought in the Midwest and West in the post-Civil War era.
b. availability of industrial jobs.
c. compact nature of those large communities.
d. advent of new housing structures known as dumbbell tenements.
e. lure of cultural excitement.



42. Which of the following prominent post-Civil War writers did NOT reflect the increased attention to social
problems by those from less affluent backgrounds?
a. Mark Twain
b. William Dean Howells
c. Stephen Crane
d. Kate Chopin
e. Henry Adams



43. Black leader Dr. W.E.B. Du Bois
a. demanded complete equality for African Americans.
b. established an industrial school at Tuskegee, Alabama.
c. supported the goals of Booker T. Washington.
d. maintained his American citizenship and residence in the United States throughout his life, despite his
profound anger and disappointment with the absence of Black economic and social equality in the
e. None of these choices are correct.



44. In the course of the late 19th century
a. the birthrate increased.
b. the divorce rate fell.
c. family size gradually declined.
d. people tended to marry at an earlier age.
e. children were seen as a greater economic asset.



45. The development of electric trolleys in the late 19th century transformed the American city by
a. transforming the American city into a compact and communal "walking city."
b. enabling cities to build upward as well as outward.
c. separating the mass transportation of the working class from the private vehicles of the wealthy.
d. enabling cities to plan streets along regular grid lines.
e. creating distinct districts devoted to residential neighborhoods, commerce, and industry.



46. The place that offered the greatest opportunities for American women in the period 1865-1900 was
a. the big city.
b. the West.
c. suburban communities.
d. rural America.
e. New England.



47. The tremendously rapid growth of American cities in the post-Civil War decades was
a. uniquely American.
b. fueled by an agricultural system suffering from poor production levels.
c. attributable to the closing of the frontier.
d. a trend that affected Europe as well.
e. None of these choices are correct.



48. The intellectual development(s) that seriously disturbed the churches in the late 19th century was the
a. growing feminist assault on theories of male superiority.
b. growing awareness of non-Christian religions.
c. rise of theories of white racial superiority.
d. rise of Socialism and anarchism.
e. biology of Charles Darwin.



49. In the decades after the Civil War, changes in sexual attitudes and practices were reflected in all of the
following EXCEPT
a. soaring divorce rates.
b. the spreading practice of birth control.
c. more children being born out of wedlock.
d. increasingly frank discussion of sexual topics.
e. more women working outside the home.



50. Prominent liberal Protestant pastors like Walter Rauschenbusch and Washington Gladden argued that
a. the ancient Bible should be replaced by more modern scientific sociology and social theory.
b. the Christian Gospel required that churches address poverty and other burning social issues of the day.
c. the federal government should address poverty and other economic and social issues affecting
immigrants and poor people.
d. it was up to women to lead the church in an age of industrial democracy.
e. the clergy should become the advance guard of a militant working-class revolution.



51. The Darwinian theory of organic evolution through natural selection affected American religion by
a. turning most scientists against religion.
b. creating a split between religious conservatives who denied evolution and accommodationists who
supported it.
c. raising awareness of the close spiritual kinship between animals and human beings.
d. causing a revival of the doctrine of original sin.
e. sparking the rise of new denominations based on modern science.



52. American cities increasingly abandoned wooden construction for brick and steel in their downtown districts
a. the great Chicago fire of 1871.
b. the development of the electric elevator and the skyscraper.
c. brickmaking became cheaper and iron was superseded by more durable steel for construction purposes.
d. the cost of brick and steel dropped markedly in the 1870s.
e. wooden tenements collapsed in the New York inner city in the 1880s.



53. The New Immigrants who came to the United States after 1880
a. had experience with democratic governments.
b. arrived primarily from Germany, Sweden, and Norway.
c. were culturally different from previous immigrants.
d. received a warm welcome from the Old Immigrants.
e. represented non-white racial groups.



54. The New Immigrants who came to America after 1880
a. were mostly poor European urban workers.
b. usually did not speak proper English, unlike their children who learned and spoke fluent English.
c. were from southern and eastern Europe
d. tended to settle in northeastern cities.
e. were largely Roman Catholic or Jewish.

b, c, d, e


55. Late 19th-century novels often pursued themes of
a. romantic sentimentality.
b. social problems, moral corruption, and social conflict in the urban, industrial city.
c. striking it rich in the American West.
d. upper-crust social strife and conflict.
e. the dilemmas and strains of the new, professionally ambitious woman.

b, c, d, e


56. Carrie Chapman Catt argued that women should be granted the right to vote because
a. women were in all respects the equal of men.
b. in the city, women needed to affect such issues as public health and education.
c. women should at least have the same rights as African American males.
d. suffrage was the logical extension of a woman's traditional role in caring for her family.
e. they were morally superior to men.

b, d


57. By 1900, congressional legislation barred ____ from immigrating to America.
a. illiterates
b. the Chinese
c. foreign workers under contract labor for substandard wages
d. Jews
e. socialists

b, c


58. In the late 19th century, orthodox Protestant churches were being challenged by
a. the theories of Charles Darwin.
b. the mounting emphasis on materialism.
c. fundamentalist insistence on a literal interpretation of the Bible.
d. the social doctrines of Catholicism and Judaism.
e. African Americans' rejection of Christianity.

a, b, d,


59. Many native-born Americans tended to blame New Immigrants for
a. the corruption of city government.
b. low industrial wages.
c. the degradation of life in American cities.
d. importing alien social and economic doctrines such as socialism and anarchism.
e. the rising cost of American manual labor.

a, b, c, d


60. Leading pastimes of late 19th-century Americans included
a. bicycling.
b. watching football.
c. watching baseball.
d. the circus.
e. vaudeville.

a, b, c, d, e


61. By 1900, American cities were becoming
a. heavily populated.
b. segregated by race and ethnic group.
c. segregated by occupation.
d. geographically compact.
e. more homogeneous.

a, b, d