APES test 10/4/24 Flashcards

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Which of the following claims is best supported by the data in the graph for the population of wolves between 1975 and 1985?

The population declined following depletion of food resources after a population overshoot.


Which of the following best explains the change in the moose population from 1995 to 1997?

Plants in the area could not support the large population of moose in 1995.


Based on the data in Figure 1, which of the following is the best estimate of the carrying capacity of the moose population?



Which of the following characteristics in the table best supports the claim that Country A is a more developed country and that Country B is a less developed country?

Infant mortality rate


A country has a birth rate of 35/1,000 individuals and a death rate of 13/1,000 individuals. The death rate was 37/1,000 individuals in 1950, 28/1,000 individuals in 1970, and 21/1,000 individuals in 1990. Which of the following statements best explains why the country has a declining death rate?

The country is in stage 2 of the demographic transition, and life expectancy has increased because of improvements in public health, sanitation, and access to food.


In a certain country, the birth rate is high, the death rate is high, and there are many children that are part of the workforce. The country is most likely in which of the following stages of the demographic transition?

Stage 1


Which of the following statements best describes why it is predicted that the orchid mantis will be more affected by global climate change than the tropical cockroach will be?

Orchid mantises tend to be advantaged in habitats that remain constant; the rain forest habitat is likely to shift because of global climate change.


Raccoons eat a variety of foods and can live in a variety of habitats, including locations near humans. Tiger salamanders eat an abundance of worms and insects and require wetland habitats so they do not dry out. Which of the following best identifies the two different species?

Raccoons are generalists, and salamanders are specialists.


Based on the information provided above, which of the following species would best be classified as a specialist?



The supply of Earth’s fresh water is fixed and is being depleted at a rapid rate. Which of the following best describes the effects of a limited freshwater supply on human populations?

World food production will decrease, leading to increased famine.


Which of the following best describes the change in the carrying capacity of the human population if growth is limited by conditions set forth by the Malthusian theory?

The carrying capacity will decrease, and the human population size will experience a dieback.


In 1950, a country had a total fertility rate of 5.9. In 2010, the total fertility rate of the country was 2.3. Which of the following is most likely the reason for the change in total fertility rate?

Women had increased educational opportunities and had children later in life.


Which of the following species is most likely to be an invasive species if introduced into a favorable new habitat?

Oyster - 5,000,000,000


Which of the following species is most likely to provide extensive parental care to its offspring?

Bobcat - 2


Cycads are gymnosperms that were diverse and abundant during the Mesozoic era. Extant species of cycads share many traits with those from the Mesozoic era. Cycads bear cones, are long-lived with slow growth rates, show late reproductive maturity, and have very few offspring. Based on this description, the cycads are

K-strategists with a Type I survivorship curve.


A certain species of dinosaur laid large numbers of eggs, and the hatchlings had high mortality early in life. But if they survived, the young dinosaurs were able to grow at a rapid pace and disperse into the environment in order to thrive. Based on this information and the graph above, which of the following best characterizes this species of dinosaur?

The dinosaurs were


The total fertility rate in country A was 6.8 in 1980. Which of the following statements best supports the change in the total fertility rate in country A between 1980 and 2015?

The total fertility rate decreased as a result of a delay in age of first marriage and increased contraceptive use.


Which of the following countries has achieved replacement-level fertility?

Country C


Which of the following statements best describes the trends in the data shown in the graph above?

More-developed countries tend to have lower total fertility rates than less-developed countries.