APUSH reading quiz 10/1/24 Flashcards

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President John Quincy Adams aroused southern and western hostility partly because he did which of the following?

Renewed George Washington's proposal for a national university


Despite President Adams's discomfort, his political supporters in the election of 1828 used all of the following dirty tactics against his rival Andrew Jackson except:

Assailing Jackson for his deadly conflicts and uncompromising relations with Indian nations


What was the fundamental requirement for holding federal office under President Jackson and his successors?

Political support of the president and his party


What drove southern anger at the Tariff of Abominations?

Fear that expanding federal government power could threaten the future of slavery


All of the following were true of southern reaction to the Tariff of Abominations except:

Protectionism benefited the farmers and planters of the Old South.


South Carolina attempted to block the Tariff of Abominations by doing which of the following?

Nullifying the federal law through a state convention


How did President Andrew Jackson reveal his deep hostility to eastern elites and moneyed interests?

By vetoing the bill to re-charter the Bank of the United States


Who did the Anti-Masonic party of 1832 appeal to?

Americans suspicious of secret societies


What was one of the main reasons Andrew Jackson decided to weaken the Bank of the United States after the election of 1832?

He feared that Nicholas Biddle might try to manipulate the bank to force its recharter.


What was the most fundamental and unifying political perspective underlying the organization of the Whig Party?

Hostility to Andrew Jackson and his followers


All of the following were true of the Election of 1836 except:

The Whigs easily coalesced around one candidate.


Which of the following was not among the problems that crippled Martin Van Buren's presidency?

Reformers' strong attacks against the spoils system of appointment to federal office


Which of the following accurately describes why or when Americans moved to Texas?

After Mexican authorities granted Stephen Austin a tract of land for settling immigrants to become properly Mexicanized


The government of Mexico and the Americans who settled in Mexican-controlled Texas clashed over all of the following issues except:

Allegiance to Spain


Through which victory did the Texas rebels win their independence?

Battle of San Jacinto


Why did the Whigs nominate William Henry Harrison as their presidential candidate in the election of 1840?

He was devoted to no real issues and had few enemies.


What major change in U.S. politics did the election of 1840 demonstrate?

The triumph of populist democracy


What was a difference between the Democrats and the Whigs?

The Democrats favored states' rights while the Whigs rallied for a renewed national bank.


True or False: By providing plots of western land for Native Americans, the U.S. government hoped that they would voluntarily move west.



This act promises which of the following to the Native Americans?

Protection against other Native American tribes


True or False: The Seminole tribe was not the only tribe to wage a violent resistance to the U.S. government's Indian Removal Act.
