cut corners
to do something the quickest or cheapest way, which leads to poor quality
EXAMPLE: I don't want to buy that house. The builder cut corners, so the quality is low.
si madaxbanaan
doing something by yourself without help from others
EXAMPLE: I don't need to help my daughter with her homework anymore. She has learned to work independently.
waraaqaha shaqada
the part of a job that involves writing letters and reports, filling out forms, organizing information, et cetera
EXAMPLE: I don't want to work in an office because I don't enjoy doing paperwork.
(noun) a written description of an event or situation
EXAMPLE: After the fire drill, my boss asked me to write a report. In the report, I mentioned how long it took the fire truck to arrive and how long it took for the employees to evacuate the building.
run into problems
Dhibaatooyin ayaa jiri doona
to discover problems
EXAMPLE: When my husband changed the oil in our car, he ran into problems. He discovered the oil was leaking out!
to discover why something doesn't work right and help improve it
EXAMPLE: My department doesn't understand why our computer system is down. We called in the IT department to troubleshoot the problem and fix it.
faahfaahin-ku saleysan
very interested in and paying a lot of attention to details
EXAMPLE: The new employee is not detail-oriented. She makes a lot of mistakes and does messy work.

electrical wiring
Xarig koronto
the wires that carry electricity throughout a building
EXAMPLE: Lightning struck my house and ruined the electrical wiring. We don't have lights or heat!

the set of necessary tools for a particular purpose
EXAMPLE: The repair person brought to our house all the equipment he would need. Now he will fix the dishwasher.
to think or believe something will happen, or someone will arrive
EXAMPLE: We posted a help wanted ad online. We expect many people to apply for the job.
to put a machine or piece of equipment into position and make it ready for use
EXAMPLE: The repair person was not able to fix our dishwasher, so he installed a new one.
tayo leh
how good or bad something is
EXAMPLE: I am thinking about buying a Ford truck. What is your opinion of Ford's quality?
a measurement of how good someone or something is
EXAMPLE: My boss took a look at my work. She thought it was very good, so she gave me a high rating.
shaqo yar
a small job you do regularly
EXAMPLE: As a nurse, one of my tasks is to prepare the exam room for the doctor and patient to use.
to show or make something clear
EXAMPLE: My boss demonstrated how we should use the equipment. He did a good job, so now I understand what to do.
when something gets better
EXAMPLE: My teacher always corrects my mistakes. This is helpful. I have noticed an improvement in my English.
sabool ah
not good
EXAMPLE: My boss said I did a poor job when I tried to repair the dishwasher. He showed me how to do it better next time.